Clown Show At Academy Awards


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.
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I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I actually like the music he and Common make. Their art is enjoyable.

But their political beliefs suck.

He actually compared modern day prison inmates (who are there voluntarily) to slaves.
I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I don't know about that, but he yammered on some kind of sob story about how tough Blacks have it, when it is hundreds of millions of Whites who have been discriminated against by Affirmative Action in America, over the past 51 years, and whose lives have been ruined or reduced drastically, because of it.

And it is people of his Black race who have been the primary beneficiaries of all this massive racism and Black privilege. NO! Selma is NOT NOW. Voting rights are perfectly intact, and are not in any danger for people who are American citizens, and have the right to vote. It's only non citizens who are being weeded out, as they should be.
As for the number of Blacks in prisons, it's simple. Don't do the crime, and you won't do the time. To try to use being Black (where you're getting all kinds of special privileges and preferences, at the expense of other races), as an excuse, is absolutely ASSININE.
I actually like the music he and Common make. Their art is enjoyable.

But their political beliefs suck.

He actually compared modern day prison inmates (who are there voluntarily) to slaves.
The prison inmates are there because they broke the law. Do the crime ; do the time. Don't do the crime : don't do the time.
I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I don't know about that, but he yammered on some kind of sob story about how tough Blacks have it, when it is hundreds of millions of Whites who have been discriminated against by Affirmative Action in America, over the past 51 years, and whose lives have been ruined or reduced drastically, because of it.

And it is people of his Black race who have been the primary beneficiaries of all this massive racism and Black privilege. NO! Selma is NOT NOW. Voting rights are perfectly intact, and are not in any danger for people who are American citizens, and have the right to vote. It's only non citizens who are being weeded out, as they should be.
As for the number of Blacks in prisons, it's simple. Don't do the crime, and you won't do the time. To try to use being Black (where you're getting all kinds of special privileges and preferences, at the expense of other races), as an excuse, is absolutely ASSININE.
Affirmative action for entertainment. No white person can win an award ever again.
I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I don't know about that, but he yammered on some kind of sob story about how tough Blacks have it, when it is hundreds of millions of Whites who have been discriminated against by Affirmative Action in America, over the past 51 years, and whose lives have been ruined or reduced drastically, because of it.

And it is people of his Black race who have been the primary beneficiaries of all this massive racism and Black privilege. NO! Selma is NOT NOW. Voting rights are perfectly intact, and are not in any danger for people who are American citizens, and have the right to vote. It's only non citizens who are being weeded out, as they should be.
As for the number of Blacks in prisons, it's simple. Don't do the crime, and you won't do the time. To try to use being Black (where you're getting all kinds of special privileges and preferences, at the expense of other races), as an excuse, is absolutely ASSININE.
Affirmative action for entertainment. No white person can win an award ever again.
Which means they aren't "awards". They are the embodiment of ass-kissing.

PS - over the past 50 years, the best entertainers in the music industry, have been Whites (by a wide margin).
Lost control of the last thread so you started a new one? lol

Race in the entertainment industry is an odd topic. But those who won the awards were not part of any affirmative action. If they made movies or music for blacks it is because there is money to be made there. That is all.
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
Lost control of the last thread so you started a new one? lol

Race in the entertainment industry is an odd topic. But those who won the awards were not part of any affirmative action. If they made movies or music for blacks it is because there is money to be made there. That is all.
Some people in this thread have already disagreed with that. Have you read the thread ?
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John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

As for what type of "music", shall we say >
None of which impresses me one iota.
Lost control of the last thread so you started a new one? lol

Race in the entertainment industry is an odd topic. But those who won the awards were not part of any affirmative action. If they made movies or music for blacks it is because there is money to be made there. That is all.
Some people i this thread have already disagreed with that. Have you read the thread ?

I saw that people disagreed with it. That does not make my comments any less true or valid.

Affirmative Action is wrong. You will get no argument from me on that. But I don't know of a single affirmative action law in the entertainment industry. Movies are made based on what the producers and studios think will make money. The music industry is the same.
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

Oh but you DO know them? You know them well enough to claim that they laugh at an award winning musician?

Perhaps they told you they don't like him?

I have a great deal of respect for successful musicians who also do charity work. Legend works with Tide after Katrina. He has done chairty work for several disastor relief efforts, and he spend both his time and his money trying to make a difference. But I guess it would be better if he just ranted on political discussion sites?
I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I don't know about that, but he yammered on some kind of sob story about how tough Blacks have it, when it is hundreds of millions of Whites who have been discriminated against by Affirmative Action in America, over the past 51 years, and whose lives have been ruined or reduced drastically, because of it.

And it is people of his Black race who have been the primary beneficiaries of all this massive racism and Black privilege. NO! Selma is NOT NOW. Voting rights are perfectly intact, and are not in any danger for people who are American citizens, and have the right to vote. It's only non citizens who are being weeded out, as they should be.
As for the number of Blacks in prisons, it's simple. Don't do the crime, and you won't do the time. To try to use being Black (where you're getting all kinds of special privileges and preferences, at the expense of other races), as an excuse, is absolutely ASSININE.
So if you could, you would trade places with a black person so you could have all of those "special privileges and preferences"?
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

Oh but you DO know them? You know them well enough to claim that they laugh at an award winning musician?
I know them through their music, which I played on a solid body 6 string guitar and an acoustic guitar, in a Rock band, for 8 years in clubs and colleges. When you play a musician's music (and do it as he does it), you "know him" through the music. Rock guitarists would understand what I'm talking about.
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

As for what type of "music", shall we say >
None of which impresses me one iota.

Then don't listen to it. No problem.

But plenty of people do enjoy it. Your taste in music is not the sole determination of what is music.
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

Its R&B idiot! And he's pretty good. He's no Brian McKnight but he's a pretty damn good singer song writer.

What is wrong with you? Blacks are clearly the leaders of entertainment. Remember Motown? Beyonce? Hello! Michael Jordan? MJ brought up everyones wages. They paid him millions in endorsements not because he was black but extremely talented. You just don't like black music. You wish Hee Haw was back on.

Girl I'm in love with you, this aint the honeymoon, we're passed the infactuation phase.
Right in the thick of love, sometimes we get sick of love la la la something something something
We're just ordinary people, we don't need to take it slow, take it slow oh oh oh, this time we'll take it slow.

You hate it he has a hot white wife. LOL. Don't worry, it won't last.

Do you think white women pick black men because of AA or is it the big black dong?
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

Oh but you DO know them? You know them well enough to claim that they laugh at an award winning musician?
I know them through their music, which I played on a solid body 6 string guitar and an acoustic guitar, in a Rock band, for 8 years in clubs and colleges. When you play a musician's music (and do it as he does it), you "know him" through the music. Rock guitarists would understand what I'm talking about.

LMAO!! Oh please! You know what those musicians THINK about an artist because you played their music? That ranks as one of the stupidest things you have EVER said. And that is saying something.

No, you do NOT know what they think of John Legend. If you think Bob Dylan wouldn't applaud what Legend has done, you are a fool who has not paid attention to what Dylan said in both his music and his interviews. McCartney has spoken out against racism. Neil Young ridiculed the south's treatment of blacks.

Maybe you should pay attention to what those musicians said?
John Legend not only makes a complete fool of himself by pretending that the experiences of the older Black generation at Selma, Alabama (1965) are still with us today, but he also pretends to be a musical talent of some sort.

EARTH To LEGEND and ALL OTHER RAP "ARTISTS" - Nothing in the RAP genre (if it can even be called that) has any worth musically. It is all a silly joke. The really notable thing about this TOPIC, is that lost causes like John Legend, have to run to the grievance bar in order to keep themselves in competition with everyone else.

They know full well that without their Affirmative Action Black privilege, they're just another been nowhere, done nothing, know nothing idiot, and being a rapper is all the more proof. What a disgrace. And how anyone with the kind of trash that he produces can call it "music" ,,and go accept an award for it is beyond incredible. John Lennon must be turning in his grave. Real musical talents like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc just laugh at this clown show.

John Legend, just by way of educating you, is not a rap artist.

And John Lennon would applaud both Legend's music and his political statements. I doubt the rest of the musicians you listed would have anything bad to say about him.
I doubt that you know them well enough, to have a very informed opinion.

As for what type of "music", shall we say >
None of which impresses me one iota.

Then don't listen to it. No problem.

But plenty of people do enjoy it. Your taste in music is not the sole determination of what is music.

Meanwhile everyone from Elvis to Eminem copy what black people are doing. Or Chuck Berry.

Look at us silly honkeys when we were trying to break dance. We try to wear ghetto clothes and try to talk street. Black people should see we soooo want to be cool like they are.
I didn't see it. Did he demand that the winners give their awards to black people like they do at the Grammys?
I don't know about that, but he yammered on some kind of sob story about how tough Blacks have it, when it is hundreds of millions of Whites who have been discriminated against by Affirmative Action in America, over the past 51 years, and whose lives have been ruined or reduced drastically, because of it.

And it is people of his Black race who have been the primary beneficiaries of all this massive racism and Black privilege. NO! Selma is NOT NOW. Voting rights are perfectly intact, and are not in any danger for people who are American citizens, and have the right to vote. It's only non citizens who are being weeded out, as they should be.
As for the number of Blacks in prisons, it's simple. Don't do the crime, and you won't do the time. To try to use being Black (where you're getting all kinds of special privileges and preferences, at the expense of other races), as an excuse, is absolutely ASSININE.
So if you could, you would trade places with a black person so you could have all of those "special privileges and preferences"?
I don't have to trade places to get affirmative action. I am a minority eligible for AA. I'm 50% Hispanic, and I speak Spanish fluently. And in 50 years in the workforce, despite having worked in over 200 companies, I am proud to say that I have never filled out an AA questionairre. I wouldn't lower myself to that level. It's a disgrace.

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