Cleaning up air pollution may strengthen Global Warming


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
How are the Goreball warming Kooks going to spin this one? And it's from Scientific America so LIbtards can't scream Fox News or Rush Limbaugh lies.
New research is helping quantify just how big that effect might be
Pollution in the atmosphere is having an unexpected consequence, scientists say—it's helping to cool the climate, masking some of the global warming that's occurred so far.

That means efforts worldwide to clean up the air may cause an increase in warming, as well as other climate effects, as this pollution disappears.

Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming
Once again we see the litany of ignorance from the 'Conservatives'. Is there nothing that they will not do to prove what fucking asses they are? The effect of aerosols has been known since the time of Benjamin Franklin. Yes, if India and China clean up their act in the next decade, that will add to the increase in temperature. Whether volcanoes, dust storms, or industrial smokestacks, the aerosols and particulates in the atmosphere reflect energy back into space. Reducing that allows more energy in, and will result in an increase in the heat the earth retains. Again this has been known since Ben Franklin's time.
Might want to take it up with scientific American, who published it. But, your silly argument shows you have no desire to read anything but what your world view is, whether it be due to fear or monetary compensation, who knows which.
Once again we see the litany of ignorance from the 'Conservatives'. Is there nothing that they will not do to prove what fucking asses they are? The effect of aerosols has been known since the time of Benjamin Franklin. Yes, if India and China clean up their act in the next decade, that will add to the increase in temperature. Whether volcanoes, dust storms, or industrial smokestacks, the aerosols and particulates in the atmosphere reflect energy back into space. Reducing that allows more energy in, and will result in an increase in the heat the earth retains. Again this has been known since Ben Franklin's time.
How are the Goreball warming Kooks going to spin this one? And it's from Scientific America so LIbtards can't scream Fox News or Rush Limbaugh lies.
Why do you think liberals will spin this? It needs no spin. Go to Bing and search for images of pollution in china and India. Are liberals supposed to feel ashamed? Please clarify just how you think liberals will think about this, and what sort of spin you expect they would give.

BTW I have a subscription to Sci Am and read that article a while ago.
How are the Goreball warming Kooks going to spin this one? And it's from Scientific America so LIbtards can't scream Fox News or Rush Limbaugh lies.
Why do you think liberals will spin this? It needs no spin. Go to Bing and search for images of pollution in china and India. Are liberals supposed to feel ashamed? Please clarify just how you think liberals will think about this, and what sort of spin you expect they would give.

BTW I have a subscription to Sci Am and read that article a while ago.
/----/ I'll dumb it down for you. Anytime we post something that contradicts the liberal mantra on Global Warming, you clowns come crawling out of the woodwork screeching "Learn the difference between weather and climate" and "denier" and “Go eat dog d—s, denier" and the most creative attack: "“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo."

So I'm waiting for the leftards to spin this story that it is too complicated for us to understand, 99.99999% of scientists have reached a consensus and it's settled science, it's funded by big oil... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
/----/ I'll dumb it down for you. Anytime we post something that contradicts the liberal mantra on Global Warming, you clowns come crawling out of the woodwork screeching "Learn the difference between weather and climate" and "denier" and “Go eat dog d—s, denier" and the most creative attack: "“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo."

So I'm waiting for the leftards to spin this story that it is too complicated for us to understand, 99.99999% of scientists have reached a consensus and it's settled science, it's funded by big oil... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

How does air pollution contradict what you think the liberal mantra is. It has been known for a long time that aerosols block light. Just google aerosols global warming. There is no story to spin.

If you are waiting for leftards to spin the story, don't hold your breath, (unless you live in a big city in China or India.)
/----/ I'll dumb it down for you. Anytime we post something that contradicts the liberal mantra on Global Warming, you clowns come crawling out of the woodwork screeching "Learn the difference between weather and climate" and "denier" and “Go eat dog d—s, denier" and the most creative attack: "“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo."

What does Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo, have to do with your screaming meltdown here?

So I'm waiting for the leftards to spin this story that it is too complicated for us to understand, 99.99999% of scientists have reached a consensus and it's settled science, it's funded by big oil... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Screaming "leftards" was probably not the best way to demonstrate how you're supposedly the rational person in the debate. In fact, it demonstrated quite the opposite.

Now, let me point to the IPCC forcings bar chart from 2013. Note the entries for aerosols, and how they're on the cooling side. Your claim that the cooling effect of aerosols has been ignored is clearly false.

/----/ I'll dumb it down for you. Anytime we post something that contradicts the liberal mantra on Global Warming, you clowns come crawling out of the woodwork screeching "Learn the difference between weather and climate" and "denier" and “Go eat dog d—s, denier" and the most creative attack: "“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo."

What does Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo, have to do with your screaming meltdown here?

So I'm waiting for the leftards to spin this story that it is too complicated for us to understand, 99.99999% of scientists have reached a consensus and it's settled science, it's funded by big oil... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Screaming "leftards" was probably not the best way to demonstrate how you're supposedly the rational person in the debate. In fact, it demonstrated quite the opposite.

Now, let me point to the IPCC forcings bar chart from 2013. Note the entries for aerosols, and how they're on the cooling side. Your claim that the cooling effect of aerosols has been ignored is clearly false.

/----/ I'll dumb it down for you. Anytime we post something that contradicts the liberal mantra on Global Warming, you clowns come crawling out of the woodwork screeching "Learn the difference between weather and climate" and "denier" and “Go eat dog d—s, denier" and the most creative attack: "“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo."

What does Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo, have to do with your screaming meltdown here?

So I'm waiting for the leftards to spin this story that it is too complicated for us to understand, 99.99999% of scientists have reached a consensus and it's settled science, it's funded by big oil... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Screaming "leftards" was probably not the best way to demonstrate how you're supposedly the rational person in the debate. In fact, it demonstrated quite the opposite.

Now, let me point to the IPCC forcings bar chart from 2013. Note the entries for aerosols, and how they're on the cooling side. Your claim that the cooling effect of aerosols has been ignored is clearly false.

/——/ Here we go folks. Wacko charts with bars, lines and random data proving nothing. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
/——-/ you clowns want to throw deniers in jail: Sickos
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
/——-/ you clowns want to throw deniers in jail: Sickos

that is because at the heart of it they are fascists
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
/----/ Finally a reliable chart from an independent source proving Goreball Warming.
Global warming Chart.jpg
How are the Goreball warming Kooks going to spin this one? And it's from Scientific America so LIbtards can't scream Fox News or Rush Limbaugh lies.
New research is helping quantify just how big that effect might be
Pollution in the atmosphere is having an unexpected consequence, scientists say—it's helping to cool the climate, masking some of the global warming that's occurred so far.

That means efforts worldwide to clean up the air may cause an increase in warming, as well as other climate effects, as this pollution disappears.

Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming
It's a never ending death spiral...Yet the Earth continues............
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
/——-/ you clowns want to throw deniers in jail: Sickos
Now little lying dumb fuck, just where have I ever said throw the deniers in jail? Just more stupid deflection to try to hide the fact that you cannot defend your ignorant stance.
Now Cell, you have just proven the depths of your ignorance. That chart states exactly what the article in the Scientific American stated. That you were too ignorant to know what has been known since colonial times is just what we expect of you. The rest of us understand that aerosols are a cooling agent in the atmosphere. You might refer to '1800 and Froze to Death' to see how serious of a cooling agent that they can be.
/——-/ you clowns want to throw deniers in jail: Sickos
Now little lying dumb fuck, just where have I ever said throw the deniers in jail? Just more stupid deflection to try to hide the fact that you cannot defend your ignorant stance.
/-----/ The proof is right here.
Climate change activists want punishment for skeptics
“Climate change denial should be a crime,” declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled “Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,” that “murder is murder” and “we should punish it as such.”

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