Clinton Likely Gaining General Election Momentum! ISIS fueled By GOP Recruiting Rhetoric Losing

Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.

"It's common knowledge" is a euphemism meaning "it's bullshit."

It just means you can't read. Or you haven't heard of Google. Not the number, the search engine.

Get to it Porky.

I can read just fine. Leftturds like you think all your cherished idiocies are "common knowledge." The problem with them is that they are all wrong.
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.
It's also common knowledge that ISIS uses our drone strikes for recruiting, but......

So we shouldn't have bombed Nazi Germany because that would only make the Nazis stronger? Your argument is pure idiocy. It's an excuse for doing nothing.
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.

You're confused about who comes across as laughable.
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.

You're confused about who comes across as laughable.
While there are some exceptions, the large majority of progressive issues are completely logical and viable. if you were smart of enough to understand them, you would grasp that. Sorry you are not to that level, Patty!
I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.

You're confused about who comes across as laughable.
While there are some exceptions, the large majority of progressive issues are completely logical and viable. if you were smart of enough to understand them, you would grasp that. Sorry you are not to that level, Patty!

Oh it is cute to watch the far left drones actually believe they have a choice in their nominations and thoughts..
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.
Awww, you asked the question and I answered it. If my response to you makes you feel all bullied, then maybe you ought to check into Bucky Bailey's Bully Buckers camp with the rest of the little dandy liberals with delicate sensibilities and cry to them.

Now, why don't you go to one of your homosexual left wing friends, and tell them how you really stood up for yourself. Maybe you will get a little cookie.

You dumb fucking pawn. Tell us how how long before Florida is suppose to be underwater. Gore said it was suppose to be by last year. I am still here. Florida is still here.

Oh, never mind.

Stupid ass pawn.
I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?
How stupid, how hypocritical, how fucking pathetic you willfully allow yourselves to get.

All while thinking you are so fucking smart while your pathetic socialists manipulate you like the cocksucking pawns you all are.

You are not worth a bucket of spit let alone me trying to explain to you the vast scams that the democrats run in order divide the country for their nefarious world agenda.

Scare me? You are a brainwashed asshat who has ZERO ability to think for yourself. You deliberately allow it to happen.

You fucking pussy. The only thing you and people like you are concerned about is acceptance from each other and going along with the crowd. You fucking patronizing racist fucking moron.

You want me to go on asshole? You get it yet? Is it crystal clear enough for you yet?
Lol you crack me up. I hope you realize you have serious issues. I know you try and go full piss and vinegar when you respond to liberals on here but you come across just laughable. I think you need professional help or something man because you are a space case with some serious insecurities.

You're confused about who comes across as laughable.
While there are some exceptions, the large majority of progressive issues are completely logical and viable. if you were smart of enough to understand them, you would grasp that. Sorry you are not to that level, Patty!

If you understood them you would realize there's nothing logical of viable about them.
A new CNN poll shows Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton struggling against her potential Republican rivals.
The poll of registered voters shows Clinton with slims leads over Donald Trump,

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
and Jeb Bush. Ben Carson and
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
edge Clinton in the hypothetical match-ups.
This latest CNN poll, obviously, is a snapshot of the current standings in the Presidential race. More interesting is the dramatic drop in Clinton’s support over the fall. In some cases, she has lost more than 20 points relative to her Republican challengers.

With the economy showing new signs of weakness, increased uncertainty in world affairs and a new terrorist attack on America’s shores, the campaign isn’t likely to get better for Clinton.

In the latest poll, Clinton leads Donald Trump by 3 points 49-46, within the poll’s margin of error. At the end of June, however, Clinton led Trump by 24 points, 59-35. Marco Rubio leads Clinton by one point, in the poll released Friday, 48-49. At the end of June, though, Clinton led Rubio by 16 points, 56-40.

Clinton has lost 21 points relative to Ted Cruz. She has lost 11 points against Jeb Bush. She has also lost ground against all Republicans even among adults, not just registered voters. Polls of adults tend to favor Democrats by several points, as Democrat-aligned adults are less likely to be registered.

The overall CNN poll itself has a slight advantage for Democrats, as it polls registered voters as opposed to likely voters. Republicans generally poll better among those most likely to vote.

The poll also reveals a few demographic groups where Clinton is particularly weak. She loses Independents to every potential GOP challenger. She loses male voters by around 10 points against all Republicans. She loses white voters by at least 20 points against any Republican.

Clinton’s biggest lead among women voters is 15 points, which is just a little higher than Obama’s margin with women voters. She is polling worse than Obama with both male voters and minorities.

Hillary Clinton has not yet been the full focus of Republican campaigns. The Republicans are locked in their own highly competitive nomination fight. Clinton, though, has still suffered a significant erosion in her support.

Despite the acrimony in the Republican race, Clinton is running even or slightly behind her potential rivals. She looks to have a long general election slog ahead of her.
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Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.
It's also common knowledge that ISIS uses our drone strikes for recruiting, but......

That is your argument? You're kidding right.
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.
It's also common knowledge that ISIS uses our drone strikes for recruiting, but......

That is your argument? You're kidding right.
Silly, right? Because it's just as logical as the bullshit you posted
Mainly, Arab Al Jazeera reporting became an important US Ally, noting that Trump's basis-free plan to restrict the immigration of legally entering Moslems is now being widely condemned in the United States. That still leaves Trump's use of the magical mystery, selective-interviewing, non-random polling from the hate group: All over the public record. Even having to note that the poll is from a hate-group is not helpful--in the matter of a potential kamikaze, thinking the USA hates Islam. It makes it look like they are everywhere, to some people(?)!

Who likely responded, in fact, to an online poll was possibly some people pro-Moslem Chauvinistic. It was of 600 people in the United States, but maybe not even including any Moslems. It would be like suggesting that callers into a radio Evangelical Zen Talk Show were representative of all Jews(?).

Pew actually shows Moslems not at all supportive of secular kamikaze strategies. A Pew poll of an undisclosed location, the poll itself not referenced, is also cited by Trump. It is not clear if such a poll even exists.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Red Iguana, native of South America, even seen strutting over weekend, at Venice Beach, in California--maybe protesting all the pet snakes(?)! Anyone concludes a Moslem infiltration, by Jews(?)!)
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?

That they refuse to use learning, experience,or logic, and, hence, are so easily led.
Oh right we should read all your Frankenstein stitched, fallacious rants to truly understand the rightwing ideology.
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?

That they refuse to use learning, experience,or logic, and, hence, are so easily led.
Oh right we should read all your Frankenstein stitched, fallacious rants to truly understand the rightwing ideology.

"I like cooking my family and my pets." Use commas, don't be a psycho.

"Oh, right, we should blah blah blah...."
You are such a drama queen, you know that right?

I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?

That they refuse to use learning, experience,or logic, and, hence, are so easily led.
Oh right we should read all your Frankenstein stitched, fallacious rants to truly understand the rightwing ideology.

"I like cooking my family and my pets." Use commas, don't be a psycho.

"Oh, right, we should blah blah blah...."
I'll take my critical thinking skills over your Nazi grammar any day.
I don't want liberals to die. I don't want leftists to die. I don't want Muslims to die. I just want you to leave us decent folk alone to live in peace.
lol ok so what specifically scares you about Liberals?

That they refuse to use learning, experience,or logic, and, hence, are so easily led.
Oh right we should read all your Frankenstein stitched, fallacious rants to truly understand the rightwing ideology.

"I like cooking my family and my pets." Use commas, don't be a psycho.

"Oh, right, we should blah blah blah...."
I'll take my critical thinking skills over your Nazi grammar any day.

" critical thinking skills...."

Facts not in evidence.

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