CNN's Don Lemon calls on Americans to shun 'stupid' unvaccinated people:

I don’t care if you show papers or not

If you are unvaccinated, you are a danger to yourself and others. We have been using the honor system where the unvaccinated are expected to do the right thing

They lie about being vaccinated so they don’t have to wear a mask.

Treat them like the children they are and isolate them from the responsible population
so how will you know who is and who isnt?....
Someone should let Don know about this.
As bad as it is, we never banned Smoking

We just made it uncomfortable for smokers to conduct their nasty habit it public.

As a result, smoking has dropped from almost 50 percent to under 15 percent

We need to do the same with those who refuse to vaccinate.
Send them home from work.
Make them take weekly COVID tests
Ban them from public venues
As bad as it is, we never banned Smoking

We just made it uncomfortable for smokers to conduct their nasty habit it public.

As a result, smoking has dropped from almost 50 percent to under 15 percent

We need to do the same with those who refuse to vaccinate.
Send them home from work.
Make them take weekly COVID tests
Ban them from public venues

Whoever "we" is is talking about 1/2 the population.

So "we" might want to think about what it will mean when their asses are being isolated and thrown out.

Because the 1/2 that are tough enough to not need the vax will destroy "we" in a heartbeat.

Fuck you.
As bad as it is, we never banned Smoking

We just made it uncomfortable for smokers to conduct their nasty habit it public.

As a result, smoking has dropped from almost 50 percent to under 15 percent

We need to do the same with those who refuse to vaccinate.
Send them home from work.
Make them take weekly COVID tests
Ban them from public venues
once do you tell who got the shot?....
once do you tell who got the shot?....

Well, we tried taking their word for it and they just lied and said they were vaccinated.

I have proof of my vaccine and if it gives me more public access….
Good for me
What a disgusting elitist prick, and this sort of smugness is one of the reasons I despise American liberals.

My advice, get the vaxx, but it's up to you.

CNN's Don Lemon calls on Americans to shun 'stupid' unvaccinated people: 'Leave them behind'​

'It's time to start shaming them'​

"Up to you" is costing 1500 American lives a day.
They will give you a card, which we can make with no problems.

I so look forward to the fail by the nazis on the left.
What if you beat the shit out of a prog slave and take his vacc card. Will they demand an ID to go with the vacc card? Yes? Well then, there goes the racists who said blacks cant get ID cards....
What a disgusting elitist prick, and this sort of smugness is one of the reasons I despise American liberals.

My advice, get the vaxx, but it's up to you.

CNN's Don Lemon calls on Americans to shun 'stupid' unvaccinated people: 'Leave them behind'​

'It's time to start shaming them'​

leftist are always about dividing people up
If you are so afraid of covid call Biden and tell him to close the border...wouldn't that makes more sense than screaming at total strangers?...
If you are so afraid of covid call Biden and tell him to close the border...wouldn't that makes more sense than screaming at total strangers?...
Red herring

It is the lack of vaccinated AMERICANS a that is spreading the disease

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