Communist North Korean Leader in a Coma...Sister Takes Over. Democrats Must Love the Fact that a Woman is in Charge


May 23, 2014
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
NK doesn't have a communist leader, they have a dictator.
well., does anyone know what fast food restaurant he went to latley and had a field day?
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
NK doesn't have a communist leader, they have a dictator.
Who just espouses communist ideals... The authoritarian thing is also common.
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.

What a wonderful misogynistic post. You must be so proud.
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
I say if America elects a man with dementia then North Korea should be able to keep a ruler in a coma.

Just say'in
There were rumors since April that Kim was in a coma as a result of a botched heart operation. Sounds more likely he may have had a major stroke. It is probable that a power struggle is taking or has taken place. If Kim still has some cognitive ability he may have appointed his sister as a surrogate leader until he recovers. If Kim is dead or brain dead and a power struggle has taken place, I would not be surprise if his sister Kim Yo Jong has power as regent for Kim’s children rather than on her own right though she has her own child which would put Kim’s children at risk. She is apparently merciless.
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The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
Kim Yo Jong will be a big problem for the US,South Korea and Japan in my opinion after Kim Jong Un dies and she consolidates her power by eliminating potential rivals like Kim Jong Un's wife and child. :smoke:
At least the N.K. are honest about it. Democrats kept Woodrow Wilson's stroke a secret while his wife allegedly ran the presidency. Democrats kept FDR's declining health a secret when they ran a virtual corpse for a 4th term. FDR was inaugurated in January and dead in April. Are democrats doing the same thing with Biden?
At least the N.K. are honest about it. Democrats kept Woodrow Wilson's stroke a secret while his wife allegedly ran the presidency. Democrats kept FDR's declining health a secret when they ran a virtual corpse for a 4th term. FDR was inaugurated in January and dead in April. Are democrats doing the same thing with Biden?
There was a major cover up about President Eisenhower's major heart attack in 1955 and his stroke in 1957. :smoke: Mamie Eisenhower said President Eisenhower had indigestion from a hamburger with onions.:D
The communist utopia that Democrats promote is playing itself out in a power change in North Korea. Female will now run the global threat that is the hermit kingdom. North Korea is the communist utopia that Democrats want for our country. Would not be surprised if those pallets of bricks and laser lights at BLM violent riots were not paid for and delivered through Seattle by North Korea and China.
NK doesn't have a communist leader, they have a dictator.

Every communist leader is a dictator.

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