Community Investment? Oh, Please

Yo "sonny" hitting funny is only revealing you have no rebuttal, you and that fraud Lieawatha keep doing that and it's annoying...a good way to get sent to ignore also. It makes no difference to me what so ever.
Cute ....... very good.... Hey, ask me if I give a shit whether you ignore me or not. Ha Ha Ha Ha ... very funny indeed.
Got you to foam at the mouth.
Yo "sonny" hitting funny is only revealing you have no rebuttal, you and that fraud Lieawatha keep doing that and it's annoying...a good way to get sent to ignore also. It makes no difference to me what so ever.
Cute ....... very good.... Hey, ask me if I give a shit whether you ignore me or not. Ha Ha Ha Ha ... very funny indeed.

Whatever, troll. You're just upset I called you out. Now go drink some Bubble Up, have a bowl of rainbow stew and fret for mankind.
Silly silly silly .. cute also. ... FYI - It'd take a lot more than you or some pathetic post on USMB to get me upset.
You're upset now....
Mr Gray was well know to the police and in the community as a drug dealer. I think it is still against the law to sell illegal drugs in Baltimore.
Ah, but all he did to get arrested was to make eye contact. At least that's what was reported. He didn't get arrested for his past.

He made eye contact and took off running away. An innocent man would not do that.
Eye contact and running is NOT a crime. I run, and I make eye contact. I'm not a criminal.

If you were a known drug pusher and took off running, i is reasonable for a cop to find out why you ran away. This is common sense to most sane people.
I totally disagree. As long as one does NOT break the law, cops should mind their own damn business. if a cop approaches a person of interest has reasonable suspicion of a crime having taken place or a crime having taken place, should never pursue that person?
obs leave Baltimore. What is the solution to bringing them back? CVS was a first start and it was brought down. Does Baltimore really want jobs or does it want an excuse of no jobs to justify what was done to it last Monday?
Ten thousand jobs that paid well enough to support a middle class family began leaving Baltimore 17 years ago
They destroyed 200 businesses. I think they prefer the " no jobs" excuse.
"They" are the victims, and the children of the victims, of forty years of wealth distribution policies that has closed fifty thousand factories in the US and shipped five million US jobs offshore. Between 2008 and 2009 the US lost almost nine million jobs, and we haven't gotten all of them back yet. Most of their replacements (like CIV's) pay a fraction of the wages of those that were lost, and...since capitalism's latest meltdown, 852 new billionaires have crawled from the woodwork. "They" will need help learning and relearning how to work in order to appreciate the value of decent jobs.
You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that
Well ... excuuuuuuse me ......... FYI - Our problems go much deeper than "community", much deeper than "hand-outs", much deeper than "race", much deeper than our "black population", and much deeper than what Mr. Obama is willing to acknowledge and address.

Your post doesn't begin to address the problems we face, nor the issues within races, nor community issues. Your post is obviously political biased, prejudice, and is the usual political "blah blah" that we hear and read every single day. Our problems are NOT Republican problems, nor are they Democrat problems. Our problems are politically based agendas where America and her citizens are far down the priority list. Try looking passed the surface and the propaganda BS of party politics, and examine the root causes that pushed our problem to the level they are today.

Or, are you one of those that play the party blame game, and not understanding nor realizing exactly how politics adversely affects all of us, regardless of race or nationality?

The war on poverty is lost, just like the war on drugs. I never said it was a political problem, I said it's a failure to apply one's self and get ahead, even with trillions of dollars spent they can't get it done. Why?
They can't get it done due to no real effort, no sound doable workable plan, political agendas, addressing the wrong problems, and not assigning the right resources to the situation. They make a half-hearted effort, then claim there's no money to continue and go beyond first steps. No one has made an honest effort to address poverty, homelessness, jobs, nor what it takes to be productive and self-supporting. Without encouragement and real opportunities, any program for those less fortunate will fail. We spend more money and resources on wars, bailouts, subsidies, and foreign aid than we spend on the well-being and prosperity of our citizens.

People respond to encouragement and real opportunities. People want to realize their dreams and to be self-supporting and enjoy life. When we push people aside, neglect them, make excuses for them, give them false hope, and treat them as liabilities instead of an asset, what can we expect from them?

You are born into life, what you make of that life is up to you. I'm a realist, you have "the dream"

You are born into life and what you make of it is up to where you start out. Trust me, nitwit, the kids growing up on the Upper East SIde do way better than the kids in your trailer park in Indianapolis.
You libs are consistent. You all have a defeatist attitude.
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

I heard that the Baltimore city schools are 4th in the nation at $18,000 a year per student. I also heard many of the kids drop out or only go to school once in a while. Many of these kids don't have a dad to see that they do what is right. Nobody is talking about taking anything away from them. could see this just by listening to the protesters that were being interviewed as they tried to communicate with the media. Most of them couldn't string a coherent sentence together.

I think the cliche' "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" applies to a good portion of the school age kids in Baltimore. If $18,000 per student a year doesn't solve the problem, more money would be a bigger waste of time, energy and money.
I think the problem is the welfare culture and single parent households.
I hate to say that since one of our best friends who lived across the street from us is a single mom and she raised a fine young man. Before you ask, she is a black woman and still comes to see us frequently after she bought a house and moved across town.
obs leave Baltimore. What is the solution to bringing them back? CVS was a first start and it was brought down. Does Baltimore really want jobs or does it want an excuse of no jobs to justify what was done to it last Monday?
Ten thousand jobs that paid well enough to support a middle class family began leaving Baltimore 17 years ago
They destroyed 200 businesses. I think they prefer the " no jobs" excuse.
"They" are the victims, and the children of the victims, of forty years of wealth distribution policies that has closed fifty thousand factories in the US and shipped five million US jobs offshore. Between 2008 and 2009 the US lost almost nine million jobs, and we haven't gotten all of them back yet. Most of their replacements (like CIV's) pay a fraction of the wages of those that were lost, and...since capitalism's latest meltdown, 852 new billionaires have crawled from the woodwork. "They" will need help learning and relearning how to work in order to appreciate the value of decent jobs.
Those factories as you put it, were closed for a number of reasons. None of which are "wealth distribution policies'.
many facilities that close are relics of the past. Most were replaced by modern facilities that require far fewer people to operate. Those that do work them, are much more highly trained or educated people...
There are not 5 million for American factory jobs overseas. Those are mere pro union labor talking points.
No. Global competition forced American firms to change their business models.
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.
Right. And as a venture capitalist, I'll be right there with fistful of checks.....
Look, if you're not going to discuss this in a rational manner, just lurk. Don't post.
Are you the Admin of this site? So, you can tell people when and where they can post? What a surprise, I had no idea. Are you going to ban me now?
Sure I can..I have a certain aversion to irrational rants.
Preserve what little credibility you may have. Stop complaining and deflecting.
You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?

Encourage away, opportunities come to those that apply themselves and work towards goals.
In a fantasy world maybe, but not here.

Fine, keep throwing your money down the rabbit hole. I'm sick of it. Until they pull themselves up by the boot straps they will continue to live in poverty.

And where has that happened in the world?
Do your own homework.
He made eye contact and took off running away. An innocent man would not do that.
Eye contact and running is NOT a crime. I run, and I make eye contact. I'm not a criminal.
You can still be lawfully stopped for it
Do you know where I can find that law? I'd love to read the law that says running and eye contact is a crime. Can you provide a link so that I can read all about that law? Thanks.
Freddie Gray Terry v. Ohio Reasonable suspicion
Sorry, but that's not a law that says running and eye contact is a crime.
Ignoring the facts does not make them go away.
Now, unless you have noted a repeal of the Terry ruling, you are once again, incorrect.
In fact, you have no say in the matter.
The government has spent millions and millions of dollars over the years on so called community investment the improvement if any has been marginal. When you spend this much money with little or no improvement it might be time to consider the problem is deeper than just money.
Like a structural trade imbalance that has seen trade deficits of $200 to $300 billion dollars over the past decade, and the closure of 50,000 US factories, along with five million US jobs lost since China joined the WTO? In the late '90s, 10,000 jobs a year began leaving Baltimore as guns and drugs began arriving in ever greater quantities. I know you don't accept the concept of "class warfare," but I don't know what else to call it.
Trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
BTW, this has nothing to do with problems facing Baltimore. Nothing.
You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that

Another clueless, racist bigot thread. STFU. If anyone knows about receiving public assistance, it's you.
No one pays you anymind, you racist. You showed your true hatred for whites in another thread.

No, I didn't. I showed empathy for another race. Try it sometime, it will help heal the problem and fix yours.
Everyone on here knows you hate white people. They are not as stupid as you think they are.

As far as my problems go.
I own my home, a ford f150 extended cab, a ford mustang, have no credit card debt, a great family, a bunch of pets, and just finished eating pulled pork bbq, and washed it down with a hot fudge cake from the dairy dream just down the road.

Am I blessed? Oh hell yes, did I do my part to earn it, oh hell yes, 15 hour work days 6 days a week minimum, for almost 20 years, now, I don't have to work near as hard, and life is much more enjoyable.

Not bad for a poor white boy, who never graduated high school, and married when he was 17 to a 17 year old girl, who is still at his side, just over 27 years later.

Other than having to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves, please tell me, what problems are prominent in my life?


The problem isn't in the bed of your redneck truck. It's between your ears.
The OP's life story just makes your blood boil, doesn't it....It debunks the lib/progressive theories that people are incapable of rising above their station through their own hard work.
Yeah, well this should piss you off...I don't have a higher education either. I have busted my ass without looking to government for anything.
We own our home and in a few years, will own it outright. Yeah , we have to be careful and that is a choice. We choose to live beneath our means. We refuse to spend what we do not have. Instead, we take a portion of out combined income and invest it. We will be able to retire at a reasonable age and then enjoy ourselves.
Neither the wife or I has a college degree. We did this on our own....
Chew on THAT...
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please

According to Repubs, poor countries are "emerging markets".

Poor areas of the US are to be ignored and crapped on.

How about we invest in our own country, our own people and our own future?
Investment in foreign countries is apolitical.....
Business is going to invest where it can realize a positive ROI.
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

I heard that the Baltimore city schools are 4th in the nation at $18,000 a year per student. I also heard many of the kids drop out or only go to school once in a while. Many of these kids don't have a dad to see that they do what is right. Nobody is talking about taking anything away from them. could to this just by listening to the protesters that were being interviewed as they tried to communicate with the media. Most of them couldn't string a coherent sentence together.

If you were watching Fox, Geraldo was very choice with whom he talked to.

If you had to argue with this guy who took the Fox asshole down, he'd leave your silly ass sputtering, too.

Fucko....Geraldo Rivera is a card carrying liberal.
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

LOL My understanding is the HIV outbreak is in southern Indiana and due to those that failed to apply themelves and turned to drugs...most likely welfare democrats

Right. Big urban areas don't have drug problems. They just have welfare queens masquerading on internet message boards.

The main drug routes in the country coalesce at the I-81/I-80 intersection and go west through I-70 and I-80. Get a map and a major newspaper, and start paying attention. The worst problem with heroin right now is in Vermont. Sadly.
Wow...You spew but provide no links.
Do your own homework.
Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

LOL My understanding is the HIV outbreak is in southern Indiana and due to those that failed to apply themelves and turned to drugs...most likely welfare democrats

Right. Big urban areas don't have drug problems. They just have welfare queens masquerading on internet message boards.

The main drug routes in the country coalesce at the I-81/I-80 intersection and go west through I-70 and I-80. Get a map and a major newspaper, and start paying attention. The worst problem with heroin right now is in Vermont. Sadly.
And? So what? What does that have to do with the revival of downtown Indy? Are you ADHD?
Sonny and NTP have spent 14 of the 16 pages of this thread on thread deflection.
Well, that's what the community organizer said but where are those jobs? We've seen a lot of new additions to the welfare rolls but no black jobs. What happened? Oh yeah, welfare equals votes, a job doesn't.
Jobs delivered a lot of votes for FDR, but he didn't wait for the private sector to provide them. In Baltimore today, the people living in the projects are utterly superfluous to local economic elites, but the land beneath the projects has gentrification potential that requires those living there to disappear, like all the good paying jobs. Welfare keeps the superfluous population in check until community landlords don't need them anymore.
You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that

You wouldn't last 5 minutes as a black person in this society.

Check your Privilege!
Fuck you and that privilege bullshit....
Just because you are a miserable malcontent who blames their failures on others does not equate privilege fro those who have not been royal fuck ups.
Well, that's what the community organizer said but where are those jobs? We've seen a lot of new additions to the welfare rolls but no black jobs. What happened? Oh yeah, welfare equals votes, a job doesn't.
Jobs delivered a lot of votes for FDR, but he didn't wait for the private sector to provide them. In Baltimore today, the people living in the projects are utterly superfluous to local economic elites, but the land beneath the projects has gentrification potential that requires those living there to disappear, like all the good paying jobs. Welfare keeps the superfluous population in check until community landlords don't need them anymore.
Yes and then they become Soylent Green...
Sheesh. go write on your conspiracy theory blog.
You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that

The black population is not being given a hand up, they're given hand outs. A hand up would be job training, subsidized day care, community centres to fight gangs. It would be jobs programs, and continuing education to upgrade skills.

It would be no arrest and incarceration for small amounts of pot, like what happens with white kids. Not using black neighbourhoods to boost traffic fine income.

It would not suspending blacks kids from school for infractions that get white kids a detention.

In short, a real hand up

Oh and Reagan announced the end to the war on poverty more than 30 years ago. Around the same time he tried to have ketchup declared a vegetable in the school lunch program.

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