Classic Voter Fraud Debate

The illegal who shot up the mall (who was Muslim and not hispanic despite media reports btw) voted three times.

He wasn't illegal, but he wasn't a citizen, which is required to vote.

I saw the headline that he may've been a hillary supporter.

An ineligible alien voting, was there any doubt? Since the feds won't allow the States to require proof of citizenship to register, the only solution is an ID that requires it to vote. Of course the regressives are fighting that tooth and nail. I wonder why? LMAO
Thats it! Nobody in Virginia gets to vote until we get this sorted out, we should get Trump's investigatory team from Hawaii to solve this one.
Thats it! Nobody in Virginia gets to vote until we get this sorted out, we should get Trump's investigatory team from Hawaii to solve this one.
Course libtard liars don't care about election long as their candidate gets elected....I should make sure my grandfathers and grandmother and my wife's mother,grandparents etc aren't going to vote this November since they are all dead.
Thats it! Nobody in Virginia gets to vote until we get this sorted out, we should get Trump's investigatory team from Hawaii to solve this one.
Course libtard liars don't care about election long as their candidate gets elected....I should make sure my grandfathers and grandmother and my wife's mother,grandparents etc aren't going to vote this November since they are all dead.
its 20 people in one town, Hillary Clinton wont steal the election like Bush did she's not a republican
Thats it! Nobody in Virginia gets to vote until we get this sorted out, we should get Trump's investigatory team from Hawaii to solve this one.
Course libtard liars don't care about election long as their candidate gets elected....I should make sure my grandfathers and grandmother and my wife's mother,grandparents etc aren't going to vote this November since they are all dead.
its 20 people in one town, Hillary Clinton wont steal the election like Bush did she's not a republican
So far its 20 DEAD people it also happened in Colorado and earlier this year California. Where there is smoke there is fire.
Less than half of eligble americans vote? how many more do you need too purge from the voter roles with these phony voter fraud charges? Is this the only way you can win?
Its think progress...not credible. If they are dead why the need to keep them on the electoral role? There isn't one unless you plan on using them to vote.
Less than half of eligble americans vote? how many more do you need too purge from the voter roles with these phony voter fraud charges? Is this the only way you can win?
Its think progress...not credible. If they are dead why the need to keep them on the electoral role? There isn't one unless you plan on using them to vote.
It's not credible?
Voter Suppression Returns

okay how about that one? Who is behind the conspiracy?
Again, another line of defense mentioned in the article. At least you mentioned the registerations were illegal. Did it ever occur to you that they might be used in the following election and not the immediate one?
I will wait for you to show us any statistics on meaningful voter fraud, but Republicans try at every opportunity to reduce voter turnout. Eliminate early voting, eliminate sunday and weekend voting, close polling places in minority neighborhoods.
What it comes down to is that if everyone did vote, the Republican party could not win an election

They find a few registration mistakes, and then they use those as proof to show their is widespread fraud. If it wasn't an actual registration mistake, smart money says it was done by one of the Young College Republican activists as a false flag. Mistakes happen all the time, like when they fail to expunge a name from the rolls upon death. And of course they never demonstrate proof that a deceased person has cast an actual vote (however, I bet some republican activists will eventually stage actual false votes so they can finally get proof).

My point brummelben: the Republican Party is involved in a highly organized movement to reduce democrat turn-out. This is achieved by repeating the voter-fraud lie over and over. They need to make it harder for poor people to vote and easier for rich people to cheat on their taxes. This will starve the beast, and the resulting debt crisis will give them the political momentum to finally get rid of every part of government that doesn't help those on top. This is how middle class nations turn into plutocracies - and it can't be done without useful idiots who are chased into the voting booth by the culture war and terrorism.

"Behind closed doors, some Republicans freely admit that stoking false fears of electoral fraud is part of their political strategy. In a recently disclosedemail from 2011, a Republican lobbyist in Wisconsin wrote to colleagues about a very close election for a seat on the State Supreme Court. “Do we need to start messaging ‘widespread reports of election fraud’ so we are positively set up for the recount regardless of the final number?” he wrote. “I obviously think we should.”

Sometimes they acknowledge it publicly. In 2012, a former Florida Republican Party chairman, Jim Greer, told The Palm Beach Post that voter ID laws and cutbacks in early voting are “done for one reason and one reason only” — to suppress Democratic turnout. Consultants, Mr. Greer said, “never came in to see me and tell me we had a fraud issue. It’s all a marketing ploy.”

The ploy works. During the 2012 election, voter ID laws in Kansas and Tennessee reduced turnout by about 2 percent, or about 122,000 votes, according to a 2014 analysis by the Government Accountability Office. Turnout fell the most among young people, African-Americans and newly registered voters. Another study analyzing elections from 2006 through 2014 found that voting by eligible minority citizens decreased significantlyin states with voter ID laws and “that the racial turnout gap doubles or triples in states” with those laws." NYT (click for entire article)

And if they can't reduce democrat turnout, they find a state like Florida (where they have a very willing governor), and then they fuck with the numbers by, say, temporarily subtracting 22,000 from Gore in Volusia county, then they get cousin John Ellis at Fox to ignore the need/get ratio and flip the projected winner, thus creating the false belief that their guy won . . . and then, when the dust settles, they have the needed legal chaos to send it to the majority-right Supreme Court, who will apply an equal protection clause that would, if used as a precedent, invalidate every election ever held (past/future), and then, to top it off, they impose a completely bogus safe harbor date that is not a part of Florida law and that was not requested by the Florida Supremes. That is: you do everything possible to prevent a re-count. Boom: stolen. But it works much better if people don't vote in the first place. Then you don't have to risk the appearance of a stolen election.
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In 2014 the Democrats suffered an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING defeat. That wasn't voter fraud. That was a complete rejection of liberalism / Obama.


Are you sure it was a rejection of Obama? I mean he did win a second term much to the horror of that fox news guy that embarrassed himself.

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