CNN starts fact checking Biden.

2019 shows that Trump did a worse job than Biden?


Worse job than Obama. Duh.

These are not complicated concepts bub.
Obama? The guy who changed the definitions? LOL!
Clearify yourself.

Stop jumping from one argument of convinience to another and make a coherent argument that consistently accounts for relationiship betwen border crossings and security policy across three administrations.
Claiming that Obama did a better job of keeping illegal aliens out than
Trump doesn't pass the laugh test.

Does it pass the CBP apprehensions data test?

You seem to just have forgone conclusions that you operate from at the core, the rest is just momentary arguments of convinience you dress them up in.
For Trump supporters the topic is more about CNN who helped the liar and chief Xiden get supposedly elected in the first place.
Without even questioning your premise...what about it?

CNN is a privately owned news and opinion channel. You don't like their what?

You are saying they should be censored or sued or...what?
First let's note the concession - you do admit that it's a matter degrees, not that border was actually secured.

Second, I haven't seen any evidence security had changed under Biden compared to Trump years. It's not suddenly more easy to cross the border.
So you're going to go with the flat out lie, Anton? Noted.
Then you on the left can't figure out why people are leaving the Democrat Party in droves!
I can't believe they actually fact checked all his horseshit lies this week!

Fact check: Biden’s midterms message includes false and misleading claims​

Daniel Dale
By Daniel Dale, CNN
Updated 9:00 AM EDT, Sat November 5, 2022

WashingtonCNN —

President Joe Biden has been back on the campaign trail, traveling in October and early November to deliver his pitch for electing Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday.

Biden’s pitch has included claims that are false, misleading or lacking important context. (As always, we take no position on the accuracy of his subjective arguments.) Here is a fact-check look at nine of his recent statements.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

Biden lies link: Fact Checked !!!
CNN's new CEO is trying to find ways to get CNN's ratings out of the basement--they've been losing market share for years now--and is apparently trying to report some actual facts instead of Democrat propaganda. Dale's article here is one of several I've seen lately that is actually putting some honest information out there.

CNN hasn't reformed enough apparently though to give up the leftist spin that Trump's tax policy mostly benefitted the rich. It is true that the rich enjoyed a larger dollar amount in lowered taxes but it is not true they got the lion's share of the tax benefits. 1% of $10,000 is $100.00. 100% of $10.00 is $10.00. So if you look at dollar amount yes the rich got bigger benefits though the 'rich' in this case are mostly businesses. But the lion's share of the percentage cuts went to the middle class.
See this is what happens when you have no real intelectual integrity and are just jumping from one argument of convinience to another.

Todd, do you now accept that CBP arhensions data does in fact reflect on security at the border? You can't have it both ways where you deny this data proves border was not secure under Trump, but then turn right around and use it to make claims about border security under Biden.
Are you not watching the news? Illegals are literally pouring across the border right now! Millions and Joe Biden is doing NOTHING to stop them!
Who did you vote for? That's the bottom line isn't it?
No it isn't.
I don't look at politics as a competition. Most of America didn't before Obama started dividing the nation.
The last 3 Presidents have been instruments of division. We desperately need another Reagan as far as bringing people back together.
Troublemaker Trump sure fooled you.
Biden has done his swamp duty for the Progs. He was installed and most of the tens of trillions of dollars passed to pay off everyone they needed to was done by legislation. He is a liability and they know it. At times though he speaks with real clarity on the agendas needed to attack those who do not vote for him for some reason.
I can't believe you've rediscovered appreciation for facts after 4 years of shilling for Trump.

Yes, Biden gets some facts wrong, but the quantity and quality of his falsehoods are not even in the same universe of what Trump was pushing day in and out.
But, but, but, something about TRUMP!
To clarify, Obama did a better job than Trump, or a worse job at the border?
So no, you have no interest in laying out some sort of long term consistent argumentation.

Here is my view on all this:

I don't think the border has been significantly more or less difficult to cross under various administrations.

Fluctuations have been mostly matters of how badly people wanted to cross over: Economics, policitcs and violence drive people.

Why has there been a big reduction since the 90's? Because south American economies and stability have been improving and Great Recession lowered opportunities in Unted States.

Why has there been a recent increase in migration (briefly paused and then accelerated by the pandemic)? Because while we have record low unemployment there were more economic and political problems down south in places like Venezuela that created more desperate people willing to take the risk in a foreign country, not just United States but many other neighboring countries. 2/3s of recent aprehensions at the border have been non-mexicans.
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So no, you have no interest in laying out some sort of long term consistent argumentation.

Here is my view on all this:

I don't think the border has been significantly more or less difficult to cross under various administrations.

Fluctuations have been mostly matters of how badly people wanted to cross over: Economics, policitcs and violence drive people.

Why has there been a big reduction since the 90's? Because south American economies and stability have been improving and Great Recession lowered opportunities in Unted States.

Why has there been a recent increase in migration (briefly paused and then accelerated by the pandemic)? Because there were more economic and political problems down south in places like Venezuela that created more desperate people willing to take the risk in a foreign country.

My consistent argument is that Obama was bad and Biden is worse.

We need to seal the border and stop letting people wait here while their phony
asylum claims are processed.

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