Coming to pick up the kids? Let me see your ID! No, Great...RESISTING ARREST!

If they ask for an ID you have 2 choices, show your ID or challenge the cops. If they say hands up, you have 2 choices, hands up or charge the officer.

You really ought to know the law before you shoot your boot licking mouth off. They had no legal justification to request she show an ID to them

Lawriter - ORC - 2921.29 Failure to disclose personal information.

Terry v. Ohio.

If theres a suspicion that any violation MIGHT have must ID.
I have a feeling something happened before the filming started.
but, a side note, if the minorities are not smart enough to get an ID to vote, how can we expect them to be smart enough to have an ID to show police when asked.
Because they asked for ID, this is clearly a racist move by the police.
If they ask for an ID you have 2 choices, show your ID or challenge the cops. If they say hands up, you have 2 choices, hands up or charge the officer.

You really ought to know the law before you shoot your boot licking mouth off. They had no legal justification to request she show an ID to them

Lawriter - ORC - 2921.29 Failure to disclose personal information.

Terry v. Ohio.

If theres a suspicion that any violation MIGHT have must ID.

There was none
If they ask for an ID you have 2 choices, show your ID or challenge the cops. If they say hands up, you have 2 choices, hands up or charge the officer.

You really ought to know the law before you shoot your boot licking mouth off. They had no legal justification to request she show an ID to them

Lawriter - ORC - 2921.29 Failure to disclose personal information.

Terry v. Ohio.

If theres a suspicion that any violation MIGHT have must ID.

There was none
That's something that we just cant tell from the video.
have no idea what happened prior to what we saw.
You didnt say WHY someone needs to show an ID when they are picking up kids from the pool and how that is grounds for arrest.

You're just saying "She shoulda" and never asked why
You are to comply with an officer's direct orders -- even if you're black. Enough with these damn excuses with blacks. You wanted equality,? Well you got it. A white guy couldn't get away with the shit blacks dish out either.
You didnt say WHY someone needs to show an ID when they are picking up kids from the pool and how that is grounds for arrest.

You're just saying "She shoulda" and never asked why
You are to comply with an officer's direct orders -- even if you're black. Enough with these damn excuses with blacks. You wanted equality,? Well you got it. A white guy couldn't get away with the shit blacks dish out either.

The law disagrees with you.

this HTML class. Value is http://codes.ohio.go
Do you want to try another?
The black community really needs to get their shit together. We are tired of seeing this shit happen over and over again. Just act like civilized humans being for the love of god. It isn't that hard.
The Fairfield Aquatic Center sets the dress code. Not the cops. But if they tell someone they cant be there...and they refuse to leave...the cops get called. Thats how it works.

If I a restaurant with a dress code that I dont match...and when told to leave I act like an idiot....well....this is what happens.

How was the mom there to pick them up if they refused to leave? And when did dress codes become the concern of the police?

Dress codes arent.

But if someone wont leave...or...if they're becoming disorderly...the facility can call cops to make them leave.

In todays climate...asking a black family to leave a pool....I can imagine they didnt take that well regardless of the reason. Cops show up? Even worse.

Once again....cops put into a no win shit sandwich.

Uh, no...from the article: "Had that officer not grabbed her at that point, this incident would not have happened. Can police learn to de-escalate instead of escalate situations?"

By the way...that "from the article" is a quote...from their lawyer isnt it? Hmmm. Taking that as truth?

"There would not have been a shoplifting incident....if only the store had given the item to my client for free."

Well human behavior says that people dont like being grabbed. Just because a lawyer says 2+2=4 doesnt mean its a lie.

Like I said, Its almost like you believe there is no way to ever difuse a situation ever and that grabbing and cuffing people is the only way to go. Which reminds me of a saying "There is only one way to skin a cat"

Isnt that how it goes?
What prompted the officer to cuff the mother, again?
The black community really needs to get their shit together. We are tired of seeing this shit happen over and over again. Just act like civilized humans being for the love of god. It isn't that hard.
The police need to get their shit together. Tax payers are getting fed up with paying for legal fees and law suites because dumb ass cops don't know how to do their job or understand laws that regulate what they can and can not do when interacting with the public. The days of just blaming misbehavior and or stupidity are coming to an end. If a cop is going to toss around kids and pregnant women they sure better have their i's dotted and t's crossed. If the cops in this incident thought a crime was committed they had a duty to inform the suspect that they were going to be detained while an investigation took place. They shouldn't get to be abusive and partake in brutality and as an after thought say they were investigating some trumped up charge.
You didnt say WHY someone needs to show an ID when they are picking up kids from the pool and how that is grounds for arrest.

You're just saying "She shoulda" and never asked why

Did you even READ about this story stupid? The police were going to write her a citation and let her go, so yes they asked for ID so they could write a citation and she REFUSED. That is grounds for arrest.
How was the mom there to pick them up if they refused to leave? And when did dress codes become the concern of the police?

Dress codes arent.

But if someone wont leave...or...if they're becoming disorderly...the facility can call cops to make them leave.

In todays climate...asking a black family to leave a pool....I can imagine they didnt take that well regardless of the reason. Cops show up? Even worse.

Once again....cops put into a no win shit sandwich.

Uh, no...from the article: "Had that officer not grabbed her at that point, this incident would not have happened. Can police learn to de-escalate instead of escalate situations?"

By the way...that "from the article" is a quote...from their lawyer isnt it? Hmmm. Taking that as truth?

"There would not have been a shoplifting incident....if only the store had given the item to my client for free."

Well human behavior says that people dont like being grabbed. Just because a lawyer says 2+2=4 doesnt mean its a lie.

Like I said, Its almost like you believe there is no way to ever difuse a situation ever and that grabbing and cuffing people is the only way to go. Which reminds me of a saying "There is only one way to skin a cat"

Isnt that how it goes?
What prompted the officer to cuff the mother, again?

She refused to provide ID and resisted when they were going to write her a citation.
"Fairfield Police Chief Mike Dickey claims his officers didn’t use excessive force. He also says the mother started the fracas when she allegedly told one of the children to grab her stun gun after she refused to show her identification card to officers.

“I think the videos, including their videos, tell a different story. It’s clear to me in the videos they were non-compliant,” Dickey said. “I think when anybody is attacking a police officer, whether it’s a gun attack or a physical attack or a knife attack, these officers are obligated to defend themselves. Had she provided her identification much the same as the thousands of arrests and citations are made around the country, it would have ended right there.”"

Too right. Officer makes a simple request, comply or it's your ass.
She be black. Telling the kids to grab her stun gun is what black mamas are supposed to do.

The cop not only behaved appropriately but used a lot of restraint.

So now instead of being in danger the cop just says the victim was ABOUT TO do something and thats the new thing. LOL.

If you were a cop...and the person said they were going to retrieve a weapon....would you let them get it?

I cant believe how retarded you have become.

No, but that lady did nothing FIRST, and the COP approached her FIRST for no reason.

No weapon was there, no weapon was retrieved and the only thing you have is the cop said it so it must be true.

But if we look at it, again, no weapon, no weapon retrieved and no threat to the officer.

Hell, they didnt even charge her with threatening a police officer, kinda weird since thats what he's alleging.

You're wrong on that point too moron. She was called to pick up the kids who were asked to leave the pool and the police were there to make sure they left. They were going to write her a citation, no doubt a warning that the next time they would be charged with trespassing, and THAT is why they asked for her ID (which she obviously should have had on her person since she DROVE to the swimming center) and THAT is when she resisted, then her dumb ass kids joined in her fighting with the police

Maybe read about the fucking story before you comment?
Not enough details.

If cops were called for unsupervised children...they are now obligated to their safety. Thank trial lawyers for that.

So...if an adult picks them up...cops need ID so their report (tbe CYA document) says who the kids left with.

Why were cops called?

Because black kids at a pool...thats why. Or if you go with the story because one of them didnt have on a proper bathing suit...apparently if you're black the cops get called on you for that too!

The Fairfield Aquatic Center sets the dress code. Not the cops. But if they tell someone they cant be there...and they refuse to leave...the cops get called. Thats how it works.

If I a restaurant with a dress code that I dont match...and when told to leave I act like an idiot....well....this is what happens.

How was the mom there to pick them up if they refused to leave? And when did dress codes become the concern of the police?

Dress codes arent.

But if someone wont leave...or...if they're becoming disorderly...the facility can call cops to make them leave.

In todays climate...asking a black family to leave a pool....I can imagine they didnt take that well regardless of the reason. Cops show up? Even worse.

Once again....cops put into a no win shit sandwich.

Uh, no...from the article: "Had that officer not grabbed her at that point, this incident would not have happened. Can police learn to de-escalate instead of escalate situations?"
The police don't have to de escalate idiot, in fact it is their job to ARREST, not say "oh this n!gger doesn't wanna go to jail, lets go back to our patrol"

God you are stupid
The summer of 2015......unarmed black males will be shot by cops and unarmed pool bound black girls will be beat up by cops.....thus the summer of 2015!!
"Fairfield Police Chief Mike Dickey claims his officers didn’t use excessive force. He also says the mother started the fracas when she allegedly told one of the children to grab her stun gun after she refused to show her identification card to officers.

“I think the videos, including their videos, tell a different story. It’s clear to me in the videos they were non-compliant,” Dickey said. “I think when anybody is attacking a police officer, whether it’s a gun attack or a physical attack or a knife attack, these officers are obligated to defend themselves. Had she provided her identification much the same as the thousands of arrests and citations are made around the country, it would have ended right there.”"

Too right. Officer makes a simple request, comply or it's your ass.
She be black. Telling the kids to grab her stun gun is what black mamas are supposed to do.

The cop not only behaved appropriately but used a lot of restraint.

So now instead of being in danger the cop just says the victim was ABOUT TO do something and thats the new thing. LOL.

If you were a cop...and the person said they were going to retrieve a weapon....would you let them get it?

I cant believe how retarded you have become.

No, but that lady did nothing FIRST, and the COP approached her FIRST for no reason.

No weapon was there, no weapon was retrieved and the only thing you have is the cop said it so it must be true.

But if we look at it, again, no weapon, no weapon retrieved and no threat to the officer.

Hell, they didnt even charge her with threatening a police officer, kinda weird since thats what he's alleging.

You're wrong on that point too moron. She was called to pick up the kids who were asked to leave the pool and the police were there to make sure they left. They were going to write her a citation, no doubt a warning that the next time they would be charged with trespassing, and THAT is why they asked for her ID (which she obviously should have had on her person since she DROVE to the swimming center) and THAT is when she resisted, then her dumb ass kids joined in her fighting with the police

Maybe read about the fucking story before you comment?

T horning in on this....first off, it was non effin issue.....the lady went to get appropriate clothing for her boys, but apparently she wasn't fast enough.....Maybe you should read the whole damned story before you start commenting, eh?
She be black. Telling the kids to grab her stun gun is what black mamas are supposed to do.

The cop not only behaved appropriately but used a lot of restraint.

So now instead of being in danger the cop just says the victim was ABOUT TO do something and thats the new thing. LOL.

If you were a cop...and the person said they were going to retrieve a weapon....would you let them get it?

I cant believe how retarded you have become.

No, but that lady did nothing FIRST, and the COP approached her FIRST for no reason.

No weapon was there, no weapon was retrieved and the only thing you have is the cop said it so it must be true.

But if we look at it, again, no weapon, no weapon retrieved and no threat to the officer.

Hell, they didnt even charge her with threatening a police officer, kinda weird since thats what he's alleging.

You're wrong on that point too moron. She was called to pick up the kids who were asked to leave the pool and the police were there to make sure they left. They were going to write her a citation, no doubt a warning that the next time they would be charged with trespassing, and THAT is why they asked for her ID (which she obviously should have had on her person since she DROVE to the swimming center) and THAT is when she resisted, then her dumb ass kids joined in her fighting with the police

Maybe read about the fucking story before you comment?

T horning in on this....first off, it was non effin issue.....the lady went to get appropriate clothing for her boys, but apparently she wasn't fast enough.....Maybe you should read the whole damned story before you start commenting, eh?

No she didn't go to get appropriate clothes. The kids wer asked to LEAVE. The mom came to get them because they were asked to leave. Someone felt the need to contact the police to get them to leave.
So now instead of being in danger the cop just says the victim was ABOUT TO do something and thats the new thing. LOL.

If you were a cop...and the person said they were going to retrieve a weapon....would you let them get it?

I cant believe how retarded you have become.

No, but that lady did nothing FIRST, and the COP approached her FIRST for no reason.

No weapon was there, no weapon was retrieved and the only thing you have is the cop said it so it must be true.

But if we look at it, again, no weapon, no weapon retrieved and no threat to the officer.

Hell, they didnt even charge her with threatening a police officer, kinda weird since thats what he's alleging.

You're wrong on that point too moron. She was called to pick up the kids who were asked to leave the pool and the police were there to make sure they left. They were going to write her a citation, no doubt a warning that the next time they would be charged with trespassing, and THAT is why they asked for her ID (which she obviously should have had on her person since she DROVE to the swimming center) and THAT is when she resisted, then her dumb ass kids joined in her fighting with the police

Maybe read about the fucking story before you comment?

T horning in on this....first off, it was non effin issue.....the lady went to get appropriate clothing for her boys, but apparently she wasn't fast enough.....Maybe you should read the whole damned story before you start commenting, eh?

No she didn't go to get appropriate clothes. The kids wer asked to LEAVE. The mom came to get them because they were asked to leave. Someone felt the need to contact the police to get them to leave.

and I quote:
In a news conference Tuesday, Bishop Bobby Hilton, a member of Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network who is now serving as a representative for the family, saidthat the confrontation began shortly after Krystal Dixon dropped off a group of eight kids at the pool. (It's not clear how many of the kids were relatives of either Krystal or Maya Dixon.) Staff reportedly asked the group to leave because one of the kids wasn't wearing a proper swimsuit. A park ranger was called when they refused. According to a police report, the kids told the ranger that their mom had said they didn't have to leave.

Hilton said that Krystal Dixon went to get appropriate swimwear for the boy in question, but when she returned, she was told that he wouldn't be allowed back in. The situation escalated when Dixon went to retrieve the other kids from the pool area.
If you were a cop...and the person said they were going to retrieve a weapon....would you let them get it?

I cant believe how retarded you have become.

No, but that lady did nothing FIRST, and the COP approached her FIRST for no reason.

No weapon was there, no weapon was retrieved and the only thing you have is the cop said it so it must be true.

But if we look at it, again, no weapon, no weapon retrieved and no threat to the officer.

Hell, they didnt even charge her with threatening a police officer, kinda weird since thats what he's alleging.

You're wrong on that point too moron. She was called to pick up the kids who were asked to leave the pool and the police were there to make sure they left. They were going to write her a citation, no doubt a warning that the next time they would be charged with trespassing, and THAT is why they asked for her ID (which she obviously should have had on her person since she DROVE to the swimming center) and THAT is when she resisted, then her dumb ass kids joined in her fighting with the police

Maybe read about the fucking story before you comment?

T horning in on this....first off, it was non effin issue.....the lady went to get appropriate clothing for her boys, but apparently she wasn't fast enough.....Maybe you should read the whole damned story before you start commenting, eh?

No she didn't go to get appropriate clothes. The kids wer asked to LEAVE. The mom came to get them because they were asked to leave. Someone felt the need to contact the police to get them to leave.

and I quote:
In a news conference Tuesday, Bishop Bobby Hilton, a member of Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network who is now serving as a representative for the family, saidthat the confrontation began shortly after Krystal Dixon dropped off a group of eight kids at the pool. (It's not clear how many of the kids were relatives of either Krystal or Maya Dixon.) Staff reportedly asked the group to leave because one of the kids wasn't wearing a proper swimsuit. A park ranger was called when they refused. According to a police report, the kids told the ranger that their mom had said they didn't have to leave.

Hilton said that Krystal Dixon went to get appropriate swimwear for the boy in question, but when she returned, she was told that he wouldn't be allowed back in. The situation escalated when Dixon went to retrieve the other kids from the pool area.

Exactly you fucking idiot, Re read what you just wrote.

The park told them they had to leave and THEY decided they could go just go get some new clothes and stay, but the park didn't want that and told them to LEAVE, they REFUSED so the cops were called.

Are you retarded?

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