Climate change is a hoax, says Townhall columnist.. 97% of Americans are not concerned about it

You can't argue with the overwhelming scientific data proving manmade climate change is here, can you?
I do it every day, moron. How about the fact that the global temperature has been decreasing for the last 10 years?
Hilarious. You disparaged the source of the global scientific consensus on climate change with a site named! Have you lost your capacity for embarrassment?
Not a bit. How is that any worse than so-called "climate scientists," who get paid to research global warming, concluding that global warming is a fact? If they concluded otherwise, they would be out of a job..
When government can stop a volcano from spewing millions of tons of toxins into the atmosphere I might pay attention.
Y'all know how things work. We'll spend trillions on climate change to save the planet, then get annihilated by an asteroid.
I know they've spent billions, perhaps even trillions by now, simply on propaganda to brainwash their dupes into the Global Warming Doomsday Cult.
they've already convinced too many that biden is a valid president

amazing the lies rampant in our world... and people keep believing known liars..

But thanks to you, they will be confronted often with the truth.. straight from the horse's mouth (that permanent reminder video :))

You linked to an article written by a moron on a propaganda site that has been thoroughly debunked. They begin right off the bat with a reversal of causation fallacy. You would have noticed that right away if you weren't an easily brainwashed moron.

Temperature changes hundreds of years before the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

A rising CO2 level cannot raise the temperature hundreds of years in the past.

The reason that CO2 levels go up after a rise in atmospheric temperature and CO2 levels go down after the temperature falls is due to Henry's law. It's simple physics to those with a triple digit IQ. But still obviously way the fuck over your head.
they addressed that in the very first item. Abrupt change vs slow change.

Skeptical science are the debunkers. Nobody can debunk the debunkers. They also have a very high factual rating.
Actually the corrupt global warming leftist academics posing as scientists simply refuse to debate real scientists who are skeptical about CAGW because they simply have no logical argument to make.

They cannot win an argument so they, along with the fake news media, simply brainwash low IQ dupes like you via the simplest and most often used brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging.

Then you low IQ and therefore easily brainwashed dupes stupidly and ignorantly repeat that message like mindless bots.
Real scientists that make up only 6% of the scientific community?

Give me a break!

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