Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot
Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot | The Babylon Bee
30 Apr 2021
In a statement issued from the afterlife, various Civil War soldiers said that while it was tragic that they had to experience the war that threatened the Republic, they were at least thankful that they weren't around on January 6, 2021, when the absolute worst attack on our democratic ideas occurred.
The soldiers were standing around shooting the breeze while waiting to be judged for their deeds, good or bad, and all agreed that the Capitol riot was much worse than anything they experienced in the Civil War.
"Yeah, we had it pretty rough -- but at least we weren't around when a few hundred people walked around the Capitol taking pictures," said John Rumplestin III, a Union soldier who was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. "That's when our democracy really died."
"I know the Union almost got broken apart forever," said Rumplestin, "but it was a walk in the park compared with the horrors of January 6 -- truly a day that will live in infamy."
At publishing time, the victims of the attack on Pearl Harbor had agreed with the Civil War soldiers that while they had it bad, they were just thankful to God that they didn't have to see the tragic attack on the Capitol

I have wondered if the boys facing the rebel trenches at Cold Harbor could have seen how we turned out
would they have still charged into almost certain death.
Surely, all the victims and the families of the 911 appreciated Chyna Joey Xi's comment,
Indeed, Joey is banning 4th of July Parties and anything patriotic, no fireworks at Mt. Rushmore, banning of “Rolling To Remember” . However, the July 1st 100th anniversary of the Communist Party being founded in Chinais 100% guaranteed. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and especially Chyna Joey Xi, Antia Dunn and Bernie will celebrate.
Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot

Gee, that Civil War must really have been hyped by historians! Because I can't think of too many people I'd rather sit down with and share a drink with than the core Capitol revolters. True Americans.

I tip my glass to you. Wish I could've been there. Ben Franklin would have been proud.
If the Union soldiers had lived long enough to see all the filthy Negroes rioting, looting, murdering and burning everything down in 2020 and then see Joe Dufus steal the election then they they would have unanimously come to the conclusion they fought on the wrong side.
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.


You have no idea what it means to hold a violent coup.




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So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support
You get these responses because you pretent to not notice the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in destruction by Biden voters all summer long
If the Union soldiers had lived long enough to see all the filthy Negroes rioting, looting, murdering and burning everything down in 2020 and then see Joe Dufus steal the election then they they would have unanimously come to the conclusion they fought on the wrong side.
Luckily nobody in the history of the United states ever lived to see Joe Biden or anybody else steal the Presidential election and hopefully never will, thought Donnie tried as hard as he could, after losing to Joe fair and square.
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.

Was it really a coup attempt? was it? For Trump to have seriously been involved in some sort of COUP... it would have necessarily involved part of or a great part of our military to back him up.
Sorry, not going to happen in the U.S.

If this was a coup attempt, then it was the weakest coup attempt in the history of coup attempts and it was done against the strongest nation in history..... quite amazing! These people who stormed the capitol had what exactly for weaponry to defend their well planned coup?

It is what is was, a protest with a few groups of idiots who decided to break into the capitol building. It may have been a coup attempt in these peoples minds, but it was going nowhere.
At what point do you think they were going to be able to face down the U.S. military?

Now Democrats continue to play it up and wish... wish to god they could find a connection to Trump so they could hang it on him like they've tried everything else. But to your dismay, they really have nothing.

They will play it up though as the worst thing in history, because politically it gives them lots of mileage. Meanwhile as the other part of our government, the Judicial branch has come under assault as court buildings were attacked.... and then police stations burned down....
These same phonys were completely opposed to calling these rioters domestic terrorists...
Its again one more double standard with you people. I think the Capitol rioters were wrong and should have been arrested, but they were no worse than other rioters who attacked other parts of our country.
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.
the only thing violent, is shit stains thinking that was a protest, with a MURDER....plain and simple
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.
God Bless all those brave, Pro Democracy protesters who defied the regime on January 6th, and RIP Ashli Babbit.
May revenge come in 2022 and 2024.
So, more fascists -- with some white supremacists mixed in -- all still trying to whitewash the very violent fascist coup attempt that they all supported, and still support.

It's not working. Biden is still president, their violent brownshirt pals are still all going to prison, and the nation still hates their fascist loser asses.

Look at your post complaining about white washing.

Your talking points are getting real old.
Mamooth, I was on this street that particular night.
My friend was blinded.
This is what a riot looks like. Not people forming an orderly queue, and leaving when asked.
Was it really a coup attempt?

Since it was an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, yes.

was it? For Trump to have seriously been involved in some sort of COUP... it would have necessarily involved part of or a great part of our military to back him up.

There's no requirement that the military be involved in a coup.

It is what is was, a protest with a few groups of idiots who decided to break into the capitol building. It may have been a coup attempt in these peoples minds, but it was going nowhere.

They came very close to killing the VP and many members of Congress. That was their stated plan. And you're all whitewashing it, indicating your love of that plan.

The two sides are totally different here. The Democrats never organized and backed ritos, and the Democrats never tried to overthrow the government. The treason is entirely on your side, and your gaslighting attempts won't work.

And President Biden is still president. Your fascist brownshirt pals are still going to prison. The nation rightfully despises you. If you shoot at the king, you'd best not miss, and you all missed.
Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot
Civil War Soldiers Glad They Didn't Live Long Enough To Experience Horrors Of The January 6th Capitol Riot | The Babylon Bee
30 Apr 2021
In a statement issued from the afterlife, various Civil War soldiers said that while it was tragic that they had to experience the war that threatened the Republic, they were at least thankful that they weren't around on January 6, 2021, when the absolute worst attack on our democratic ideas occurred.
The soldiers were standing around shooting the breeze while waiting to be judged for their deeds, good or bad, and all agreed that the Capitol riot was much worse than anything they experienced in the Civil War.
"Yeah, we had it pretty rough -- but at least we weren't around when a few hundred people walked around the Capitol taking pictures," said John Rumplestin III, a Union soldier who was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. "That's when our democracy really died."
"I know the Union almost got broken apart forever," said Rumplestin, "but it was a walk in the park compared with the horrors of January 6 -- truly a day that will live in infamy."
At publishing time, the victims of the attack on Pearl Harbor had agreed with the Civil War soldiers that while they had it bad, they were just thankful to God that they didn't have to see the tragic attack on the Capitol

I have wondered if the boys facing the rebel trenches at Cold Harbor could have seen how we turned out
would they have still charged into almost certain death.
Surely, all the victims and the families of the 911 appreciated Chyna Joey Xi's comment,
Indeed, Joey is banning 4th of July Parties and anything patriotic, no fireworks at Mt. Rushmore, banning of “Rolling To Remember” . However, the July 1st 100th anniversary of the Communist Party being founded in Chinais 100% guaranteed. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and especially Chyna Joey Xi, Antia Dunn and Bernie will celebrate.
If the Union soldiers had lived long enough to see all the filthy Negroes rioting, looting, murdering and burning everything down in 2020 and then see Joe Dufus steal the election then they they would have unanimously come to the conclusion they fought on the wrong side.

I hope the reader understands that Flash is an example of a racist. And his many posts create more hate, more ignorance and perpetuates the problem of racism in America.

He has every right to hate those he doesn't know and never will and this was ingrained in him, which exists in others who are raised in a culture where hate and fear of others - be they black or white or others - exists.
Was it really a coup attempt?

Since it was an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, yes.

was it? For Trump to have seriously been involved in some sort of COUP... it would have necessarily involved part of or a great part of our military to back him up.

There's no requirement that the military be involved in a coup.

It is what is was, a protest with a few groups of idiots who decided to break into the capitol building. It may have been a coup attempt in these peoples minds, but it was going nowhere.

They came very close to killing the VP and many members of Congress. That was their stated plan. And you're all whitewashing it, indicating your love of that plan.

The two sides are totally different here. The Democrats never organized and backed ritos, and the Democrats never tried to overthrow the government. The treason is entirely on your side, and your gaslighting attempts won't work.

And President Biden is still president. Your fascist brownshirt pals are still going to prison. The nation rightfully despises you. If you shoot at the king, you'd best not miss, and you all missed.

indicating your love of that plan.

Bullshit. I don't support people who break into the Capitol, the Whitehouse or anywhere else. I take issue with people unfairly tying that action of a few to some sort of wider coup attempt involving Trump or Republicans in general.... or just people who showed up that day to protest.

It's assinine to believe Trump would want Pence killed... assinine to believe that Trump would think a coup was going to keep him in office. He was there that day along with protestors to try and sway the lawmakers votes. The legal way was the only way he was interested, and yes... it would have taken the military to be complicit.. because otherwise they would IMMEDIATELY remove Trump.
What those people did on the 6th, did not help Trump's cause that day it hurt it.
If the Union soldiers had lived long enough to see all the filthy Negroes rioting, looting, murdering and burning everything down in 2020 and then see Joe Dufus steal the election then they they would have unanimously come to the conclusion they fought on the wrong side.
You had it right until you used "filthy negroes"

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