Cohen is either going to jail for a long time or will flip on Trump

Flynn is either going to jail for a....
Manafort is either going to jail...
Gates is either...
Papodopolous is either...
Jared is either....
Deutsche Bank....

Whatever helps your delusions,

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We got him this time!!! Part 721,845

Stick with one sock account. It's ridiculous that you think people take you and your ilk any more seriously because you post the exact same stuff under different names
Cohen is either going to jail for a long time or will flip on Trump.
He has been Trump's fixer. He is a thug. Much of what will put him in jail he did without Trump's involvement but he has lots of dirt on Trump, he can use to lessen his sentence.
Okay even if I play your game...why would Cohen flip if he knows Trump has pardon power? You are dreaming...

Papadophlous, flynn and one more have flipped.

Even though trump has dangled pardons.

The problem with pardons from trump is it's only for federal crimes. He can't pardon if the state prosecutes.

So if trump pardons him the state will just take the fed's place to prosecute him and he's going to prison.

I find it interesting that you think that it's ok to pardon someone just to protect trump from facing justice for his crimes.

I never heard any democrat say such things.
I find it interesting that you think that it's ok to pardon someone just to protect trump from facing justice for his crimes.

As Trump openly admitted that IDIOTS would still side with him even if if he were a murderer, these same idiots want and expect all Trump's fellow criminals to be ABOVE the law.
Cohen is either going to jail for a long time or will flip on Trump.
He has been Trump's fixer. He is a thug. Much of what will put him in jail he did without Trump's involvement but he has lots of dirt on Trump, he can use to lessen his sentence.
He should be looked into, in as one of his clients is from Russia ,very rich, and had something to do with Hillys little Nuke sale to Russia. I found that very interesting.

Yeah, except that's fake news, all the companies he contracted with are American owned and managed.

Where is any of this illegal? Companies can send in donations you know.

The Avenatti stuff is NOT what the FBI was looking for....slow person. He is a real live criminal.

The Decision....

My wife and the kids that I dearly love or
The orange liar who installed his entire family and many of his friends in the White House....leaving me to fend for myself.
Cohen is either going to jail for a long time or will flip on Trump.
He has been Trump's fixer. He is a thug. Much of what will put him in jail he did without Trump's involvement but he has lots of dirt on Trump, he can use to lessen his sentence.
He should be looked into, in as one of his clients is from Russia ,very rich, and had something to do with Hillys little Nuke sale to Russia. I found that very interesting.

Yeah, except that's fake news, all the companies he contracted with are American owned and managed.

wrong, one is definitely Korean owned.
The shell company that shows American ownership backed by Russian money needs to begal ownership.
Papadophlous, flynn and one more have flipped.

Even though trump has dangled pardons.

The problem with pardons from trump is it's only for federal crimes. He can't pardon if the state prosecutes.

So if trump pardons him the state will just take the fed's place to prosecute him and he's going to prison.

I find it interesting that you think that it's ok to pardon someone just to protect trump from facing justice for his crimes.

I never heard any democrat say such things
LOL so they all flipped on the president? what did they say? please don't tell me you still believe the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the election...which isn't in its self illegal....
Trump won fair and square...Hillary is not likable...get over it...the economy is robust the world is getting safer ie on the Korean peninsula ...relax,,,Trump is doing good today with the pharmaceutical changes he set in place...people on non generic drugs will soon pay the same as they would in Mexico and Canada... remember he is not right or left he is America first....
Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a Failed real estate developer into the White House.
Trump’s Russian Laundromat

"“..They saved his bacon,” says Kenneth McCallion, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Reagan administration who investigated ties between organized crime and Trump’s developments in the 1980s.

It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches."..."​

Cohen's a boob. I love these company's that gave him millions of dollars and they can't seem to say what they got in return.

It's their money. I don't care. I do care about $1B tax free into the Clinton slush fund.

If Coehn did not declare income? The IRS is supposed to catch it. Must be clean or govt failed again.

Manafort tax issue was cleared in 2006. Mueller re-used it. Courts should get Mueller for that one too.
A thug? The only thugs are the "justice dept" people who took his life apart. Nothing Mr. Cohen did is alleged to be illegal. Hatred does strange things to people.

The all too worn out Trump whimper….

The FBI, DOJ, the courts, press, etc… are your enemy.

Russia and the KGB and white supremacists (aka “very fine people”) are your friends.
Cohen is either going to jail for a long time or will flip on Trump.
He has been Trump's fixer. He is a thug. Much of what will put him in jail he did without Trump's involvement but he has lots of dirt on Trump, he can use to lessen his sentence.
He should be looked into, in as one of his clients is from Russia ,very rich, and had something to do with Hillys little Nuke sale to Russia. I found that very interesting.

Yeah, except that's fake news, all the companies he contracted with are American owned and managed.

wrong, one is definitely Korean owned.
The shell company that shows American ownership backed by Russian money needs to begal ownership.


A thug? The only thugs are the "justice dept" people who took his life apart. Nothing Mr. Cohen did is alleged to be illegal. Hatred does strange things to people.

The all too worn out Trump whimper….

The FBI, DOJ, the courts, press, etc… are your enemy.

Russia and the KGB and white supremacists (aka “very fine people”) are your friends.
Look up all of the top agents in the FBI that have been fired or demoted Candycorn....they did wrong and it is squeaking out bit by bit and will eventually come completely out and will lead to Obama....whether anything comes from it or not this is a political witch hunt....
A thug? The only thugs are the "justice dept" people who took his life apart. Nothing Mr. Cohen did is alleged to be illegal. Hatred does strange things to people.

The all too worn out Trump whimper….

The FBI, DOJ, the courts, press, etc… are your enemy.

Russia and the KGB and white supremacists (aka “very fine people”) are your friends.
Look up all of the top agents in the FBI that have been fired or demoted Candycorn....they did wrong and it is squeaking out bit by bit and will eventually come completely out and will lead to Obama....whether anything comes from it or not this is a political witch hunt....

Although I know you won’t be honest because if you were, it would hurt your credit with your fellow Trump enablers but I will ask anyway….

Do you honestly believe that there was no FBI agents tweeting/messaging/airing their feelings about Obama during his 8 years in office? The difference is that Obama didn’t have a skin so thin that he equates their personal feelings with their ability to do their job.

As for “leading to Obama”, you’ve swallowed the Trump discharge completely. Good little boy, you are.
Where is any of this illegal? Companies can send in donations you know.

They're not donations---:auiqs.jpg:'

Three corporations are facing questions on Wednesday after making large payments to a consulting firm linked to President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceutical firm; Korea Aerospace Industries, a South Korean defense contractor; and AT&T, the massive US telecom, all paid Cohen-linked Essential Consulting more than $150,000.

Reasons for the payments varied from insight into the Trump administration to help with US accounting rules.

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing the adult-film star Stormy Daniels, revealed the payments on Tuesday in a report that detailed Cohen's finances.

In addition to the payments from the companies, the report alleged that a $500,000 payment from Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg to a separate LLC shortly after the 2016 election helped pay alleged hush money to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.

We've run down the full list of companies that paid Cohen, how much they paid, and what they said they paid for below.
Here are all the companies that paid Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen, and why they said they did it

This entire administration is built around trying to expand their own personal business interests. Including Trump, who was planning on building a Trump tower in downtown Moscow while he was running for POTUS.

While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

A great book to read that goes into Manafort, Kushner and others and more about that Russian Trump tower.


Very well written, easy to follow & hard to put down.

Doing a raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant. This is the guy that knows where the bodies are buried. In this case where all the corruption is.
It's their money. I don't care. I do care about $1B tax free into the Clinton slush fund.

If Coehn did not declare income? The IRS is supposed to catch it. Must be clean or govt failed again.

Manafort tax issue was cleared in 2006. Mueller re-used it. Courts should get Mueller for that one too.
It wasn't just AT&T. There were several corporations that gave him money that totaled into the millions. One of which, was a Russian oligarch. And this begs the question, why would an idiot be given this much money?

He was barely a lawyer in name only. Barely had 3 clients. No experience with mergers. No experience with litigation. No experience with corporate law. Yet this boob, was given millions of dollars. Why?

The only possible explanation that makes sense, is that he was selling access to Trump.

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