CNN To Host Town Hall With Secret Society Traitor Former FBI Director Comey


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'CNN to host town hall with Comey next month'

"The one-hour primetime Town Hall, moderated by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, will be live from Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall at Comey’s alma mater, William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and will be co-hosted by the Student Assembly at William & Mary"

Hosted by CNN

Moderated by Anderson Cooper

At Comey's Alma Mater

Co-Hosted by the liberal Socialist Indoctrinated 'Hitler Youth'

I would not be surprised to find out that Mueller and Hillary wrote the questions, they were given to Comey - along with the pre-scripted answers in advance...and that he will be wearing an ear-piece for them to feed him things to say during the 'Town Hall Meeting'....

Questions You Will NOT Hear Asked of Comey Include....

o Please explain how 30,000 violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, in the hands of the FBI, perpetrated by Hillary Clinton....according to the FBI...are not crimes and thus not worthy of indictment.

o You stated in your press conference that Hillary broke several laws but that you were not recommending she be indicted because she was too stupid to KNOW she was breaking the law.

-- When did 'Ignorance of the Law' become an acceptable legal defense for committing crimes?

-- Doesn't Hillary's signature on numerous Security training and re-occurring training documents stating she fully understood classification rules / regs / laws prove your statement that she did not know she was breaking the law was false, that you LIED?

o What do you have to say now that evidence shows you collaborated with former US AG General Loretta Lynch to ensure that Hillary was not indicted for her crimes, and that you wrote Hillary's exoneration letter well before the investigation was over?

o Were you aware that Agent Strzok altered the final report on Hillary's server investigation, eliminating specific verbiage that incriminated Hillary for 'gross criminal negligence' in handling classified?

-- On whose authority did he make those changes?

-- Why was Agent Strzok protected from being fired, re-assigned somewhere else in the FBI instead, when it was discovered he was criminally biased against the President, had altered the FBI's report, and had protected Hillary AND her 2 aides from indictment?

o How much did the money your wife, Oher's wife, and / or McCabe's wife took from Hillary influence your proven illegal actions / Obstruction?

o Please explain what McCabe meant by having an 'Insurance Policy; to use against the President in case he won the election, which he made clear neither you nor he wanted to happen?

o Who, besides yourself and former FBI Deputy Director McCabe...and Special Counsel Mueller...are 'Secret Society' members?

o Should you and McCabe face charges of sedition and / or treason?

o Why was the FBI WORKING FOR HILLARY CLINTON - using a debunked report she paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians she used illegally in a US election to illegally obtain FISA warrants to perpetrate a crime of spying on political opposition during an election that was worse than Watergate...accepting and following up on a tip from a Hillary supporter / donor to indict a self-important unpaid Trump campaign worker over a set-up arranged by the Hillary donor - the 'overheard drunken conversation' in a British Pub Bathroom?

Instead, I fully expect to hear bull$hit like...."How Guilty is Donald Trump? Am I Right?" :p

CNN to host town hall with Comey next month
It'll be a one-hour bash Trump fest. All softball questions, a stacked audience with possibly one or two fake Trump supporters who will appear to be uninformed and offensive. They're probably trying to groom Comey for a presidential run in 2020, as this may be their only hope of their corruption and shadow government not being exposed.

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