CNN starts fact checking Biden.

I ask for honesty, and I get you?
Where did anyone say that the border was SECURED? WHERE DID YOU READ THAT, Anton???????????????????????????
Are you trying to lie? All we're saying is that when they were caught crossing the border they were sent back back with
their paperwork. Not all were caught, obviously. Nobody is saying that, but there you are embarrassing yourself.
You need to bone up on some knowledge, Anton.
Have you ever considered actually reading what I was replying to, before getting all crazy about it?

You should, so you don't look like an idiot:

Trump had the border secure
Pure bull.

The claim was that Trump somehow secured the border. Graph clearly shows that to be false and even more apprehensions in 2022 data in no way contradicts that point.
Pure bull.

The claim was that Trump somehow secured the border. Graph clearly shows that to be false and even more apprehensions in 2022 data in no way contradicts that point.
What claim? Nobody claimed anything, I just gave facts. Now you're saying I claimed the border was secure.
You're lying, I never claimed that, but here you are saying that I did claim that.

Why is Biden bussing/flying them throughout the country and releasing them?
Knowing that few will show up for their court dates.
Dummy? Your the one that gives outdated graphs expecting us to be fooled.
Your the "dummy". It's not 2020, it's 2022 and I gave current numbers.
Bullshit artist, did this happen or not?

Trump had the border secure

Clearly, the poster made the claim, clearly my graph refuted it without any need for 2022 data.

Clearly you don't agree with the claim that the border was ever secured. So you are just down to ludicrous face-saving.

You are making a fool of yourself.
Bullshit artist, did this happen or not?

You are making a fool of yourself.
My name isn't 'notmyfault2020'.

You know Anthony, when a person gets bitch slapped as often as you have
in this thread, that person usually has enough wisdom to leave. You don't.

You used a graph that didn't even have any of Biden's numbers in it. When I did give you
Biden's numbers you ignored them. When I asked about Biden shipping illegals all across
the US, you ignored it.
I can't fix your kind of stupid, dude. :eusa_whistle:
My name isn't 'notmyfault2020'.
It's nice to see you get SOMETHING right.

Your screen name is Meister and you've posted that no one claimed that the border was secured.

You were obviously wrong and a poster named 'notmyfault2020' I originally replied to on this topic certainly has. It's too bad you don't have the integrity, honesty and frankly even basic intelligence to admit that painfully obvious fact.

With "getting bitch slapped" like this who needs total victories?
I can't believe you've rediscovered appreciation for facts after 4 years of shilling for Trump.

Yes, Biden gets some facts wrong, but the quantity and quality of his falsehoods are not even in the same universe of what Trump was pushing day in and out.
You do understand that Biden has been lying to the American people, weekly if not daily, since 1975. The sheer volume of his catalog of lies makes you out to be a shill for all things Democrat.
I can't believe you've rediscovered appreciation for facts after 4 years of shilling for Trump.

Yes, Biden gets some facts wrong, but the quantity and quality of his falsehoods are not even in the same universe of what Trump was pushing day in and out.
Trump had a habit of inflating things...its what promoters do! Biden simply lies. There is a huge difference.
I can't believe they actually fact checked all his horseshit lies this week!

Fact check: Biden’s midterms message includes false and misleading claims​

Daniel Dale
By Daniel Dale, CNN
Updated 9:00 AM EDT, Sat November 5, 2022

WashingtonCNN —

President Joe Biden has been back on the campaign trail, traveling in October and early November to deliver his pitch for electing Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday.

Biden’s pitch has included claims that are false, misleading or lacking important context. (As always, we take no position on the accuracy of his subjective arguments.) Here is a fact-check look at nine of his recent statements.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

Biden lies link: Fact Checked !!!
They know he is about to become a lame duck, and it is only going to get worse for them.
So they are gearing up for 2024 by throwing Dementia Joe under the bus.
Trump had a habit of inflating things...its what promoters do! Biden simply lies. There is a huge difference.

Bullshit, inflating is just a subsection of his lies.


Trump: Biden “didn’t win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit.”
Did you notice your graph stopped in 2020? :laughing0301:

Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. That will far exceed last year’s record of more than 1.7 million arrests.

Now what were you saying?

Whaaa? Antontoo is a liar too? Color me not shocked!
You do understand that Biden has been lying to the American people, weekly if not daily, since 1975. The sheer volume of his catalog of lies makes you out to be a shill for all things Democrat.

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