College president says campus no place for free speech.

Sorry. You’ve lost the opportunity. Maybe next time you’ll be less of a dick and I’ll give you some attention.
Ha! Lost the opportunity? That is as transparent as cellophane.
If you had anything of value to add it would have happened by now. I don't want your attention...I want you to stop derailing this thread with your jackass behavior. Fuck your attention!
Sorry. You’ve lost the opportunity. Maybe next time you’ll be less of a dick and I’ll give you some attention.
Ha! Lost the opportunity? That is as transparent as cellophane.
If you had anything of value to add it would have happened by now. I don't want your attention...I want you to stop derailing this thread with your jackass behavior. Fuck your attention!

You misunderstood. Go back about 7 years and look at my awesome posts with “high value”. I don’t play that game here any more. I simply state facts with brevity and then swat the bullshit infested flies who can’t be honest.

You are whining about me not giving you enough thought and attention. The remedy for that is to begin being honest.
You misunderstood. Go back about 7 years and look at my awesome posts with “high value”. I don’t play that game here any more. I simply state facts with brevity and then swat the bullshit infested flies who can’t be honest.
I don't "misunderstand" anything here.

If you support a position you do so in some way. It doesn't have to be an essay or a term paper. Just something more than "nope", "you don't get it" or simply "morons".
I'm sure you were a real debate years ago. :113:
But now you are just a troll who thinks people are being " honest" when they agree with you and some fascist college president and you don't have to do anymore than call them morons to get your impoverished points across. Sad.

You are whining about me not giving you enough thought and attention. The remedy for that is to begin being honest.
This president is anti free speech, anti Constitution, anti civil liberties...however you wish to term it.
He belongs in China with his bullshit about this is how "free speech" should be handled on campus.
In all honesty he is a slimy fascist who doesn't even have the balls to come out and admit he only likes speech when it serves his purposes and you are right there like a sheep nodding your approval.
How did this nation fall to the place it is now where so many fascist shitbags are only interested in hearing their side of things?
You misunderstood. Go back about 7 years and look at my awesome posts with “high value”. I don’t play that game here any more. I simply state facts with brevity and then swat the bullshit infested flies who can’t be honest.
I don't "misunderstand" anything here.

If you support a position you do so in some way. It doesn't have to be an essay or a term paper. Just something more than "nope", "you don't get it" or simply "morons".
I'm sure you were a real debate years ago. :113:
But now you are just a troll who thinks people are being " honest" when they agree with you and some fascist college president and you don't have to do anymore than call them morons to get your impoverished points across. Sad.

You are whining about me not giving you enough thought and attention. The remedy for that is to begin being honest.
This president is anti free speech, anti Constitution, anti civil liberties...however you wish to term it.
He belongs in China with his bullshit about this is how "free speech" should be handled on campus.
In all honesty he is a slimy fascist who doesn't even have the balls to come out and admit he only likes speech when it serves his purposes and you are right there like a sheep nodding your approval.

Well. You are very reasonable. It seems as though you don’t wish to hear this college president express his ideas. Send him to China where he belongs!!
Well. You are very reasonable. It seems as though you don’t wish to hear this college president express his ideas. Send him to China where he belongs!!
I can see why you have chosen to stop making arguments because your comment is like that a child would make.

I'm not censoring this fool and don't think anyone else should either! Too bad morons like this educrat and yourself
don't feel the same way. I hope you can understand all that.
Well. You are very reasonable. It seems as though you don’t wish to hear this college president express his ideas. Send him to China where he belongs!!
I can see why you have chosen to stop making arguments because your comment is like that a child would make.

I'm not censoring this fool and don't think anyone else should either! Too bad morons like this educrat and yourself
don't feel the same way. I hope you can understand all that.

Oh! An “educrat”! What a cool word.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.


Of, course not. That's only why he entitled his own op-ed "A Campus Is Not the Place for Free Speech" and why his entire article is about controlling the discussion.....

A president explains why he opposes free speech on campuses (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed

It looks like he's against free speech on campus to me. :dunno:

"What most commentators on both sides of the debate fail to address fully is the real purpose of speech at colleges and universities, especially at private institutions, which are not themselves public spaces. This purpose is why I always answer the same way when asked, as I am regularly, about my views on free speech. My response is as follows: “I oppose free speech on college campuses.

Basically he's saying free speech doesn't belong on campus grounds, only "constructive" indoctrination speech does.

A president explains why he opposes free speech on campuses (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed
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What is an "abortion mill"?
It's a place exactly like Planned Parenthood. In fact it IS Planned Parenthood.

PP is a non-profit that principally offers access to information and technology for people not to get pregnant in the first place.Gag rules are being forced on organizations so that the word "abortion" cannot be used by any organization receiving taxpayer (OUR) funds. Free discussion of the matter of abortion definitely comes under "free speech." Gag rules are intended to shut down free speech. This is censorship by the government, which does not censor speech in other areas as a requirement to receive government funds.
Here is Planned Parenthood freely and openly discussing abortion and all aspects of it on their web site. Abortion Information | Information About Your Options

What the fuck are you babbling on about? Who is being censored or silenced?
You are your own biggest enemy.

Yup. Your link shows a free discussion about abortion. PP also provides free discussion and information about other topics.

This does NOT explain why some state governments, and now the federal government, are trying to outlaw free discussion of abortion-related topics. Gag rules tying federal funding of organizations to a ban on these organizations even MENTIONING abortion or associating with an organization that does. State governments passing laws requiring physicians to read a script to patients that is dictated by the government, and pretend that these scripts are their own medical advice. Ithink that it was South Dakota that passed a law prohibiting doctors from even telling patients that the scripts that they were forced to read to patients came from the state's politicians.

Is this free speech? Government-mandated speech? What is it? It appears that governments at both the federal and state level are trying to limit discussion. OPEN DISCUSSION is free speech.What a physician says to a patient implicates the right to privacy, as well.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.


Of, course not. That's only why he entitled his own op-ed "A Campus Is Not the Place for Free Speech" and why his entire article is about controlling the discussion.....

A president explains why he opposes free speech on campuses (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed

The man does not wish to end free speech on campus.

You fuckers can't get outraged at what this college president REALLY you play dumb.

To be expected.
What he said is that a college campus is no place for freedom of speech.

This only proves he is a fascist piece of shit.

A college campus is where freedom of speech is most needed.
What is an "abortion mill"?
It's a place exactly like Planned Parenthood. In fact it IS Planned Parenthood.

PP is a non-profit that principally offers access to information and technology for people not to get pregnant in the first place.Gag rules are being forced on organizations so that the word "abortion" cannot be used by any organization receiving taxpayer (OUR) funds. Free discussion of the matter of abortion definitely comes under "free speech." Gag rules are intended to shut down free speech. This is censorship by the government, which does not censor speech in other areas as a requirement to receive government funds.
Here is Planned Parenthood freely and openly discussing abortion and all aspects of it on their web site. Abortion Information | Information About Your Options

What the fuck are you babbling on about? Who is being censored or silenced?
You are your own biggest enemy.

Yup. Your link shows a free discussion about abortion. PP also provides free discussion and information about other topics.

This does NOT explain why some state governments, and now the federal government, are trying to outlaw free discussion of abortion-related topics. Gag rules tying federal funding of organizations to a ban on these organizations even MENTIONING abortion or associating with an organization that does. State governments passing laws requiring physicians to read a script to patients that is dictated by the government, and pretend that these scripts are their own medical advice. Ithink that it was South Dakota that passed a law prohibiting doctors from even telling patients that the scripts that they were forced to read to patients came from the state's politicians.

Is this free speech? Government-mandated speech? What is it? It appears that governments at both the federal and state level are trying to limit discussion. OPEN DISCUSSION is free speech.What a physician says to a patient implicates the right to privacy, as well.

Eric Arthur Blair rated this post as "funny": You don't believe in free speech? Freedom of religion? The right to privacy? Apparently you are not aware of the freedoms we hold dear in the U.S.A. Do you actually want Americans to be subjected to indoctrination by religions not their own?
This is what we have come to..... we're now debating whether we should have free speech for a campus debate....

..... I'm wondering if we are doomed as a country. Canada is looking better every day.
-------------------------- as far as Free Speech goes i think that they are far worse than the USA Andy .

Perhaps. We'll see if it stays that way.
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.


His. Own. Words.

“I oppose free speech on college campuses.”

On campuses, however, we must strive for something more than free speech. Our mission requires that we seek what I refer to as constructive engagement. It is not enough for individuals to speak freely. We must also find myriad ways to put a range of views into conversation with one another. It is what we do in classrooms every day. It is what we do on debate teams. It is what happens across every campus, far more than critics appreciate. It is what happens in the lives of college students much more frequently than in the lives of most adults, in part because college campuses and social networks tend to be more diverse than “real world” neighborhoods and social clubs.

This emphasis on constructive engagement is why, at Union College, we have launched an initiative to create the conditions for hearing and learning from diverse perspectives. One key element is an explicit and stated goal of understanding. Another is that speakers must take unscreened, sincere questions from the audience, and they are expected to respond respectfully. And finally, speakers must have evidence and reasoned arguments to support their views, given that both form the foundation upon which knowledge and wisdom rest. This is not the place to bash those who think otherwise with literal or figurative personal attacks, to privilege heat and fury over light and insight.

He can nuance his ass all he wants to, what he wants is conditions on speech, conditions that can be manipulated by censoring asshats like himself to squash things he doesn't like.

He makes no mention that most of the "yelling" is coming from the left, with their disruptive tactics, and all of the lack of respect is coming from the left as well.

And pro-censorship drones like you lap it up.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

Keep excusing censorship, you fascist hack.
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.

Stick to the topic, you wanna be fascist hack.
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.

Stick to the topic, you wanna be fascist hack.

So you don't like free speech, then? Do you like censorship that much? You don't like free discussion of the issues and a free exchange of information and ideas?

What "fascist" am I? It is you who want to censor free discussion and impose government speech and propaganda on citizens, not me.

Funny. I think that it was you who posted a link to a site "shout your abortion" some weeks ago. I read through it and discovered the stories of women and men and their experiences, making me so much more firm in my pro-choice belief.
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.

Stick to the topic, you wanna be fascist hack.

So you don't like free speech, then? Do you like censorship that much? You don't like free discussion of the issues and a free exchange of information and ideas?

What "fascist" am I? It is you who want to censor free discussion and impose government speech and propaganda on citizens, not me.

Funny. I think that it was you who posted a link to a site "shout your abortion" some weeks ago. I read through it and discovered the stories of women and men and their experiences, making me so much more firm in my pro-choice belief.

How is calling out some soy-moron admin at a College for using a strawman bullshit statement "censoring"

He ADMITS he isn't for free speech, he admits wanting to put qualifiers down, he might as well admit he will only apply such qualifiers to speech he likes.

I did post the link, it's a very sad site. But show me where I want it shut down, or people to ignore it, or try to have people posting to it ruined.

That is the tactic of leftist twats like you.

What happened to 'safe, legal, and rare"?
What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.

Stick to the topic, you wanna be fascist hack.

So you don't like free speech, then? Do you like censorship that much? You don't like free discussion of the issues and a free exchange of information and ideas?

What "fascist" am I? It is you who want to censor free discussion and impose government speech and propaganda on citizens, not me.

Funny. I think that it was you who posted a link to a site "shout your abortion" some weeks ago. I read through it and discovered the stories of women and men and their experiences, making me so much more firm in my pro-choice belief.

How is calling out some soy-moron admin at a College for using a strawman bullshit statement "censoring"

He ADMITS he isn't for free speech, he admits wanting to put qualifiers down, he might as well admit he will only apply such qualifiers to speech he likes.

I did post the link, it's a very sad site. But show me where I want it shut down, or people to ignore it, or try to have people posting to it ruined.

That is the tactic of leftist twats like you.

What happened to 'safe, legal, and rare"?

So what's up with the federal and state governments imposing gag rules and using taxpayer money to enforce them, forcing doctors to read scripts dictated by the government to patients, supposedly to be passed off as their own medical advice, forcing citizens to attend religious indoctrination centers just to exercise their rights, Mr. Free Speech?

While "safe, legal, and rare" is the objective of many in the U.S., it is not the objective of right-wingers. Just the opposite. A comprehensive and sound education on sexual matters and acessable birth control makes this possible.

So what does the orange whore do? He puts some "abstinence only" monkey bitch in charge of funding for sex education who lies to Americans that birth control doesn't work and seeks to spread ignorance of sexual matters. PP works to stop the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies and STDs, through the use of education and modern technology, and the psychos want to stop it and have more unplanned pregnancies and more abortions and big orphanages. There are more than 400,000 kids waiting for homes in this country. And, oh, yeah, people don't want LGBTQs providing them with homes.

Where are the right-wingers who want more unwanted pregnancies and forced births going to put these unwanted infants? The right-wingers seem to be very wrapped up in their sexual fantasies, but don't seem to have any plans.

This whoe "pro-life" thing, in a world of automatic weaponry, mass shootings, bump stocks, "I'm a man" horseshit, seems to arise from some anger that women, as well as men, have sex. Some guys have mental problems.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

Of course for you GOP dupes Free speech means alternative facts garbage propaganda Fox Noise Rush etc etc pure garbage misinformation hateful character assassination... You can spread that garbage at liberty University but don't try it in the real world.

What is "free speech"? If one's "free speech" attacks someone else, shouldn't those attacked have "free speech" to counter it?

Not to do with "free speech" on campus, is everyone aware that "free speech" on the subject of abortion is being censored by federal and state governments, and threats and laws are in place to use denial of public funds to censor speech on this matter? Some states even have laws in place to require doctors to give government-dictated speeches to patients, and one state, I believe South Dakota, has passed a law prohibiting doctors to tell patients that the state politicians have dictated this speech.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that there will be responses to "stick to the topic" and the topic is "on campus." But freedom of speech is everywhere on any and every topic. If there should be no "gag rules" on campus, there also should be none in other places.

Stick to the topic, you wanna be fascist hack.

So you don't like free speech, then? Do you like censorship that much? You don't like free discussion of the issues and a free exchange of information and ideas?

What "fascist" am I? It is you who want to censor free discussion and impose government speech and propaganda on citizens, not me.

Funny. I think that it was you who posted a link to a site "shout your abortion" some weeks ago. I read through it and discovered the stories of women and men and their experiences, making me so much more firm in my pro-choice belief.

How is calling out some soy-moron admin at a College for using a strawman bullshit statement "censoring"

He ADMITS he isn't for free speech, he admits wanting to put qualifiers down, he might as well admit he will only apply such qualifiers to speech he likes.

I did post the link, it's a very sad site. But show me where I want it shut down, or people to ignore it, or try to have people posting to it ruined.

That is the tactic of leftist twats like you.

What happened to 'safe, legal, and rare"?

So what's up with the federal and state governments imposing gag rules and using taxpayer money to enforce them, forcing doctors to read scripts dictated by the government to patients, supposedly to be passed off as their own medical advice, forcing citizens to attend religious indoctrination centers just to exercise their rights, Mr. Free Speech?

While "safe, legal, and rare" is the objective of many in the U.S., it is not the objective of right-wingers. Just the opposite. A comprehensive and sound education on sexual matters and acessable birth control makes this possible.

So what does the orange whore do? He puts some "abstinence only" monkey bitch in charge of funding for sex education who lies to Americans that birth control doesn't work and seeks to spread ignorance of sexual matters. PP works to stop the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies and STDs, through the use of education and modern technology, and the psychos want to stop it and have more unplanned pregnancies and more abortions and big orphanages. There are more than 400,000 kids waiting for homes in this country. And, oh, yeah, people don't want LGBTQs providing them with homes.

Where are the right-wingers who want more unwanted pregnancies and forced births going to put these unwanted infants? The right-wingers seem to be very wrapped up in their sexual fantasies, but don't seem to have any plans.

This whoe "pro-life" thing, in a world of automatic weaponry, mass shootings, bump stocks, "I'm a man" horseshit, seems to arise from some anger that women, as well as men, have sex. Some guys have mental problems.
When you pro-aborts say you want abortion safe, legal, and rare, you're 2/3 lying. You oppose every measure to make it safer, and you damn sure don't want it rare.

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