CNN legal analyst/public masturbator Jeffrey Toobin wants to be the poster boy for abortion

The Jeffrey Toobin of his time, yes that Pompeii.

I couldn't resist! :auiqs.jpg:

This law allows anyone to file a civil suit against anyone who performs an abortion even if they have no connection with the provider. It's exactly the kind of crap the supreme court is supposed to throw in the garbage where it belongs.
In effect they are using the human race as a single legal plaintiff. It's definitely a creative approach. I can see a lot of slippery slopes there though.
Just did.

How is it different than "see something, say something"?
Good point it's not different at all.
It's a very close relative of turning in your neighbors for having a birthday party during the pandemic. I guess left the only likes that kind of supervision when it works in his favor.
Oh my, the homicidal sociopath pagans see a drop in the number of human sacrifices they lust after so intensely. Their Party of fellow deviants will ride to the rescue eventually; ritualistic mass murders are essential to Party Unity, after all.
They basically just opened the flood gates to frivolous lawsuits as everyone tries to get paid.
More frivilous than your stupid halfwit claims about 'generational wealth n stuff'? Lol you really going to try and sound like you care about crooked lawyers, when you hope to have the likes of an Al Sharpton handling your 'reparations' loot???? lol you just get more and more ridiculous.
Laws are supposed to follow precedent. You are not supposed to be able to file malicious lawsuits against people you have no connection to.
Following precedent isn't a law. If it were a law, then slavery would still be legal.

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