Colin Powell: Iran nuclear deal is a "pretty good deal"


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Former Republican Secretary of State who had to deal with Iran

Colin Powell: Iran Deal Is a 'Pretty Good Deal'

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed support for the nuclear agreement with Iran on Sunday, calling the various planks Iranian leaders accepted "remarkable" and dismissing critics' concerns over its implementation.

"It's a pretty good deal," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Critics concerned that the deal will expedite Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapon, Powell added, are "forgetting the reality that [Iranian leaders] have been on a superhighway, for the last 10 years, to create a nuclear weapon or a nuclear weapons program, with no speed limit."

He said the reduction in centrifuges, Iran's uranium stockpile and their agreement to shut down their plutonium reactor were all "remarkable."

"These are remarkable changes, and so we have stopped this highway race that they were going down — and I think that's very, very important," Powell said.

He also pushed back on skeptics who have expressed worries about the ability of independent inspectors to verify that Iran is following the agreement. Powell said that, "with respect to the Iranians — don't trust, never trust, and always verify."

"And I think a very vigorous verification regime has been put into place," he said.
And Powell noted that, even if the deal did fail in Congress, dozens of other nations who were party to the negotiations have already agreed to it, making it impossible for the U.S. to sit out.

"Even if we were to kill the deal — which is not going to happen — it's going to take effect anyway, because all of these other countries that were in it with us are going to move forward," he said.

"They're all going to be moving forward — we're going to be sitting on the sidelines."

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Well, then, I guess that ends all debate, if Colin Powell says it's a pretty good deal. Never mind that there are no firm inspection provisions in the deal. Never mind that in some cases the Iranians get to do their own inspecting and just send us pictures. Never mind that the deal will allow hundreds of billions of dollars to flow into the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism. Never mind that Iran insisted on getting back their scientist whom we caught trying to get military secrets in CA but that we still don't have any of our hostages back. But, well, since Colin Powell says it's a pretty good deal, let's all play the part of the sheeple and say, "baah."
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
I'm no more surprised by this than I am that Debbie Wasserman Schultz backs the deal the surprise would have been if one or both didn't back it.
Who cares what Powell thinks...what does Dick Cheney have to say?

If we listen to Cheney and do the opposite, we can't go wrong
Colin Powell is a douchebag.


He made his reputation on the back of Norman Schwarzkopf. It is a well-known fact in the General Officer Corps that most of the conversations between the two during Desert Storm ended in, "Fuck you, Colin!"
I'm no more surprised by this than I am that Debbie Wasserman Schultz backs the deal the surprise would have been if one or both didn't back it.
Who cares what Powell thinks...what does Dick Cheney have to say?

If we listen to Cheney and do the opposite, we can't go wrong
Cheney's opinion on the deal means no more than Powells does.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit

Yeah, right. When this deal goes to shit, like Clinton's NK nuke deal, we will all know who to blame. The blame will all be on obozo and the 35 senators who refused to override his veto of the bill to kill the deal.

This is all on you, dems and libs. This POS "deal" is yours, just like the obozocare bill. You assholes own this shit, and it will destroy the dem party. Truman and Kennedy are turning over in their graves at what their party has become.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit

Yeah, right. When this deal goes to shit, like Clinton's NK nuke deal, we will all know who to blame. The blame will all be on obozo and the 35 senators who refused to override his veto of the bill to kill the deal.

This is all on you, dems and libs. This POS "deal" is yours, just like the obozocare bill. You assholes own this shit, and it will destroy the dem party. Truman and Kennedy are turning over in their graves at what their party has become.
The north Korean thing went bad because we were using inspections for espionage and it stayed bad because N Korea is pretty much revolution proof, they actually can starve their people to death just to stand against the west. Iran is not like that, they came to the negotiation table and made a deal because they hear the growing dissatisfaction there and they know that another spasm of unrest will be the end of the conservative Islamic government. This deal removes their excuse for why their economy sucks, they blame Everything on the sanctions. If the economy does not quickly pick up or they blow the deal Iran is going to erupt.
Powell is an Obamaroid, no surprise there

Ironically, Colin Powell was not provided any role in the Obama Administration. For of his rancor at the people that made him who he is and that there was "no room in the tent", the Obama Administration has gladly accepted Powell's endorsements and validation but have given him nothing. He is now without any tent.
Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit

Yeah, right. When this deal goes to shit, like Clinton's NK nuke deal, we will all know who to blame. The blame will all be on obozo and the 35 senators who refused to override his veto of the bill to kill the deal.

This is all on you, dems and libs. This POS "deal" is yours, just like the obozocare bill. You assholes own this shit, and it will destroy the dem party. Truman and Kennedy are turning over in their graves at what their party has become.

No sanctions get lifted until centerfuges and enriched uranium is gone.
Following the Republican plan, they keep enriching uranium at the present rate

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