Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed

Trump will soon be getting briefings from U.S. spy agencies. It might not go well.

And this article was written in May, before he decided to ask Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. Can you imagine how these top security officials feel now?

They think Comrade Trump will hand everything over to his buddy Pooooootin.

And just think, it was hilary who prevented boko haram from being listed as a terrorist group and she KNEW what scum they were. Turns out she got some nice "donations" from a guy doing business with them. Why do you support such a well documented dirtbag?
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.

Coming from the Clinton camp that is very funny.

Of course Trump's briefs leak. That's why he wears Depends!


Thanks G-Tard, we can ALWAYS count on you to be 100% hack.

But ONLY your gal Hillary has actually leaked classified and secret documents to the enemies of America.

Trying your Alinsky method of accusing other of what you did makes the baby Joe Stalin smile, but reveals you as astoundingly stupid.

Of course you have zero integrity, you're a Khmer Rouge democrat, but damned if you aren't fucking stupid..

Still, DO keep bringing up how your gal mishandled classified and secret documents on her illegal mail server, it'll help her get elected. :thup:
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Hillary's campaign, with these latest leaks, is pretty much over. What idiot in their right fucking mind would vote for this person? As a bonus, you're also voting for her pedophile husband to take up residence at 1600 Penn. Ave again. What idiot would pull such a lever in the voting booth?
This story was written for the low information Democrat voters. To pretend there are no security agreements in place before being read into classified material is insanity. Of course there are binding agreements. To act like this is something new is moronic.
The Clinton campaign needs to guarantee that they won't be hiding any servers in anyone's bathroom.
Hillary's campaign, with these latest leaks, is pretty much over. What idiot in their right fucking mind would vote for this person? As a bonus, you're also voting for her pedophile husband to take up residence at 1600 Penn. Ave again. What idiot would pull such a lever in the voting booth?

Idiots like G-Tard.

democrats are MORE appealed to Hillary as they find out she is ever more crooked.

The smirking chimps think being a crook is clever.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.

What did Hillary leak? Please be specific with "credible" sources.
Comey stated that more than likely that our enemies got top secret information from her unsecured emails.

Not true according to the State Department.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time
Trump will soon be getting briefings from U.S. spy agencies. It might not go well.

And this article was written in May, before he decided to ask Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. Can you imagine how these top security officials feel now?

They think Comrade Trump will hand everything over to his buddy Pooooootin.

Correction, before you Communist scum started this absurd lie.

Obviously Trump never asked Russia to do anything but release the 30,000 emails they downloaded from Hillary's open server.

You lying little fuck.
Trump should be forced to forfeit something of great value if he ever leaks any classified information - blood and/or treasure.
Bush leaked that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent putting her life at risk and compromising her and the CIA's work she was engaged in. Now Trump actually asks the head of state of an adversary of America to hack computers to garner US secrets to harm a political opponent of trump.

'dafuq happened to you conservatives. You have gone batshit crazy.
Trump should be forced to forfeit something of great value if he ever leaks any classified information - blood and/or treasure.

Talk about fucking spin hillary is known for not to being1 able to handle classified information she went against every protocol at the state department for her "convience"

Hell the average Joe couldn't even get a job as a mall cop with that on his record.
OH Lord I am sick at heart. Here I am in the Center of the Political Universe in Davenport, Iowa, where Candidate Donald J Trump will be holding a rally tonight in our largest theatre venue: The Adler. Why am I upset you might be wondering? I have a prior engagement tonight and I won't be able to hear my candidate speak in person. I am so frigging depressed .

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