Columbus OH city council breaks state law and ignores judge

Long story short
Ohio law preempts county and local laws regarding firearms - cities, etc, cannot create laws more restrictive than those of the atate.
Columbus city council - controlled by Democrats - did just that.
A judge put the legislation on hold - -and the city council passed it anyway.

So here we have a band of Democrats willfully breaking laws and ignoring rulings from the court.
What penalty should they suffer, and why do they believe the law and court rulings do not apply to them?
  • Ban “large capacity magazines” that can hold 30 or more rounds, or can be converted to accept that many rounds. This misdemeanor would result in a mandatory 180 consecutive days in jail without work release, and potentially up to one year, and a $1,500 fine.
This must be a lib city council

The number of mass shootings involving 30-round magazines is practically nil

Whereas the number of violent crimes involving illegal firearms is high

Why not a mandatory 6 months in jail for every felon caught with an illegal firearm ?

That would do far more to reduce gun violence
So long as people you disagree with are those that hurt, you don't care.
Good of your to finally admit it.
I told you the solution to inflation was in your grasp.

It's like when union jobs went overseas during the Bush years. Those blue collar manufacturing workers lost really good paying jobs. What did you tell those people in the 2000's? I remember. Do you? What advice did you give blue collar during the Bush years?

Well get this. Because of the Great Resignation, anyone in America can get out of poverty now. If you worked in Housekeeping at a hotel, now is your chance to move into sales or the front desk. If you worked at Kroger, one of your managers retired during Covid. Their jobs are now available. Tons of CEO's, VP's, middle managers, blue collar with pensions, all them retired and those jobs are available.

We already tried to help the deplorables by raising minimum wage. It didn't work. Corporations just raised their rates. So tell your corporations to start paying the CEO's and VP's less and pay the lowest paid workers a little more. That'll fix it.
So long as people you disagree with are those that hurt, you don't care.
Good of your to finally admit it.
Maybe they should go look for a new job. For every 1.5 jobs there is 1 worker looking. Lots of jobs and workers have the power still. Not for long though. The Feds are going to raise interest rates to fix inflation. That will hurt deplorables too. What do you suggest we do?

Sixty percent of workers who switched jobs saw higher pay after adjusted for inflation.

Most people who stayed put probably got hit by inflation. But how much do you make? If you aren't a piece of shit you'll get by. Don't worry, uncle Joe will fix it. He will Brittney Griner this
Just so long as we're clear:
You don't care about the suffering of people you don't agree with.
Hey loser who complains a lot, even just after the midterms ended

Most people who switched jobs this year found “real wage” salary increases despite inflation, according to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
Says she who admits she doesn't care about the suffering of people she doesn't agree with.
I'm a dude, and I do care. If you really care about low wage workers I think we need to discuss the widening wage gap between the CEO's and the people at the bottom.

Union companies used to make record profits and then give record profit sharing to the employees. Today the highest paid CEO's pay the least.

Instead of another couple million to the CEO, lets give that next raise to the lowest paid workers. Not the middle workers. Not the VP's. Just to the lowest paid workers. I'd be all for that. The companies giving them a piece of the profits so we don't have to mandate a minimum wage increase.

You know what? It's up to the employees to unionize. Like Amazon employees are. I hope Twitter employees either leave or form a union and fuck with Elon. But of course you cons side with him and call twitter employees lazy. Of course you side with the CEO,
Yeah. Sure.
Your statement...
Yes inflation sucks and it's hurting the deplorables. They are losers. Go get a better job loser.
... says otherwise.
Own it. Be proud.
What advice did you give people like this in the 2000's when their manufacturing jobs went overseas? If I'm not mistaken I believe you were blaming them. You said it was their high paying union jobs that sent those companies overseas. Yea sure if we let them leave. Bush not only let them leave he gave them tax breaks on their way out.
You don't care about people you don't agree with.
Own it. Be proud.
Most of the people I know are Republicans I disagree with politically. Not on everything though. I don't hang around with any Trumpsters. Election deniers. Insurrectionists. Deplorables. I know a few but I can't stand them.

But my brother and nephew voted for Trump. I love them. They are actually rich enough to be Republicans. So I respect them voting for the GOP. It's you broke asses I don't get.

Long story short
Ohio law preempts county and local laws regarding firearms - cities, etc, cannot create laws more restrictive than those of the atate.
Columbus city council - controlled by Democrats - did just that.
A judge put the legislation on hold - -and the city council passed it anyway.

So here we have a band of Democrats willfully breaking laws and ignoring rulings from the court.
What penalty should they suffer, and why do they believe the law and court rulings do not apply to them?

Not true.
Cities have always made far stricter gun laws than states.
This goes back to the old west cattle drive towns that implemented gun control for cowboys, since they intended to gamble and drink.

Guns were obviously widespread on the frontier. Out in the untamed wilderness, you needed a gun to be safe from bandits, natives, and wildlife. In the cities and towns of the West, however, the law often prohibited people from toting their guns around. A visitor arriving in Wichita, Kansas in 1873, the heart of the Wild West era, would have seen signs declaring, "Leave Your Revolvers At Police Headquarters, and Get a Check."
A check? That's right. When you entered a frontier town, you were legally required to leave your guns at the stables on the outskirts of town or drop them off with the sheriff, who would give you a token in exchange. You checked your guns then like you'd check your overcoat today at a Boston restaurant in winter. Visitors were welcome, but their guns were not.

In my new book, Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America, there's a photograph taken in Dodge City in 1879. Everything looks exactly as you'd imagine: wide, dusty road; clapboard and brick buildings; horse ties in front of the saloon. Yet right in the middle of the street is something you'd never expect. There's a huge wooden billboard announcing, "The Carrying of Firearms Strictly Prohibited."

It would be just as absurd to claim that individual stores can not prohibit guns, due to state laws allowing them.

The reality is that state laws do NOT pre-empt municipal laws at all, and it is always the other way around, where the smaller entity has more specific knowledge of the actual needs, so always has the higher precedence.
This is also true with traffic laws, zoning, and just about everything.
The State government should rescind Columbus' home rule provisions, according to whatever process is outlined via the State's Constitution and laws.

Power in State governments flows DOWN from the elected State government to the home rule governments such as county governments, town governments, and city/village/township governments.
The closer to the people, the more authority.
So municipal is always superior to county, which is always superior to state.

What is WRONG is when larger and more impersonal levels of government try to over ride the local choices that better reflect the will of the people.
Like all federal gun laws should not even exist at all, and it should be primarily local, and then some generic state laws.
Yes. The Columbus city council knows state law prevents them from enacting the ordinance in question.
That is, they willfully broke the law.
What penalty should there be?

I do not necessarily like the law, but preemption of cities by states is inherently illegal, unless specifically authorized by the state constitution.

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