Classic Voter Fraud Debate

I am sure both sides will clearly see their point of view in this one.

He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va.
There is a big difference between a voter registration and actually voting

It's still fraud because someone made a sworn declaration and signed a dead persons name.
Which is why vote fraud should be punished with death.

Wouldn't go quite that far, maybe a mandatory min of 5yrs.
I am sure both sides will clearly see their point of view in this one.

He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va.

Democrats and Liberals shit themselves over the notion of people presenting IDs to vote. YET, tell those Liberals and Democrats that the same people who don't have an ID to vote that they are being required to present an ID to

- enter a government building
- get prescriptions
- get food stamps
- buy liquor
- Access The Democrat National Convention

.....absolute silence and content from the Liberals and Democrats. Why aren't said LIberals and Democrats fighting to remove voter ID requirements from every facet of life? Here's why: Liberals and Democrats only look at the votes. That's it.
I am sure both sides will clearly see their point of view in this one.

He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va.

Democrats and Liberals shit themselves over the notion of people presenting IDs to vote. YET, tell those Liberals and Democrats that the same people who don't have an ID to vote that they are being required to present an ID to

- enter a government building
- get prescriptions
- get food stamps
- buy liquor
- Access The Democrat National Convention

.....absolute silence and content from the Liberals and Democrats. Why aren't said LIberals and Democrats fighting to remove voter ID requirements from every facet of life? Here's why: Liberals and Democrats only look at the votes. That's it.
Its not just the voter ID, my friend. Its the idea of which ID will be accepted, where do you have to go to get one, what will it cost, must I take time off work to get it. Red states put all kinds of hurdles in your way.
By the way, you don't need an id to enter a government bldg, get a prescription, or buy liquor if you look old enough

Registering dead people is voter fraud.
it is not voter fraud until someone actually votes.Now if you bother to read the story, there was zero mention that this person was a democrat

Someone, even dead, can't vote unless registered. Is that why democrats are registering dead people?

Not a democrat? If so, why did he run for caucus chair of the Virginia young democrats?
I am sure both sides will clearly see their point of view in this one.

He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va.

Democrats and Liberals shit themselves over the notion of people presenting IDs to vote. YET, tell those Liberals and Democrats that the same people who don't have an ID to vote that they are being required to present an ID to

- enter a government building
- get prescriptions
- get food stamps
- buy liquor
- Access The Democrat National Convention

.....absolute silence and content from the Liberals and Democrats. Why aren't said LIberals and Democrats fighting to remove voter ID requirements from every facet of life? Here's why: Liberals and Democrats only look at the votes. That's it.
Its not just the voter ID, my friend. Its the idea of which ID will be accepted, where do you have to go to get one, what will it cost, must I take time off work to get it. Red states put all kinds of hurdles in your way.
By the way, you don't need an id to enter a government bldg, get a prescription, or buy liquor if you look old enough

Bullshit. Have you tried to enter a Federal Government building lately? What says you people about the mandate for ID to enter the Democrat National Convention? How about getting on an airplane? As for cost, the states pushing for voter ID are also making it available free to low or non income citizens. Finally, you sank in your own sand when you put forth the notion of "taking time off from work to get it"........Most legal employment requires state issued ID.
Less than half of eligble americans vote? how many more do you need too purge from the voter roles with these phony voter fraud charges? Is this the only way you can win?
all we want are the eligible voters to vote, and registered in their towns. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Why do democrats think cheating is acceptable?
If only everyone would vote republican, we'd have none of this stuff.
You know the liberals are running out of excuses when they resort to hysterical ranting like this.

No, that's YOUR answer. "Liberals" and dems are bad, "conservatives" and reps are good. Everything that's bad is due to "liberals" and dems, everything that's good came from "conservatives" and reps.

That's your philosophy, isn’t it? Or no?
If only everyone would vote republican, we'd have none of this stuff.
You know the liberals are running out of excuses when they resort to hysterical ranting like this.

No, that's YOUR answer. "Liberals" and dems are bad, "conservatives" and reps are good. Everything that's bad is due to "liberals" and dems, everything that's good came from "conservatives" and reps.

That's your philosophy, isn’t it? Or no?
well isn't yours "conservatives are all bad" "Dems are gold"? Why do you shit on someone when you believe the exact same thing? That makes you a hypocrite.
If only everyone would vote republican, we'd have none of this stuff.
You know the liberals are running out of excuses when they resort to hysterical ranting like this.

No, that's YOUR answer. "Liberals" and dems are bad, "conservatives" and reps are good. Everything that's bad is due to "liberals" and dems, everything that's good came from "conservatives" and reps.

That's your philosophy, isn’t it? Or no?
well isn't yours "conservatives are all bad" "Dems are gold"? Why do you shit on someone when you believe the exact same thing? That makes you a hypocrite.

Actually no, I've never said that at all.

What I've said is that the system is sodomizing everyone and points us at each other.
registering turns into voting. D'OH

Look into this some more. Some folks never trust the media. Until it tells them something they like the sound of. This is an investigation into 10 out of 28,000 registrations - all of which have to be turned into the state. Registration drive efforts are not allowed to simply cull out registration forms. You can see why if you think about that.
registering turns into voting. D'OH

Look into this some more. Some folks never trust the media. Until it tells them something they like the sound of. This is an investigation into 10 out of 28,000 registrations - all of which have to be turned into the state. Registration drive efforts are not allowed to simply cull out registration forms. You can see why if you think about that.
so registered voters don't vote? especially intentionally fraud registrations meant to tip the scales? won't vote? really? I will guarantee you that falsely registered voters will vote 100% of the time. It's what cheating is.

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