CNN Continues To Prove It is VERY FAKE NEWS - Slammed By Juan Williams


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Did you know Sean Hannity pulled a gun on Juan Williams?

At least, while doing its self-appointed job of telling Americans what to think, CNN would have you believe based on their Fake News reporting.

Very Fake News: Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity 'Pulled Gun' on Him After 'Argument'

The fake news establishment media at CNN is at it again. Now they are attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

"Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim. “He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,”

"Williams himself says the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. “This incident is being sensationalized — everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way,” Williams said, according to the CNN report. “It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends.”

1. CNN was just being who they are - a leftist propaganda wing of the Democratic party - VERY Fake News. 'Sensationalized' is a polite way to say CNN LIED - MIS-REPORTED the facts.

2. That being said, in the gun safety training I received, we were taught NEVER point a gun - unloaded or not - at anyone. Doing so is just STUPID! You never want to get in a habit of pointing a gun at anyone, just in case there is ever a time when the gun might have a round in the chamber / might be loaded. Pointing a gun at someone on TV (if was the case) is not setting a good gun safety image.
attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

"Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim. “He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,”

"Williams himself says the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. “This incident is being sensationalized — everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way,” Williams said, according to the CNN report. “It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends.”

1. CNN was just being who they are - a leftist propaganda wing of the Democratic party - VERY Fake News. 'Sensationalized' is a polite way to say CNN LIED - MIS-REPORTED the facts.

2. That being said, in the gun safety training I received, we were taught NEVER point a gun - unloaded or not - at anyone. Doing so is just STUPID! You never want to get in a habit of pointing a gun at anyone, just in case there is ever a time when the gun might have a round in the chamber / might be loaded. Pointing a gun at someone on TV (if was the case) is not setting a good gun safety image.

So not fake - Hannity did point the gun, which you admit was stupid. So the story IS TRUE as to the facts, even if maybe misleading.

P.S. you need not worry about Sean Hannity's reputation, he is a ridiculous lemming for Republicans/Trump and everyone including righties are well aware of that. Nothing anyone can say to tarnish that any further.

Let compare that to Trump's claims:

Obama's birth certificate is fake.
1000s of dancing Muslims in NJ on 9/11.
Unemployment is perhaps 40%
Bible is my favorite book.
Obama wiretapped my phones.

Can you seriously not spot the real FAKER?
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Did you know Sean Hannity pulled a gun on Juan Williams?

At least, while doing its self-appointed job of telling Americans what to think, CNN would have you believe based on their Fake News reporting.

Very Fake News: Juan Williams Slams CNN Report Claiming Sean Hannity 'Pulled Gun' on Him After 'Argument'

The fake news establishment media at CNN is at it again. Now they are attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

"Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim. “He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,”

"Williams himself says the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. “This incident is being sensationalized — everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way,” Williams said, according to the CNN report. “It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends.”

1. CNN was just being who they are - a leftist propaganda wing of the Democratic party - VERY Fake News. 'Sensationalized' is a polite way to say CNN LIED - MIS-REPORTED the facts.

2. That being said, in the gun safety training I received, we were taught NEVER point a gun - unloaded or not - at anyone. Doing so is just STUPID! You never want to get in a habit of pointing a gun at anyone, just in case there is ever a time when the gun might have a round in the chamber / might be loaded. Pointing a gun at someone on TV (if was the case) is not setting a good gun safety image.

If he pointed a gun at him, he's a lunatic who shouldn't be allowed near a gun.
I saw that, and Juan had a very disappointed look on his face.
When people like Juan Williams can no longer defend or support The Dem Party, you can damn well bet, ordinary Americans who belong to that party have already lost faith in it.
Keep up the good work Lefty with your FAKE NEWS and 24-7 Negative Divisive and Obstructionist reporting.
Keep Showing America how butt hurt you are and how much you hate this country and its laws.
You are The Right's biggest Help.
So not fake - Hannity did point the gun, which you admit was stupid.
Nice try, Pinocchio, but CNN reported Sean Hannity pulled a gun on Juan Williams after they had an argument. It's COMPLETELY VERY FAKE NEWS!

Wrong....seriously check other sites before posting Brietbart lies

According to CNN, who cited three unnamed sources, Hannity allegedly turned on the weapon's laser sight "causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body." The sources said that the off-camera incident in October "clearly disturbed" Williams and others present, though they added Hannity "was showing off," the CNN report adds.

everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way," Williams said. "It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends."

Sean Hannity pointed a gun at Juan Williams off-air, CNN report says
Hannity was just showing juan his gun...big friccken deal. Make up more crap CNN
Fun fact - Juan GETS PAID for his appearances on his dear friend's Hannity show.

And what's a little gun pointing between friends like that?
So not fake - Hannity did point the gun, which you admit was stupid.
Nice try, Pinocchio, but CNN reported Sean Hannity pulled a gun on Juan Williams after they had an argument. It's COMPLETELY VERY FAKE NEWS!

Wrong....seriously check other sites before posting Brietbart lies

According to CNN, who cited three unnamed sources, Hannity allegedly turned on the weapon's laser sight "causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body." The sources said that the off-camera incident in October "clearly disturbed" Williams and others present, though they added Hannity "was showing off," the CNN report adds.

everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way," Williams said. "It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends."

Sean Hannity pointed a gun at Juan Williams off-air, CNN report says
FAIL, snowflake...once again you ignore the biggest LIE in CNN's Fake News Story - Sean Hannity did NOT pull out a gun and point it at Williams in anger after an argument. THAT is the basis for CNN's fake News story! THEY LIED, and no amount of justification by you can change that!

In the link I posted, it wasn't a Conservative or a Republican who slammed CNN, accusing them of Fake News - it was JUAN WILLIAMS himself! HE called them out on their BS story, so stop trying to blame the right for calling CNN out on their latest Fake News story!
Did Hannity ever take a gun safety course? Are he and his supporters claiming the "new rule" is that it is OK to point a weapon at a person as long as you are just "fooling around".
Did Hannity ever take a gun safety course? Are he and his supporters claiming the "new rule" is that it is OK to point a weapon at a person as long as you are just "fooling around".

1. Yes, it is well known Hannity has taken gun safety courses and is a big 'gun safety' advocate.

2. NO, people are NOT claiming it is ok for Hannity to point an unloaded pistol at someone. It is not ok / smart to ever point a weapon at anyone unless in self-defense, etc...
So not fake - Hannity did point the gun, which you admit was stupid.
Nice try, Pinocchio, but CNN reported Sean Hannity pulled a gun on Juan Williams after they had an argument. It's COMPLETELY VERY FAKE NEWS!

Wrong....seriously check other sites before posting Brietbart lies

According to CNN, who cited three unnamed sources, Hannity allegedly turned on the weapon's laser sight "causing a red dot to bob around on Williams' body." The sources said that the off-camera incident in October "clearly disturbed" Williams and others present, though they added Hannity "was showing off," the CNN report adds.

everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way," Williams said. "It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends."

Sean Hannity pointed a gun at Juan Williams off-air, CNN report says
FAIL, snowflake...once again you ignore the biggest LIE in CNN's Fake News Story - Sean Hannity did NOT pull out a gun and point it at Williams in anger after an argument. THAT is the basis for CNN's fake News story! THEY LIED, and no amount of justification by you can change that!

In the link I posted, it wasn't a Conservative or a Republican who slammed CNN, accusing them of Fake News - it was JUAN WILLIAMS himself! HE called them out on their BS story, so stop trying to blame the right for calling CNN out on their latest Fake News story!

Where does it say Anger? On the USA News link?
Where does it say Anger? On the USA News link?
You're like my wife, God bless her, who at times knit-picks ate every little detail because she is so desperate not to be wrong. CNN reported Hannity pulled a weapon on Williams after they had an ARGUMENT. WILLIAMS called CNN on the reporting, saying it was BULLSHIT...'sensationalism' in FAKE NEWS, news that is not reported accurately!

"after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.”

CNN deliberately - according to Williams ('Sensationalism') - reported in such an inaccurate way as to make it sound as if Hannity pulled the weapon because of their 'spirited' argument.

Williams, a liberal, recognized it for what it was - why can't you?

At this point I suggest you do what my wife does when she realizes she was wrong...drop it and quietly move on rather than continue to bring attention to your / CNN's FAIL.
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I bet if CNN reported that Hannity shot Juan, some libs (like Jake) would believe it even if it weren't true.
attacking Fox News host Sean Hannity, smearing his reputation with a phony story about him allegedly pointing a gun at liberal Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

"Dylan Byers, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor Juan Williams, Hannity pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim. “He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,”

"Williams himself says the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. “This incident is being sensationalized — everything was under total control throughout and I never felt like I was put in harm’s way,” Williams said, according to the CNN report. “It was clear that Sean put my safety and security above all else and we continue to be great friends.”

1. CNN was just being who they are - a leftist propaganda wing of the Democratic party - VERY Fake News. 'Sensationalized' is a polite way to say CNN LIED - MIS-REPORTED the facts.

2. That being said, in the gun safety training I received, we were taught NEVER point a gun - unloaded or not - at anyone. Doing so is just STUPID! You never want to get in a habit of pointing a gun at anyone, just in case there is ever a time when the gun might have a round in the chamber / might be loaded. Pointing a gun at someone on TV (if was the case) is not setting a good gun safety image.

So not fake - Hannity did point the gun, which you admit was stupid. So the story IS TRUE as to the facts, even if maybe misleading.

P.S. you need not worry about Sean Hannity's reputation, he is a ridiculous lemming for Republicans/Trump and everyone including righties are well aware of that. Nothing anyone can say to tarnish that any further.

Let compare that to Trump's claims:

Obama's birth certificate is fake.
1000s of dancing Muslims in NJ on 9/11.
Unemployment is perhaps 40%
Bible is my favorite book.
Obama wiretapped my phones.

Can you seriously not spot the real FAKER?
The Clinton news network is all about fake... shit for brains

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