College president says campus no place for free speech.

It is not an "industry" except to some weirdo cultists.
Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they make a lot of money harvesting the helpless bodies of innocent children. That's an industry and a filthy degenerate one at that no better than the old plantations where slaves were considered less than human and not due Constitutional rights and guarantees.
But this is a tangent. The issue is free speech for abortionists.

Even if it were, why the violation of free speech? Don't we have a First Amendment? People do keep bringing up the subject of Free Speech rights under the First Amendment, and then back down. Free speech, or not? assume abortionists are being denied free speech rights but cannot or will not demonstrate how you come to this bizarre conclusion. You make your own complaints and comments worthless and moot.
It is not an "industry" except to some weirdo cultists.
Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they make a lot of money harvesting the helpless bodies of innocent children. That's an industry and a filthy degenerate one at that no better than the old plantations where slaves were considered less than human and not due Constitutional rights and guarantees.
But this is a tangent. The issue is free speech for abortionists.

Even if it were, why the violation of free speech? Don't we have a First Amendment? People do keep bringing up the subject of Free Speech rights under the First Amendment, and then back down. Free speech, or not? assume abortionists are being denied free speech rights but cannot or will not demonstrate how you come to this bizarre conclusion. You make your own complaints and comments worthless and moot.

there are "gag rules' in place that prohibit Americans from mentioning the matter, and the orange whore's administration is trying to strengthen these gag rules. Please talk freedom of speech. Is it true or not true that physicians in all 50 American states can advise their patients as they wish, without interference or laws passed by politicians? Is it true that organizations can receive federal and state funding for the services that they deliver to the public regardless of what they say about abortion?

Free speech? Where is it?

PP talks about birth control. Pregnancy and birth. Abortion. Is there any reason that this organization cannot? Free speech!!!
there are "gag rules' in place that prohibit Americans from mentioning the matter, and the orange whore's administration is trying to strengthen these gag rules. Please talk freedom of speech. Is it true or not true that physicians in all 50 American states can advise their patients as they wish, without interference or laws passed by politicians? Is it true that organizations can receive federal and state funding for the services that they deliver to the public regardless of what they say about abortion?

Free speech? Where is it?

PP talks about birth control. Pregnancy and birth. Abortion. Is there any reason that this organization cannot? Free speech!!!
Your babble doesn't move me at all. You are filled with such misinformation and disinformation it's astounding!
There are now some state laws that say women seeking an abortion must receive
information about alternatives to the killing of their child. Just receive alternate information about abortion. Period! No one is being forced to forgo their abortion.
Is that ending anyone's free speech?

Unfortunately you are not that far from the typical pro choice robot...filled with misplaced anger and fear because your little monopoly over the soul of American may be losing it's grip, just as you loose grip of your mental state.

Was that too harsh? I think not.
2 Timothy 2:16-17 New International Version (NIV)

16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

How is this related ?

You are to young to comprehend?

I can comprehend fine

Apparently you missed the fact that it is completely unrelated to the topic.

Massive failure
there are "gag rules' in place that prohibit Americans from mentioning the matter, and the orange whore's administration is trying to strengthen these gag rules. Please talk freedom of speech. Is it true or not true that physicians in all 50 American states can advise their patients as they wish, without interference or laws passed by politicians? Is it true that organizations can receive federal and state funding for the services that they deliver to the public regardless of what they say about abortion?

Free speech? Where is it?

PP talks about birth control. Pregnancy and birth. Abortion. Is there any reason that this organization cannot? Free speech!!!
Your babble doesn't move me at all. You are filled with such misinformation and disinformation it's astounding!
There are now some state laws that say women seeking an abortion must receive
information about alternatives to the killing of their child. Just receive alternate information about abortion. Period! No one is being forced to forgo their abortion.
Is that ending anyone's free speech?

Unfortunately you are not that far from the typical pro choice robot...filled with misplaced anger and fear because your little monopoly over the soul of American may be losing it's grip, just as you loose grip of your mental state.

Was that too harsh? I think not.

Why are there state laws in the first place? Why are these state laws requiring lies to be spread? Why are there state laws requiring women to go for religious indoctrination from one of the cults? Why can't women get this "information" on line or in brochures instead? Are these cult indoctrination places at least covered by HIPAA privacy rules? I understand that they try to get personal information from the people who are forced by law to visit them.

Why are state governments involved in recruitment by religious cults in the first place? Can a woman forced by law to go to one of these indoctrination centers tell the bitches there to shove it up their asses and still get government approval for her abortion?

Freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? What has happened to these rights? The idea of the government forcing Americans to meet with cult members is disgusting. BTW: how much is being paid to women as compensation for their forced time with these cult tramps, including face time and travel time?

You twits never said what you were going to do with the infants resulting from forced births anyway. Can the women who the state forced to give birth to them drop them off at the state house? I'm sure you know.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

--------------------------------------------- how can the INTENTION of Free Speech be KNOWN . Seems to me that Free Speech should be open and Free while violence maker should be policed Flopper .

You know the intention in two ways. First knowing the history of those involved. Secondly, seeing the effect. If a white nationalist group's demonstration has resulted in violence in most every places it has demonstrated, then it's a pretty good guess as to what their intentions are.

That's going to depend on who starts the violence.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies

About President Harris | Union College

"He also established the new position of chief diversity officer and launched Bridging Differences, an initiative to encourage informed discussion around challenging topics.

From 2003 to 2012, Harris was at Cornell University, first as a professor of sociology and later as founding director of Cornell’s Institute for the Social Sciences. From 2010 to 2011, he served as deputy assistant secretary for human services policy at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. His scholarship has focused on race and ethnicity, social stratification and public policy."

View attachment 254442


sowell diversity.jpg
College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea
Students, Faculty Invited To Freely Express Single Viewpoint
View attachment upload_2019-4-7_15-0-46.gif
BOSTON—Saying that such a dialogue was essential to the college’s academic mission, Trescott University president Kevin Abrams confirmed Monday that the school encourages a lively exchange of one idea. “As an institution of higher learning, we recognize that it’s inevitable that certain contentious topics will come up from time to time, and when they do, we want to create an atmosphere where both students and faculty feel comfortable voicing a single homogeneous opinion,” said Abrams, adding that no matter the subject, anyone on campus is always welcome to add their support to the accepted consensus. “Whether it’s a discussion of a national political issue or a concern here on campus, an open forum in which one argument is uniformly reinforced is crucial for maintaining the exceptional learning environment we have cultivated here.” Abrams told reporters that counseling resources were available for any student made uncomfortable by the viewpoint.

Yes, I know this is satire. Don't even.
It is not an "industry" except to some weirdo cultists.
Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they make a lot of money harvesting the helpless bodies of innocent children. That's an industry and a filthy degenerate one at that no better than the old plantations where slaves were considered less than human and not due Constitutional rights and guarantees.
But this is a tangent. The issue is free speech for abortionists.

Even if it were, why the violation of free speech? Don't we have a First Amendment? People do keep bringing up the subject of Free Speech rights under the First Amendment, and then back down. Free speech, or not? assume abortionists are being denied free speech rights but cannot or will not demonstrate how you come to this bizarre conclusion. You make your own complaints and comments worthless and moot.

What is an "abortion mill"? PP is a non-profit that principally offers access to information and technology for people not to get pregnant in the first place.Gag rules are being forced on organizations so that the word "abortion" cannot be used by any organization receiving taxpayer (OUR) funds. Free discussion of the matter of abortion definitely comes under "free speech." Gag rules are intended to shut down free speech. This is censorship by the government, which does not censor speech in other areas as a requirement to receive government funds.
Why are there state laws in the first place? Why are these state laws requiring lies to be spread? Why are there state laws requiring women to go for religious indoctrination from one of the cults? Why can't women get this "information" on line or in brochures instead? Are these cult indoctrination places at least covered by HIPAA privacy rules? I understand that they try to get personal information from the people who are forced by law to visit them.
:icon_rolleyes: Not lies, not religious indoctrination, not cult indoctrination, not any of that.
Nobody forces the women to memorize or study the material that Planned Parenthood would never in a million years inform women about (alternatives to abortion).
It's just giving some women, if they want it, an alternative way to go. That really frightens you doesn't it.

Why are state governments involved in recruitment by religious cults in the first place? Can a woman forced by law to go to one of these indoctrination centers tell the bitches there to shove it up their asses and still get government approval for her abortion?

Freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? What has happened to these rights? The idea of the government forcing Americans to meet with cult members is disgusting. BTW: how much is being paid to women as compensation for their forced time with these cult tramps, including face time and travel time?

You twits never said what you were going to do with the infants resulting from forced births anyway. Can the women who the state forced to give birth to them drop them off at the state house? I'm sure you know.
That's a lot of derp you packed into your ignorant comments.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.


Of, course not. That's only why he entitled his own op-ed "A Campus Is Not the Place for Free Speech" and why his entire article is about controlling the discussion.....

A president explains why he opposes free speech on campuses (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed

The man does not wish to end free speech on campus.

You fuckers can't get outraged at what this college president REALLY you play dumb.

To be expected.
What is an "abortion mill"?
It's a place exactly like Planned Parenthood. In fact it IS Planned Parenthood.

PP is a non-profit that principally offers access to information and technology for people not to get pregnant in the first place.Gag rules are being forced on organizations so that the word "abortion" cannot be used by any organization receiving taxpayer (OUR) funds. Free discussion of the matter of abortion definitely comes under "free speech." Gag rules are intended to shut down free speech. This is censorship by the government, which does not censor speech in other areas as a requirement to receive government funds.
Here is Planned Parenthood freely and openly discussing abortion and all aspects of it on their web site. Abortion Information | Information About Your Options

What the fuck are you babbling on about? Who is being censored or silenced?
You are your own biggest enemy.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.

As is usual, the only moron here is you.

With regard to Trump’s executive order, Harris wrote that “the response from the higher education community and from many others has been to decry what they see as government overreach, and to argue that the president and his supporters do not understand what actually happens on college campuses.”

Harris suggests a focus on “constructive engagement.”

“Speakers [at Union] must take unscreened, sincere questions from the audience, and they are expected to respond respectfully,” he said. “Speakers must have evidence and reasoned arguments to support their views, given that both form the foundation upon which knowledge and wisdom rest.”

These are quotes from the article. So all th factual examples of conservatives, very reasoned conservatives, not being allowed to speak on campus are discounted by this idiot. So as an academic he had no idea that the title of his article would, according to you, not be the true thrust of the article. You interpreted it for him, twisted it to rescue his ridiculous faux pas. In his world, conservative speakers must have reasoned arguments, Ben Shapiro, but liberal ones must have none at all, AOC. Please let’s not pretend that progressive activists ask sincere questions or even respond respectfully.

“ the president and his supporters do not understand what happens on college campuses” says the op ed. No we understand all to well what happens and we have the videotape to prove it. It is a sign of how bent people like you have become when our president wants to stand up for the first amendment and you think it is a bad thing.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.

As is usual, the only moron here is you.

With regard to Trump’s executive order, Harris wrote that “the response from the higher education community and from many others has been to decry what they see as government overreach, and to argue that the president and his supporters do not understand what actually happens on college campuses.”

Harris suggests a focus on “constructive engagement.”

“Speakers [at Union] must take unscreened, sincere questions from the audience, and they are expected to respond respectfully,” he said. “Speakers must have evidence and reasoned arguments to support their views, given that both form the foundation upon which knowledge and wisdom rest.”

These are quotes from the article. So all th factual examples of conservatives, very reasoned conservatives, not being allowed to speak on campus are discounted by this idiot. So as an academic he had no idea that the title of his article would, according to you, not be the true thrust of the article. You interpreted it for him, twisted it to rescue his ridiculous faux pas. In his world, conservative speakers must have reasoned arguments, Ben Shapiro, but liberal ones must have none at all, AOC. Please let’s not pretend that progressive activists ask sincere questions or even respond respectfully.

“ the president and his supporters do not understand what happens on college campuses” says the op ed. No we understand all to well what happens and we have the videotape to prove it. It is a sign of how bent people like you have become when our president wants to stand up for the first amendment and you think it is a bad thing.

Nope. That is you not comprehending what the guy said.

Yes. Trump is the 1st amendment fucking nailed it. Moron.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

Of course for you GOP dupes Free speech means alternative facts garbage propaganda Fox Noise Rush etc etc pure garbage misinformation hateful character assassination... You can spread that garbage at liberty University but don't try it in the real world.
The man does not wish to end free speech on campus.

You fuckers can't get outraged at what this college president REALLY you play dumb.

To be expected.
An ironic comment considering it is, in itself, so fucking dumb and uninformed.
Nope. That is you not comprehending what the guy said.

Yes. Trump is the 1st amendment fucking nailed it. Moron.
You take 15-20 sentences filled with well reasoned commentary and arguments and simply dismiss it all with "nope"!
Not a word showing where the poster is wrong. Not a single argument refuting what was said. Not one fact or bit of information showing where the commentary was off course.

You are an all time idiot. A truly bad apple troll here just trying to kick sand into the faces of others with your ad hom
bunk. Go back to your hollowed our tree and leave reasonably intelligent people alone.
Nope. That is you not comprehending what the guy said.

Yes. Trump is the 1st amendment fucking nailed it. Moron.
You take 15-20 sentences filled with well reasoned commentary and arguments and simply dismiss it all with "nope"!
Not a word showing where the poster is wrong. Not a single argument refuting what was said. Not one fact or bit of information showing where the commentary was off course.

You are an all time idiot. A truly bad apple troll here just trying to kick sand into the faces of others with your ad hom
bunk. Go back to your hollowed our tree and leave reasonably intelligent people alone.

You're easily offended. May I suggest a needlepoint message board instead?

The time for reasoned discussion with people who intentionally misrepresent the facts
in order to get some weirdos here to become outraged passed long ago.
You're easily offended. May I suggest a needlepoint message board instead?
I admit idiot trolls are very effective at making others angry because they have no shame or conscience so they cannot be easily deterred while people of intellect and honor usually expect to be treated with the same so it's upsetting when amoral clowns with no shame flaunt rules and ruin normal human interactions.

But I 'm sure I'm in the right place nevertheless.
We just have to suffer some fools for a bit.

The time for reasoned discussion with people who intentionally misrepresent the facts
in order to get some weirdos here to become outraged passed long ago.
Yes. Intentionally misrepresent facts.
Where do we see you discussing facts at all? Can you point out some facts that back up this anti civil libertarian university president? I haven't seen a one.
Last edited:
You're easily offended. May I suggest a needlepoint message board instead?
I admit idiot trolls are very effective at making others angry because they have no shame or conscience so they cannot be easily deterred.
While people of intellect and honor usually expect to be treated with the same so it's upsetting when amoral clowns
with no shame flaunt rules. But I 'm sure I'm in the right place nevertheless.
We just have to suffer some fools for a bit.

The time for reasoned discussion with people who intentionally misrepresent the facts
in order to get some weirdos here to become outraged passed long ago.
Yes. Intentionally misrepresent facts.
Where do we see you discussing facts at all? Can you point out some facts that back up this anti civil libertarian university president? I haven't seen a one.

Sorry. You’ve lost the opportunity. Maybe next time you’ll be less of a dick and I’ll give you some attention.

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