Clinton Likely Gaining General Election Momentum! ISIS fueled By GOP Recruiting Rhetoric Losing


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
wrong. you losers rhetoric about the gop this, the gop that in the face of a terrorist act to try and deflect the BLAME off your democrat president is helping in you LOSE for the wicked Hillary of the west.
so keep it up. no one to blame but you tools for a party
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
Speaking against an enemy only strengthens them?
Pretty weak attempt at hushing any voices of resistance
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
Speaking against an enemy only strengthens them?
Pretty weak attempt at hushing any voices of resistance

that's all it is. in my opinion when they come out with crap like that instead of STANDING with all of us as American citizens under attack. they are the ones aiding and abetting the terrorist. the only question is are they doing intentionally. if so, that could be taken as treason and they hung them back in the day. maybe we should think about bringing that back
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
Speaking against an enemy only strengthens them?
Pretty weak attempt at hushing any voices of resistance

why join a terrorist group if they're not respected enough to get any attention?

isn't fighting resistance the goal of terrorists.
There are separate polling organizations in the link provided. They find the same result, even trending. Clinton beats the lot of them--and not by throwing them off rooftops(?)! The Only Thing most of the GOP presidential candidates seem to agree on is that "Radical Islam" is the proper name of the Jihadist, secular kamikazes. Actually, there is no faith-wide successor to Mohammed, being touted as the required leader of some new Caliphate. Actually, the recruited do not go among the Mosques, proclaiming the arrival of the Moslem New Order. In recent weeks, they have more in common with Putin, losing bundles on oil production. That is secular of origins.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lower price of gasoline helpful to Lands of Many Nations! Faithful can now buy hand-made prayer rugs, even two for the price of one and a half(?)!)
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)

So you're a liberal? Please do us fellow liberals a favor, re-read and re-write your posts until they are at least moderately comprehensible.
I've noticed the thing with the far left. Is they don't put the blame on their politicians.

Obama rhetoric for the last seven years has been enough to gag a maggot. so what does his cult member go do?

instead they get their leftwing hate site talking points and blame their fellow countrymen and women. how sick and slavish is that to a party?
Clinton gaining anything?

C'mon....pull the other finger......

Oh, wait, she IS looking a little heftier and more jowelly...or is that "jowellish"? Nawwww...that would be a religion - y'know, like Global Warming or The Democrat Party.....
For about six months, now, the Republicans have actually been showcasing just how badly their elected representatives are thought of, in their own party. None of them seem to be thought qualified for NextUSPrez nomination status. Word from the GOP and National polls is "Stink," preceded by the concept, "They."

Now the front runner is clearly clueless about events in the field--in the international police level engagement of the misguided fanatics. They are losing ground, and he retorts, "Is that all" we can do? So the elected officials stink, and the front-runner has not connected well, with events, at all. Their debates would make better sense being shown on Al Jazeera, responding to questions from ISIL(?).

Abberation-wise, they are the same bunch of folks. The Republican base can't stand even most of them. The ratings might soar(?), if we're doing elections, show-business-styled.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all settle down, visit Dubai, and blow up World Famous Skyscraper, all together!)
Uhm... what?



that's what.

President Obama, at the very minimum, is willing to admit the San Bernardino shooters were terrorists influenced by Isis extremists. FBI has evidence that allows them to be confident in labeling the shooters as terrorists with a connections to Isis. President Obama addresses te gun issue while unswayed over the issue of bringing a flood of Syrian refugees into the United States. All it takes is one bad apple to bring another disaster into this country. Unchecked with no historical background, makes infiltration by a extremist or sympathizer way too easy. Is Hillary Clinton willing to take personal responsibility for another terrorist attack that follows such an influx of immigrants within our borders? If Hillary can't stand strong on protecting the citizens here, and state what those protective measures will be after the tragedy at San Bernardino shooting, she will lose voters. As long as the American people feel vulnerable with this incident fresh in their minds, the need to feel secure and safe from another act of terrorism will be the biggest concern facing many voters. Voters don't want the same old speeches of gun control, California's strict gun regulations hasn't offered any hope for the victims there.
Its common knowledge that Isis uses Faux News video as propaganda and recruiting. The Republicans ARE providing aid and comfort to the enemy.

But that seems to be who they are now. They are certainly all standing in line to kiss Putin's pinky ring as well.
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)

Wow just Wow.

This is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever read on this board.

The op is a fool of biblical proportions.

At least its good for a rollicking good laugh. Good God.
Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News famously managed to release an Intel report showing that ISIL is losing ground. Trump apparently cannot be for that, "Is that all?" he remarked about the White House efforts in the field(?). Winning would not be said what Trump--and maybe others, intend. That critique can be leveled since at the same time they are losing ground, their recruiting efforts have actually improved. They claim the United States is at War With Islam, and from the Republicans--they have abundant video evidence. The Intel Report used the term, "Jihadists," more like Secretary Clinton describes the effort.

Secretary Clinton, that name coming up, tends to lead all the GOP candidates in the polling reported at RealClearPolitics.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberals, like myself, can likely start pinching ourselves already, and even in public: With the anti-ISIL ramped up containment strategy, under way. The possibility arises, in fact, that the San Bernardino shooters had actually quit the faith-Moslem congregation, in a local Mosque. They seem to have stopped showing up. They were something way apart from the mainstream believers.

From the shooters, something more secular was likely intended. There is only some reference of an ISIL pledge being posted somewhere, possibly obscure. No Tweets, rants, youtube videos, exhortations, speeches, pamphlets or books are reported. The male shooter mostly left his message on, at the house. Many might say that is Jihad enough, but probably not(?)! Celebrating Pearl Harbor Anniversary, the destroyed fleet would actually be rebuilt, and be overcome by other secular kamikazes, trying to keep it away from their shores. It is not clear if the shooters even intended to keep all San Bernardino, away from the Middle East(?)!

Absolute senselessness defines, totally awesomely. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations actually in-between shores, way before 1492!)
More likely you are a moron.
The FBI only has evidence sufficient to show the San Bernardino shooters sympathetic to the secular kamikazes, with no connection. And actually, the Nobel Prize for Refugee admissions, (there is no such thing), would be Germany: If the prize existed. Germany has taken more refugees in 2015 than has the United States in the last ten years. USA is four times the size of Germany. Germany appears to not be a specific secular kamikaze target. Instead, The Republicans of the USA, and a French Cartoonist, may have given a basis source of aid and comfort to the secular kamikazes. Unlike in Germany, In France and In the USA they can link their atrocities to specific, anti-Islamic content. It looks less random. It looks more targeted. It looks more deity-directed, just possibly(?).
Germany is taking in more refugees in 2015 than the US has in the past 10 years

Then compare with the Trump-like posters, Claudette and deltex1. Only bluster happens from them or from Trump. No details, critique, or alternatives are presented. The more proper Trump response is actually, "No Energy," when pressed on issues. Possibly that refers to what Trump lacks in creating coherent, cerebral, detailed content. He could in fact go to a GOP debate on Al Jazeera, yelling, "Jihad!" Not much energy is needed to get it to roll off the tongue. He could even recruit himself, Senator Graham, and any ISIL panel interviewers, to help blow up the skyscraper in Dubai(?)! They can all claim they learned it from Al Qaeda, and blame it on them(?)!

They are the same bunch of folks.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations now comfortable, more with Medicine Lodges(?) dedicated to Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!" Moslems not always into Medicine found on Lands of Many Nations!)

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