CDZ Civil Rights?

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

What is meant by civil rights?

The dictionary defines civil as: Of or relating to citizens.

While the dictionary defines rights as: Being in accordance with what is good and proper.

This seems all pretty subjective and what's good for the goose may not be good for the gander.

Just because you feel it's your right to something doesn't necessarily mean that it's so.

"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
John F. Kennedy


Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson
'Civil Rights' is an all inclusive term used tie a particular minority movement to the Constitution whether those rights are Constitutional or not.
'Civil Rights' is an all inclusive term used tie a particular minority movement to the Constitution whether those rights are Constitutional or not.
That's what I thought. What are Constitutional rights? Human rights?
There are no rights under police contact, except for the police officers themselves and whatever they want to enforce. They left us out of the picture when they took over.
'Civil Rights' is an all inclusive term used tie a particular minority movement to the Constitution whether those rights are Constitutional or not.
That's what I thought. What are Constitutional rights? Human rights?
There are no rights under police contact, except for the police officers themselves and whatever they want to enforce. They left us out of the picture when they took over.
You have the right to remain silent. Law enforcement cannot arrest without cause. Without law enforcement criminals would soon take over the 'picture.' The Constitution cannot, by itself, enforce any human rights, it is up to We The People to know it and support it. Otherwise this American society will not survive.
You have the right to remain silent.
Freedom of worship, speech, press, assembly, petition, etc.? First Amendment, anyone? Are there any Constitutional Rights here?
Law enforcement cannot arrest without cause.
Cannot? Really? Or will not, should not, would not? But the fact is, they can and they do. And they don't need a cause to keep you in prison as long as they want to, for any reason. Mental health if there isn't an actual specific crime to charge.
Without law enforcement criminals would soon take over the 'picture.'
People need to learn to defend themselves and their property without involving the law to ruin the lives of unwelcome visitors and unwanted passersby.

LEO = "Law Enforcement Officer". You denied this once, but the truth is coming out.
Yes all are included in the Constitution. Those issues are what America was founded on. Criminals 'should not' commit crimes either, but they do. Sure, there are instances of police misconduct. Should not obviously, that is the law. Does it happen? Probably, but what is your solution? Let the criminal with the biggest gun or the strongest punch enforce the law? I agree that law enforcement is woefully inadequate to protect one in the minutes of an unwanted attack and people should be able to defend themselves. Too often people defending themselves end up in that back of a squad car. No, I am NOT law enforcement and, this is the CDZ so stop calling me a liar.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Correct, the legislature provides law enforcement and the military and individual citizens are entitled to have guns according to the 2nd amendment.
That's exactly who the DEMOCRAT Mayors hire for every local police department, while law-abiding people have their rights revoked and are prohibited from possessing firearms.
Too often people defending themselves end up in that back of a squad car
You're driving a squad car with red and blue flashing lights and you're not a cop? Really, now.
No they don't, in fact, the Democrat mayors, governors want law enforcement to 'stand down' as we have seen in recent videos of the riots. In fact, the Feds had to come in because of that and, many officers are now quitting because DEMOCRATS are making them stand there and take flack. They do not want them to do their jobs. Then they let criminals off on bail as well. I suppose if SOMEONE is driving a squad car with lights flashing one could assume they are a cop....or maybe a rioter.
Civil Rights are nothing more than legislative privileges, and not rights at all. Anything that could be rescinded by a legislative vote or deemed unlawful by a single judge is not a right.

So civil rights are something deemed to be right by a person or people and can be given or taken away by the whims of a person or people.


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So civil rights are something deemed to be right by a person or people and can be given or taken away by the whims of a person or people.



Well yes, there is no civil rights in nature. A society grants 'rights' and who or whomever rules that society is in control of your rights. America was set up to preclude a lifetime ruler of your rights. I'ts not perfect but it's far and above a monarchy, emperor or dictator. The current Democrat party has been infiltrated by the left who want to change the Constitution so that they can rule.
You have the right to remain silent.
Freedom of worship, speech, press, assembly, petition, etc.? First Amendment, anyone? Are there any Constitutional Rights here?
Law enforcement cannot arrest without cause.
Cannot? Really? Or will not, should not, would not? But the fact is, they can and they do. And they don't need a cause to keep you in prison as long as they want to, for any reason. Mental health if there isn't an actual specific crime to charge.
Without law enforcement criminals would soon take over the 'picture.'
People need to learn to defend themselves and their property without involving the law to ruin the lives of unwelcome visitors and unwanted passersby.

LEO = "Law Enforcement Officer". You denied this once, but the truth is coming out.
Yes all are included in the Constitution. Those issues are what America was founded on. Criminals 'should not' commit crimes either, but they do. Sure, there are instances of police misconduct. Should not obviously, that is the law. Does it happen? Probably, but what is your solution? Let the criminal with the biggest gun or the strongest punch enforce the law? I agree that law enforcement is woefully inadequate to protect one in the minutes of an unwanted attack and people should be able to defend themselves. Too often people defending themselves end up in that back of a squad car. No, I am NOT law enforcement and, this is the CDZ so stop calling me a liar.
the police cant protect you 24 /7 every nook and corner , at some time you have to use common sense and protect yourself.
in the middle of a mugging or rape or robbery your not likely tro have the opportunity to call the police and them respond in time.
I read yesterday that someone in Florida has introduced a bill that you can shoot looters who are looting your store in a riot, and also can run over people in a mob on the highway. I think that's great, especially the second one. I know if I ran into a mob of rioters on the highway, I would NOT let them block my car and pull me out and beat me to death: I would keep driving, faster, doors locked, and take my chances with the law afterward. I think that should be legitimate self-defense.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Correct, the legislature provides law enforcement and the military and individual citizens are entitled to have guns according to the 2nd amendment.
We have a Second Amendment, why do we have any security problems in our free States?
We have a Second Amendment, why do we have any security problems in our free States?
Most of the areas with security problems are democrat run, 'gun free' advocate Cities and States. Now, the fools not only want to take away guns from legal gun owners and even limit the number of rounds and ammo but also de-fund law enforcement as well.
We have a Second Amendment, why do we have any security problems in our free States?
Most of the areas with security problems are democrat run, 'gun free' advocate Cities and States. Now, the fools not only want to take away guns from legal gun owners and even limit the number of rounds and ammo but also de-fund law enforcement as well.
A failure of our legislators to provide for the common defense.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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