Communist is the worst idea ever invented and yet it is believed in by millions

These nations are not examples of Communism, they are examples of Totalitarianism.
There never was a Communist nation and there never will be one.

I agree.
Communism is the way humans inherently group on a small scale, where they know each other and human empathy can operate.
But is it hard to imagine any way it could work an very large scale with strangers?
Certainly communism has to imply cooperation, communal ownership, and collaborative division of benefits, none of which has been true of any large country that ever existed.
Communism has led to the killing of hundreds of millions of people guilty of nothing other than criticizing communist regimes

Obviously any country that would needless harm anyone can not possibly be communist.
The problem is that Lenin was a German spy sent to Russia to get them out of WWI, and Lenin and Stalin murdered all the communists in order to switch the Russian revolution over to state capitalism.
A communist country has to be collaborative, communal, and cooperative.
Was the Soviet Union any of these?
Of course not, so it was not communist.
I agree.
Communism is the way humans inherently group on a small scale, where they know each other and human empathy can operate.
But is it hard to imagine any way it could work an very large scale with strangers?
Certainly communism has to imply cooperation, communal ownership, and collaborative division of benefits, none of which has been true of any large country that ever existed.
But is it hard to imagine any way it could work an very large scale with strangers?

It is impossible as the group grows because people have their own inclinations.
Just look at this message board.
Everywhere humans were able to survive and develop civilizations. Never would have happened without socialism and communism.
I disagree. Marx and Engels' Communist ideal was a utopian society where everyone was so equal they had no need for social class, money, or even government. That has not happened since humans learned to farm and settled down. One of many problems with Communism is that it requires a dictator to force the change, and dictators as a group are not known for sharing their power once they've seized it.

You could make a case for socialism, as in its simplest form it can be described as "pooling your resources," but not Communism.
I disagree. Marx and Engels' Communist ideal was a utopian society where everyone was so equal they had no need for social class, money, or even government. That has not happened since humans learned to farm and settled down. One of many problems with Communism is that it requires a dictator to force the change, and dictators as a group are not known for sharing their power once they've seized it.

You could make a case for socialism, as in its simplest form it can be described as "pooling your resources," but not Communism.
You understand communism.
I disagree. Marx and Engels' Communist ideal was a utopian society where everyone was so equal they had no need for social class, money, or even government. That has not happened since humans learned to farm and settled down. One of many problems with Communism is that it requires a dictator to force the change, and dictators as a group are not known for sharing their power once they've seized it.

You could make a case for socialism, as in its simplest form it can be described as "pooling your resources," but not Communism.

I disagree.
First of all, communism goes back millions of years and was not started by Marx or Engels, and Marx and Engels never really completed any sort of vision of their interpretation.
In the early 1800s it was obvious there was a problem, because new steam powered looms were putting millions of cottage industry homes out of business.
So Marx and Engels were just theorizing about a solution.
But it all became moot because unions, anti trust laws, child labor regulations, etc., fixed most things.

It is not clear if or what communism could be on a large scale like a whole country, but it most definitely can not require a dictator.
A dictator automatically is not and can not be communism.

What I think the problem is that you think communism means no private property, and that is a mistake.
No one ever suggested that.
But when Marx and Engels talk about ending private property, they are only referring to the means of production.
Meaning factories, farms, etc.
They never means homes, properties, furniture, vehicles, fishing boats, etc.

You have a point in that Tsarist Russia likely was incompatible with communism.
No one really understood communism and very few bought into it, but the main failure that caused Russia to become a totalitarian dictatorship is that Lenin was a paid German agent, sent to destroy Russia and get it out of the war.
So while Lenin and Stalin were dictators, and Russia almost required dictator for the massive changes, it was not communism in any way.
Obviously any country that would needless harm anyone can not possibly be communist.
The problem is that Lenin was a German spy sent to Russia to get them out of WWI, and Lenin and Stalin murdered all the communists in order to switch the Russian revolution over to state capitalism.
A communist country has to be collaborative, communal, and cooperative.
Was the Soviet Union any of these?
Of course not, so it was not communist.
The Soviet Union was a communists regime. One of the most oppressive in world history.
The fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries did not spell the end of Communism. It clings on in Cuba, North Vietnam and in Venezuela.

However, the true threat comes from within the United States.

Communists are recruited in college or university through front groups that pretend to be concerned with other issues. The two most prominent Communist front group today is Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

However, very few Communists will admit to being Communists. One of the first thing a new Communist is taught is to lie and always deny being a Communist.

In the United States, Communists have infiltrated and now control a large percentage of our institutions. The Communists call this the "Long March Through the Institutions."

Communists take advantage of the fact that most Americans do not concern themselves that much with political issues, but devote themselves to career and family. Communists will always put Communism above all else, and will devote more time to their cause than anyone else will devote to any other cause.

The stolen election of 2020 was a Communist takeover. For the first time in American history, we do not have a democratically elected government. We are ruled by Communists who will do whatever it takes to ensure that a fair election is never again held in the United States.
Who do the American communists what to be their dictator?!
45 declarations of communist takeover and Orwell's 1984, the left managed to carry it out. I guess they're good for something after all.

I don't think either mentioned how tarded we'd become. This prophecy did though.......

The Soviet Union was a communists regime. One of the most oppressive in world history.

Not even close.
To be communist the system has to be cooperative, communal, and collective.
Those all require a democratic republic or something like that.
What Stalin created was state capitalism under a dictatorship.
Its inexplicable that anyone who thinks they're a champion of human rights would support communism is any form

Have you ever heard of a family, small tribe, religious order, club or any small social group that was not communist?
Communism is as old has human nature.
Have you ever heard of a family, small tribe, religious order, club or any small social group that was not communist?
Communism is as old has human nature.
Is that why one family is wealthier than another?
Clubs have leaders and rules.
Have you ever heard of a family, small tribe, religious order, club or any small social group that was not communist?
Communism is as old has human nature.
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has always been a dictatorship because that is so unpopular. Same reason it has only been put in by violent revolution. Meanwhile socialism everywhere but the English speaking world is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. You are a brainwashed functional moron like everyone in the English speaking world. You cannot find a socialist in a democracy for communism. Brainwashed functional idiocy is all you have....
You did not.

Now I’ll try again. Tell me one nation where communism has been a success?
No one in the developed world is for communism, that is only in communist countries China North Korea and Vietnam and Cuba with a gun to their head. Socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net end of story, brainwashed functional moron....
Obviously any country that would needless harm anyone can not possibly be communist.
The problem is that Lenin was a German spy sent to Russia to get them out of WWI, and Lenin and Stalin murdered all the communists in order to switch the Russian revolution over to state capitalism.
A communist country has to be collaborative, communal, and cooperative.
Was the Soviet Union any of these?
Of course not, so it was not communist.
The socviet union indeed communism.

Communism is authoritative , collectivist and turannical it is not collaborative communal or cooperative.
Have you ever heard of a family, small tribe, religious order, club or any small social group that was not communist?
Communism is as old has human nature.
Yes most of them are not.

Small tribes learn quuckly that it does not work. Even the myth of natives is a fallacy. They were less communal than believed.

Communism is not about such things as cooperation anyways it is about ayuthoritarian control of all aspects of people and their lives
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has always been a dictatorship because that is so unpopular. Same reason it has only been put in by violent revolution. Meanwhile socialism everywhere but the English speaking world is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. You are a brainwashed functional moron like everyone in the English speaking world. You cannot find a socialist in a democracy for communism. Brainwashed functional idiocy is all you have....



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