Iran will be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, restrictions removed


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline
I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.
Obama desperate for a deal... Any deal...

Iran: The ‘Americans Are Begging Us for a Deal’

A top Iranian military leader claims that U.S. officials have been “begging us” to sign a nuclear deal during closed door negotiations with Tehran over its contested nuclear program, according to recent comments made to the Iranian state-controlled media.

Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the commander of the Basij, a paramilitary group operating under the wing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), recently claimed that the “Americans are begging us for a deal on the negotiation table,” according to commentspublished in Persian and independently translated for the Washington Free Beacon.

Naghdi added that American officials routinely “plea” with Iran in talks and that the United States is negotiating from a position of weakness, according to his comments, which follow earlier reports claiming that Iran’s leading negotiator “frequently shouts” at U.S. officials.

The military leader’s remarks appear to jibe with new reports that the United States is conceding ground to Iran in talks and will now allow it to “keep much of its uranium-enriching technology,”according to the Associated Press.

Iran, the AP reported, “refuses to meet U.S.-led demands for deep cuts in the number of centrifuges it uses to enrich uranium, a process that can create material for anything from chemotherapy to the core of an atomic bomb.”

Regional experts say that the Iranians feel that they are in a position of power in the talks and believe that the Obama administration is desperate to ink a deal

Iran The Americans Are Begging Us for a Deal Washington Free Beacon
I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.

Iran's mullahs are a bunch of religious nut jobs, supporting terrorism around the world. They are worst than N.Korea. No religious fundamentalist state has nukes
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline

Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.
By getting any kind of delaying deal, I'd think their hoping the democractic movement will have more time to put more pro-west leaders into power who'd cancel it altogether. That's the best tactic.
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline

Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.

Keep the pressure on the sanctions where working and could have been stiffened even further. Get rid of the mullahs and Iran could be a thriving democracy.
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline

Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.

Keep the pressure on the sanctions where working and could have been stiffened even further. Get rid of the mullahs and Iran could be a thriving democracy.

Change from without never works. Look how 9/11 united the country. Same thing'd happen if a country attacked Iran. You'd only unite them.
The 'attack to prevent' thinking is probably what comes from growing up with tv where disputes were fixed in 30 or 60 minutes via gunplay. In the real world, it doesn't work quite the same way. :)
By getting any kind of delaying deal, I'd think their hoping the democractic movement will have more time to put more pro-west leaders into power who'd cancel it altogether. That's the best tactic.
Nope Obama is in the process of Legitimizing "the Islamic Republic of Iran" as a counter balance against the Sunnis. After this "bad deal" the sanctions will be lifted the mullahs will become stronger. Obama didn't back the pro democracy people last time they attempted to rise up against the mullahs. There is also nothing in this deal to address the dissidents or Iran's support for terrorism
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline

Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.

Keep the pressure on the sanctions where working and could have been stiffened even further. Get rid of the mullahs and Iran could be a thriving democracy.

Change from without never works. Look how 9/11 united the country. Same thing'd happen if a country attacked Iran. You'd only unite them.
It only takes a ten bomb blitz to annihilate Israel.
Keep the pressure on the sanctions where working and could have been stiffened even further. Get rid of the mullahs and Iran could be a thriving democracy.

If they are found to be in compliance, then the sanctions have to be lifted as per the agreement.
I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.

What this would actually do is make Iran the preeminate power in the middle one would be able to screw with them because of the fear of them using a nuke against any military would also force the other oil producing nations to kowtow to Iran...or risk having their oil fields nuked.....and of course they are going to use a nuke on Israel.......
Hopefully Israel will do what needs to be done long before Iran reaches their muslim Armageddon.
I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.

What this would actually do is make Iran the preeminate power in the middle one would be able to screw with them because of the fear of them using a nuke against any military would also force the other oil producing nations to kowtow to Iran...or risk having their oil fields nuked.....and of course they are going to use a nuke on Israel.......

You mean they would be the equivalent of Israel now? Israel has nukes , not Iran.

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