Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,’ Secular Democrats unveil sweeping recommendations for Biden

Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

Providing equal rights and equal opportunities are directly confirmed for all in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The right to vote needed to be affirmed in several Amendments to COTUS, and yet the new iteration of Republicans seek to deny these rights even as we sit here reading this page.

lol really? What about Nazis and their rights to murder Jews? Are they in need of 'equal rights'? Waht about rapists? Don't their needs matter too? Don't they need to be tolerated and allowed equal rights to do whatever they want? lol go smoke some more meth and watch some BLM videos.

There is no right to commit murder nor is their a right to rape, Bozo. Since this thread is based loosely on Christianity, one only needs to consult the Ten Commandments and the penal codes of western democracies and every State in our Union.

Pipe down, tard, everything I said re American history is documented fact; whether you like or not is relevant. And, according to your buddy Winterborn, it is ideed legal to rape somebody, as long as they're mentally ill freaks who 'consent' to it, and murdering babies by the millions for the horrible bourgoeis 'crime' of being 'inconvenient' is legal, too, according to your fellow sociopaths and degenerate deviants.

Oh? So you think it should not be legal for two consenting adults to have sex?

Funny that you pretend to high moral ground, and yet you have no problem lying repeatedly.
This coming from someone who intentionally misrepresents what I've said.

I did? When did I do that?

And please, feel free to point out any outright lies I have posted about what you said.
Earlier in this thread. I gave you my viewpoint, you chose to change it to something else. I corrected you and you stopped replying.

Lies have lost meaning in all the blurring of lines people do anymore. No what you said/did isn't a big deal in the overall scheme of things. But it does show, how despite what someone says, people in general make it what they want to hear.

As for being called a liar, hell man, people call me that all the time in here but no, I don't lie. I may be wrong, I may have incorrect info, but I don't lie and when being wrong is called out, I fully admit it.

I seldom see anyone else do that. Hell people still swear Trump said, drink bleach but have to jump through hoops to get there.

Most people don't see themselves as liars but dedicated 5o a cause.

Unless your cause is just being a troll. Then they lie 24x7 and mods never stop or discourage their attacks on either side.

You and I simply don't talk much. But I ran into the above with you. You misstated what I said and when called on it, just dropped it. Lie?

Not really. But what I said was you misrepresented what I said. You did it again when you said I called you a liar.

Easy enough to do for any of us. Problem is we tend to double down and make things a fight these days. We are in a bunker mentality and people stay extreme.

So while I do think you intentionally misread what I've said twice now, I think it's more today's mindset than people lying. We give ourselves and side that leeway but no one on "the other side".

Which iscwhy we are in crap times.

Oh that.

Well, in a thread about a particularly violent crime, you posted:
"Maybe not directly but the more you demonize and reduce police presence and authority, the more people will act up in general.
Promote lawlessness, oddly enough that's what you get"

My response was discussing your response within the topic of the thread. You talked about promoting lawlessness and demonizing authority, which I took as you blaming that as the cause or reason for the senseless murder of a social worker.

Perhaps I misunderstood. But it is a far cry from me outright lying about what you said, which Picaro did several times.

He accused me of saying things about churches & Christians, which I did not say. In fact, I discussed the gov't, not churches at all.
He accused me of defending pedophilia.
He accused me of deleting my posts.
And probably a couple of more lies I don't recall off the top of my head.
like i said - you chose to misrepresent what i said (unintentionally from what i know of you) and insert what you THOUGHT i meant.

my point isn't that you "lied" but how things go from something said to what you or others "hear" and then people getting upset at what was HEARD, not said.

far from any 1 side doing it. my "viewpoint" watching behavior and not trying to justify my own, but understand what others are doing and how it contributes to where we are. not trying to prove anyone right or wrong, liar or what not.

in regard to the post itself, i actually agree with you a social worker was stabbed and it is horrible. yes. but was it because no police were around? no. not likely. this is yet another case of people forcing their interpretations and taking ANY EXAMPLE they can to prove they are right, even if they have to bolster that with made up interpretations of what was said.

very people care what you SAY anymore in as much as what they HEAR. from there the arguments start and when you're living in a tinderbox of pissed off emotion, things get way out of hand quick and people suddenly are fighting about something that wasn't even the core topic.

hatfields and mccoys type shit.

to better explain what i was saying with the police and social workers, before the police were demonized and demanded to be defunded, there was a sense of law and order. you break the law, you get punished. it kept people from doing things illegal because they knew what would follow.

over the last 2 presidents, the police have been pretty much neutered. this isn't to say some reform or changes needed to be made, that goes for us all. we all need to grow up and learn from a past we keep erasing.

but by diminishing the authority of the police, and then seeing people riot in the streets for 6+ months now and NOTHING HAPPENING TO THEM, people get bold. they light more fires on the highway in california as we've seen homeless and others do this year they've not done before.

we see people attack the police and are out the next day cause someone in hollywood found their cause just and paid their bail, or the local DA found their cause just and let them to go enter society and do it again.

we've promoted a culture of no one gets punished anymore for their crimes. politicians to be sure, but look around. more and more people are getting away with crap because we've demonized the police and are trying to defund them.

so while no, it is not very likely a policeman would have been there to save this lady the pain of her attack had none of this happened, i do believe this and more things LIKE THIS will be happening because the police are nowhere in sight anymore.

look how much crime in general has gone up where the police have been seriously defunded like MN and WA. while there certainly wouldn't be a policeman to stop each and every one of those crimes, the idea that they are there and fully supported by the system did stop a bulk of it.

that is gone. look for more of this to continue and get worse until we decide law and order wasn't such a bad thing.

If I misunderstood what you tried to say, I apologize.

And this exchange between us is what should happen when things like this go wrong.

Because, unlike our exchange, Picaro lied about what I said and when challenged about it, chose cowardice over discussion.
like i said - you didn't call me a liar. in all fairness i did jump into an existing convo and you kinda have to expect that to happen as people get your ground viewpoints established.

no need to apologize. i think we disagree on some big things but likely agree on just as many if we take time to talk and find them. my point was more noting a behavior that can lead to serious BS online if people don't take time to clarify.

i was being a bit anal to prove a point and thankfully you gave me a bit of room to do that. so i didn't push the anal part but chose to work to where we can come to an understanding.

wish more conversations in here would do that and be less emotionally driven. but that just isn't the time we are in.

but hopefully what i was saying about the "defund the police" movement and what i view to be the extended consequences of that makes more sense.
George Washington's name isn't on the establishment clause,

It doesn’t need to be. Washington is one of the most eminent of the founding fathers.

Jesus Christ’s name is not on the establishment clause either you idiot.

What has been repudiated from you is your assertion that the Constitution is a Christian document based on the narrow and erroneous opinion that all the writers were Christians. Actuality the same brand of Christian that hold the modern view of Eurocentric white Evangelical Christianity and promote white Christian nationalist propaganda.

You and your white Christian nationalist cohorts are wrong.

The first proof that you are wrong is that the Constitution itself does not mention one single reference to the religion of Christianity or any of the Christian dogma that Christians must follow..

You have been asked to explain why you think a document that is void of all things Christian is a Christian document and you fail to respond.

I take that to mean you have no clue.

All we get from you is unAmerican religious bigotry and your attempts to project your bigotry on the greatest of the founders - Washington Adams Jefferson.and Madison.

You are wrong and a disgrace to atheism and all the decent Christians who embrace American pluralism and keep that founding principle and their personal faith in God separate from nationalism and love of country.

"Jesus Christ’s name is not on the establishment clause either you idiot.

What has been repudiated from you is your assertion that the Constitution is a Christian document based on the narrow and erroneous opinion that all the writers were Christians. Actuality the same brand of Christian that hold the modern view of Eurocentric white Evangelical Christianity and promote white Christian nationalist propaganda.

You and your white Christian nationalist cohorts are wrong."

They were broad enough thinkers to simply use the word "Religion" to cover ALL religions. They did however include the amendment because where they cam from limited their worship to the State Church, specifically the Anglican Church.
You know exactly nothing about any of those four,

Washington was most likely a Freemason who barely ever mentioned or invoked the name of Jesus Christ. Not Christian by today’s white evangelical Christian standards..

Adams was a Unitarian therefore rejecting the Holy Trinity, original sin, salvation through the blood of Christ. Nothing resembling evangelical Christianity these days.

Jefferson was so opposed to the Protestant preachers and their organized Christian religion and their deadly feuds with the Catholic Church for a thousand years, that is what caused the 20 percent of the churched populace in 1790’s America to brand him as an atheist and an infidel who would confiscate their Bibles.

These ministers publicly vilified Thomas Jefferson as an anti-religious atheist who was unfit to hold the highest office in the land. Sermon upon sermon was published by layperson and cleric alike that sought to prove beyond doubt Jefferson’s infidelity.​

While Jefferson was a firm theist, the God in which he believed was not the traditional Christian divinity. Jefferson rejected the notion of the Trinity and Jesus’ divinity. He rejected Biblical miracles, the resurrection, the atonement, and original sin​
Madison was perhaps less adamant than Jefferson in rejecting organized religion but he did reject it. Snd he was and he is referred to as the Father of the Constitution. .
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If you are going to call this a "Christian Nation" you will either need to change the way this nation takes care of it's poor, or change the way you claim Jesus told Christians to live.

It is funny that we are a "christian nation" when you talk about gay marriage or abortion. But when we talk about taking care of the poor or the elderly, somehow we instantly become just good capitalists.

Many churches do take care of poor people; how many do you take care of? I don't see any atheist shelters or soup kitchens, they seem to prefer whining over sexual deviants and promoting social darwinism or demanding the govt. spend millions of pandering to to sickos into extreme sexual mutilation, that sort of stuff. You also think beating slaves is okay, from a previous post where you think mentally ill people being beaten is okay as long as they 'consent' to it or something, so I can see why you would babble some bizarre nonsense like the above. What you meant to say is that the people most likely to donate to the poor are usually low income themselves and often can't cover the entire costs, while the middle class and rich people you admire like to donate to such PC 'programs' as ballets and faggot rights hoaxes or hate crime advocates like BLM and the Democratic Party, but only after they take care of their dope needs, pot, meth, etc., and other critical discretionary spending.

After all, it's better to make drug cartels and street gang vermin well off than icky stuff like donating to charities, since we're supposed to tax 'Everybody Else' for that and not inconvenience Burb Brats n stuff. Not a dime's worth of difference between bourgeois 'Progressives' and right wingers on the poverty issues really, just in rhetoric and levels of hypocrisy. Both also love open borders and flooding the country with cheap labor and a permanent huge underclass, too.

I have donated quite a bit of meat to local food banks via a hunting association I belong to. I also donate to and volunteer at a local soup kitchen numerous times during the year.

But, if you are claiming this nation is a Christian nation, then the same call to care for the poor applies.

Yes, you want to fault churches for there being poverty n stuff, never mind they do more than 'Progressives' ever do, even being grossly outnumbere by their haters, but you hate policies that would make them a lot more effective, based on your own fake 'facts'.

I want to fault churches? Please show where I said ANYTHING resembling a call to fault churches. But I guess it is easier to argue if you get to invent what I say.

The same applies to your claim that I hate policies that would make them more effective.

Trying to deflect again, I see. That's because you can't refute facts about our Founders and our history. But I'm sure all that deer and moose meat going bad really but a dent in hunger in America and surpassed anything Da Evul Xians have ever done, right? .... lol

Deflect? If you think my calling you out when you lie about what I have said is trying to deflect, then you haven't a clue.

I never lied about what you've said, you just wish you hadn't said it, is all.

And no, the meat I donate has not gone bad. In fact, it is inspected when I donate it. I never said I did more than anyone else. Without knowing me, you accused me of doing nothing. I corrected you.

So now you're backtracking on your lies about the alleged failures of Da Evul Xians to eliminate poverty n stuff, as if they're personally responsible for doing so? How shallow ...

I find it amusing that you make all sorts of claims about what I said. Let me rephrase that. I find it amusing that you lie about all sorts of things you claim I said. And when challenged to provide any quotes of mine to back it up, you vanish.

Serious cowardice there. Just admit you were wrong. Or that you lied.

Just admit you wanted to impress the kewl kidz by babbling some idiocy re 'Xians', got triggered by my initial post that there might just be something less than wonderful about pedophiles and S&M freaks, even implying they might be bad even, which is always good for sending some neurotic freak or other over the edge, and when you got handed your ass on that you're now spending post after post trying to pretend you never said anything.

Why would I admit that? I didn't babble idiocy about Xtians. I wasn't triggered by your post. I have said there is nothing wonderful about pedophiles.

But how could you hand me my ass by lying about what I said. The fact that you have to lie about what was said shows desperation and dishonesty.

Leather Boi's still jerking his knees around.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

Providing equal rights and equal opportunities are directly confirmed for all in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The right to vote needed to be affirmed in several Amendments to COTUS, and yet the new iteration of Republicans seek to deny these rights even as we sit here reading this page.

lol really? What about Nazis and their rights to murder Jews? Are they in need of 'equal rights'? Waht about rapists? Don't their needs matter too? Don't they need to be tolerated and allowed equal rights to do whatever they want? lol go smoke some more meth and watch some BLM videos.

There is no right to commit murder nor is their a right to rape, Bozo. Since this thread is based loosely on Christianity, one only needs to consult the Ten Commandments and the penal codes of western democracies and every State in our Union.

Pipe down, tard, everything I said re American history is documented fact; whether you like or not is relevant. And, according to your buddy Winterborn, it is ideed legal to rape somebody, as long as they're mentally ill freaks who 'consent' to it, and murdering babies by the millions for the horrible bourgoeis 'crime' of being 'inconvenient' is legal, too, according to your fellow sociopaths and degenerate deviants.

Oh? So you think it should not be legal for two consenting adults to have sex?

Funny that you pretend to high moral ground, and yet you have no problem lying repeatedly.
This coming from someone who intentionally misrepresents what I've said.

I did? When did I do that?

And please, feel free to point out any outright lies I have posted about what you said.
Earlier in this thread. I gave you my viewpoint, you chose to change it to something else. I corrected you and you stopped replying.

Lies have lost meaning in all the blurring of lines people do anymore. No what you said/did isn't a big deal in the overall scheme of things. But it does show, how despite what someone says, people in general make it what they want to hear.

As for being called a liar, hell man, people call me that all the time in here but no, I don't lie. I may be wrong, I may have incorrect info, but I don't lie and when being wrong is called out, I fully admit it.

I seldom see anyone else do that. Hell people still swear Trump said, drink bleach but have to jump through hoops to get there.

Most people don't see themselves as liars but dedicated 5o a cause.

Unless your cause is just being a troll. Then they lie 24x7 and mods never stop or discourage their attacks on either side.

You and I simply don't talk much. But I ran into the above with you. You misstated what I said and when called on it, just dropped it. Lie?

Not really. But what I said was you misrepresented what I said. You did it again when you said I called you a liar.

Easy enough to do for any of us. Problem is we tend to double down and make things a fight these days. We are in a bunker mentality and people stay extreme.

So while I do think you intentionally misread what I've said twice now, I think it's more today's mindset than people lying. We give ourselves and side that leeway but no one on "the other side".

Which iscwhy we are in crap times.

Oh that.

Well, in a thread about a particularly violent crime, you posted:
"Maybe not directly but the more you demonize and reduce police presence and authority, the more people will act up in general.
Promote lawlessness, oddly enough that's what you get"

My response was discussing your response within the topic of the thread. You talked about promoting lawlessness and demonizing authority, which I took as you blaming that as the cause or reason for the senseless murder of a social worker.

Perhaps I misunderstood. But it is a far cry from me outright lying about what you said, which Picaro did several times.

He accused me of saying things about churches & Christians, which I did not say. In fact, I discussed the gov't, not churches at all.
He accused me of defending pedophilia.
He accused me of deleting my posts.
And probably a couple of more lies I don't recall off the top of my head.
like i said - you chose to misrepresent what i said (unintentionally from what i know of you) and insert what you THOUGHT i meant.

my point isn't that you "lied" but how things go from something said to what you or others "hear" and then people getting upset at what was HEARD, not said.

far from any 1 side doing it. my "viewpoint" watching behavior and not trying to justify my own, but understand what others are doing and how it contributes to where we are. not trying to prove anyone right or wrong, liar or what not.

in regard to the post itself, i actually agree with you a social worker was stabbed and it is horrible. yes. but was it because no police were around? no. not likely. this is yet another case of people forcing their interpretations and taking ANY EXAMPLE they can to prove they are right, even if they have to bolster that with made up interpretations of what was said.

very people care what you SAY anymore in as much as what they HEAR. from there the arguments start and when you're living in a tinderbox of pissed off emotion, things get way out of hand quick and people suddenly are fighting about something that wasn't even the core topic.

hatfields and mccoys type shit.

to better explain what i was saying with the police and social workers, before the police were demonized and demanded to be defunded, there was a sense of law and order. you break the law, you get punished. it kept people from doing things illegal because they knew what would follow.

over the last 2 presidents, the police have been pretty much neutered. this isn't to say some reform or changes needed to be made, that goes for us all. we all need to grow up and learn from a past we keep erasing.

but by diminishing the authority of the police, and then seeing people riot in the streets for 6+ months now and NOTHING HAPPENING TO THEM, people get bold. they light more fires on the highway in california as we've seen homeless and others do this year they've not done before.

we see people attack the police and are out the next day cause someone in hollywood found their cause just and paid their bail, or the local DA found their cause just and let them to go enter society and do it again.

we've promoted a culture of no one gets punished anymore for their crimes. politicians to be sure, but look around. more and more people are getting away with crap because we've demonized the police and are trying to defund them.

so while no, it is not very likely a policeman would have been there to save this lady the pain of her attack had none of this happened, i do believe this and more things LIKE THIS will be happening because the police are nowhere in sight anymore.

look how much crime in general has gone up where the police have been seriously defunded like MN and WA. while there certainly wouldn't be a policeman to stop each and every one of those crimes, the idea that they are there and fully supported by the system did stop a bulk of it.

that is gone. look for more of this to continue and get worse until we decide law and order wasn't such a bad thing.

If I misunderstood what you tried to say, I apologize.

And this exchange between us is what should happen when things like this go wrong.

Because, unlike our exchange, Picaro lied about what I said and when challenged about it, chose cowardice over discussion.

lol still having to deny you said anything? lol
I did? When did I do that?

And please, feel free to point out any outright lies I have posted about what you said.

^^^^ lol his only gimmick is having to make post after post denying what he said. lol doesn't even matter what the topic is, same tactic every time.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

Providing equal rights and equal opportunities are directly confirmed for all in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The right to vote needed to be affirmed in several Amendments to COTUS, and yet the new iteration of Republicans seek to deny these rights even as we sit here reading this page.

lol really? What about Nazis and their rights to murder Jews? Are they in need of 'equal rights'? Waht about rapists? Don't their needs matter too? Don't they need to be tolerated and allowed equal rights to do whatever they want? lol go smoke some more meth and watch some BLM videos.

There is no right to commit murder nor is their a right to rape, Bozo. Since this thread is based loosely on Christianity, one only needs to consult the Ten Commandments and the penal codes of western democracies and every State in our Union.

Pipe down, tard, everything I said re American history is documented fact; whether you like or not is relevant. And, according to your buddy Winterborn, it is ideed legal to rape somebody, as long as they're mentally ill freaks who 'consent' to it, and murdering babies by the millions for the horrible bourgoeis 'crime' of being 'inconvenient' is legal, too, according to your fellow sociopaths and degenerate deviants.

Oh? So you think it should not be legal for two consenting adults to have sex?

Funny that you pretend to high moral ground, and yet you have no problem lying repeatedly.

So you think finding mentally ill gimps who will consent to being raped and beaten by you as 'consenting adults'? Like I said, most of you Xian haters are deviants and sociopaths of one kind or another,
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

Providing equal rights and equal opportunities are directly confirmed for all in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The right to vote needed to be affirmed in several Amendments to COTUS, and yet the new iteration of Republicans seek to deny these rights even as we sit here reading this page.

lol really? What about Nazis and their rights to murder Jews? Are they in need of 'equal rights'? Waht about rapists? Don't their needs matter too? Don't they need to be tolerated and allowed equal rights to do whatever they want? lol go smoke some more meth and watch some BLM videos.

There is no right to commit murder nor is their a right to rape, Bozo. Since this thread is based loosely on Christianity, one only needs to consult the Ten Commandments and the penal codes of western democracies and every State in our Union.

Pipe down, tard, everything I said re American history is documented fact; whether you like or not is relevant. And, according to your buddy Winterborn, it is ideed legal to rape somebody, as long as they're mentally ill freaks who 'consent' to it, and murdering babies by the millions for the horrible bourgoeis 'crime' of being 'inconvenient' is legal, too, according to your fellow sociopaths and degenerate deviants.

Oh? So you think it should not be legal for two consenting adults to have sex?

Funny that you pretend to high moral ground, and yet you have no problem lying repeatedly.
This coming from someone who intentionally misrepresents what I've said.

I did? When did I do that?

And please, feel free to point out any outright lies I have posted about what you said.
Earlier in this thread. I gave you my viewpoint, you chose to change it to something else. I corrected you and you stopped replying.

Lies have lost meaning in all the blurring of lines people do anymore. No what you said/did isn't a big deal in the overall scheme of things. But it does show, how despite what someone says, people in general make it what they want to hear.

As for being called a liar, hell man, people call me that all the time in here but no, I don't lie. I may be wrong, I may have incorrect info, but I don't lie and when being wrong is called out, I fully admit it.

I seldom see anyone else do that. Hell people still swear Trump said, drink bleach but have to jump through hoops to get there.

Most people don't see themselves as liars but dedicated 5o a cause.

Unless your cause is just being a troll. Then they lie 24x7 and mods never stop or discourage their attacks on either side.

You and I simply don't talk much. But I ran into the above with you. You misstated what I said and when called on it, just dropped it. Lie?

Not really. But what I said was you misrepresented what I said. You did it again when you said I called you a liar.

Easy enough to do for any of us. Problem is we tend to double down and make things a fight these days. We are in a bunker mentality and people stay extreme.

So while I do think you intentionally misread what I've said twice now, I think it's more today's mindset than people lying. We give ourselves and side that leeway but no one on "the other side".

Which iscwhy we are in crap times.

Oh that.

Well, in a thread about a particularly violent crime, you posted:
"Maybe not directly but the more you demonize and reduce police presence and authority, the more people will act up in general.
Promote lawlessness, oddly enough that's what you get"

My response was discussing your response within the topic of the thread. You talked about promoting lawlessness and demonizing authority, which I took as you blaming that as the cause or reason for the senseless murder of a social worker.

Perhaps I misunderstood. But it is a far cry from me outright lying about what you said, which Picaro did several times.

He accused me of saying things about churches & Christians, which I did not say. In fact, I discussed the gov't, not churches at all.
He accused me of defending pedophilia.
He accused me of deleting my posts.
And probably a couple of more lies I don't recall off the top of my head.
like i said - you chose to misrepresent what i said (unintentionally from what i know of you) and insert what you THOUGHT i meant.

my point isn't that you "lied" but how things go from something said to what you or others "hear" and then people getting upset at what was HEARD, not said.

far from any 1 side doing it. my "viewpoint" watching behavior and not trying to justify my own, but understand what others are doing and how it contributes to where we are. not trying to prove anyone right or wrong, liar or what not.

in regard to the post itself, i actually agree with you a social worker was stabbed and it is horrible. yes. but was it because no police were around? no. not likely. this is yet another case of people forcing their interpretations and taking ANY EXAMPLE they can to prove they are right, even if they have to bolster that with made up interpretations of what was said.

very people care what you SAY anymore in as much as what they HEAR. from there the arguments start and when you're living in a tinderbox of pissed off emotion, things get way out of hand quick and people suddenly are fighting about something that wasn't even the core topic.

hatfields and mccoys type shit.

to better explain what i was saying with the police and social workers, before the police were demonized and demanded to be defunded, there was a sense of law and order. you break the law, you get punished. it kept people from doing things illegal because they knew what would follow.

over the last 2 presidents, the police have been pretty much neutered. this isn't to say some reform or changes needed to be made, that goes for us all. we all need to grow up and learn from a past we keep erasing.

but by diminishing the authority of the police, and then seeing people riot in the streets for 6+ months now and NOTHING HAPPENING TO THEM, people get bold. they light more fires on the highway in california as we've seen homeless and others do this year they've not done before.

we see people attack the police and are out the next day cause someone in hollywood found their cause just and paid their bail, or the local DA found their cause just and let them to go enter society and do it again.

we've promoted a culture of no one gets punished anymore for their crimes. politicians to be sure, but look around. more and more people are getting away with crap because we've demonized the police and are trying to defund them.

so while no, it is not very likely a policeman would have been there to save this lady the pain of her attack had none of this happened, i do believe this and more things LIKE THIS will be happening because the police are nowhere in sight anymore.

look how much crime in general has gone up where the police have been seriously defunded like MN and WA. while there certainly wouldn't be a policeman to stop each and every one of those crimes, the idea that they are there and fully supported by the system did stop a bulk of it.

that is gone. look for more of this to continue and get worse until we decide law and order wasn't such a bad thing.

If I misunderstood what you tried to say, I apologize.

And this exchange between us is what should happen when things like this go wrong.

Because, unlike our exchange, Picaro lied about what I said and when challenged about it, chose cowardice over discussion.

lol still having to deny you said anything? lol

You mean am I still calling you on your lies?
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
well people don't want homosexuality, transgender and so on forced down their throats either.

Providing equal rights and equal opportunities are directly confirmed for all in both the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The right to vote needed to be affirmed in several Amendments to COTUS, and yet the new iteration of Republicans seek to deny these rights even as we sit here reading this page.

lol really? What about Nazis and their rights to murder Jews? Are they in need of 'equal rights'? Waht about rapists? Don't their needs matter too? Don't they need to be tolerated and allowed equal rights to do whatever they want? lol go smoke some more meth and watch some BLM videos.

There is no right to commit murder nor is their a right to rape, Bozo. Since this thread is based loosely on Christianity, one only needs to consult the Ten Commandments and the penal codes of western democracies and every State in our Union.

Pipe down, tard, everything I said re American history is documented fact; whether you like or not is relevant. And, according to your buddy Winterborn, it is ideed legal to rape somebody, as long as they're mentally ill freaks who 'consent' to it, and murdering babies by the millions for the horrible bourgoeis 'crime' of being 'inconvenient' is legal, too, according to your fellow sociopaths and degenerate deviants.

Oh? So you think it should not be legal for two consenting adults to have sex?

Funny that you pretend to high moral ground, and yet you have no problem lying repeatedly.

So you think finding mentally ill gimps who will consent to being raped and beaten by you as 'consenting adults'? Like I said, most of you Xian haters are deviants and sociopaths of one kind or another,

First of all, despite your claims I am not a hater. Is this your normal posting pattern? Lying to play the victim?

Rape, by definition, involves a participant that has not consented. So S&M is not rape. That you feel like you have a right to judge someone shows much about you.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.

Too funny, yes they are, you're just too lazy to read the article AND the document.

I did read it. Here's the only paragraph that's relevant.
Organized religion, in ANY form, has NO place in government at the federal and state level.
If you really believe in the Constitution, this wouldn't be an issue for you.

"A Democratic group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump’s actions involving religion and to “restore a vision of constitutional secularism.”

Again son, you're an idiot. NOBODY is trying to establish a Theocracy. The "Constitution" provides the protection for practicing one's "Religion". It prevents people like you from preventing people like me from "practicing" my religion. You couldn't stop me rom no matter what you tried.

Neither can Joe.
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
I think you mean that Christians should confine themselves to a couple of hours a week on sunday and never even think religious thoughts beyond the church walls

while godless libs are free to practice their anti religion 24/7
while godless libs are free to practice their anti religion 24/7

PrezJOE is a Catholic - They are the original Christians as far as an organized religion goes. So what are you talking about? PrezJOE is not anti-religion and displays the character and morality that Jesus taught him quite well into the public square quite often.
It prevents people like you from preventing people like me from "practicing" my religion.

No one in this country has ever stopped you from practicing your religion. That is unless your religion involves violence or other lawbreaking and Mark and bullshit like that.

Refusing to sell wedding cakes to gay people is not practicing religion. It’s discrimination.

If you think homosexuality is a crime then you have to listen to Jesus. I thought Jesus told his followers to go and mingle with the sinners and love them. He himself was hanging out with a prostitute wasn’t he?
Refusing to sell wedding cakes to gay people is not practicing religion. It’s discrimination.
the homosexual pair wanted a custom gay-themed wedding cake which the Christian baker declined to do

they should have gotten their cake somewhere else
the homosexual pair wanted a custom gay-themed wedding cake which the Christian baker declined to do

Was the Baker’s store open to the general public at the time? I believe it was. Therefore just sell the general public a goddamn cake,

Perhaps you can show me where the Bible says you can’t sell a homosexual a cake. If I missed it let me know. Otherwise selling the cake is not preventing you or anyone or him from practicing his religion.

Jesus! Render unto Caesar what is Caesars.
Rightwing extremism, posing as religious liberty, is the greatest threat to our established democracy as anything seen since the Civil War. We cannot ignore this growing menace, we must confront it head on. It is a cancer that is spreading, thanks to disinformation spread online, on the radio, and on Fox News, Newsmax TV, and other propaganda outlets targeting the appalling ignorance of those who listen and believe these sources.
Was the Baker’s store open to the general public at the time?
You know it was

I also know that there were other bakers in the vacinity that could have baked the cake for the two homosexuals

so they were just looking for trouble
Feed em to the lions! :auiqs.jpg:
Do we even have that many lions available?

Church and state are separated for good reasons.
Too much blurring of those lines in the last four decades.
No one is attacking your right to practice your religion.
We just don't want it shoved down our throats...that's all.
I think you mean that Christians should confine themselves to a couple of hours a week on sunday and never even think religious thoughts beyond the church walls

while godless libs are free to practice their anti religion 24/7

Lots of liberals believe in God. Lots of liberals attend church every Sunday. Lots of liberals are Christians. There's nothing wrong with practicing your faith.
Just don't shove it down the throats of people who don't believe as you do by crafting legislation and restrictions that conform to your belief system..cause not everyone
believes what you do. And religion of any denomination has no place in government decision making...period.
Just don't shove it down the throats of people who don't believe as you do by crafting legislation and restrictions that conform to your belief system..cause not everyone
If Christians do not write legeslation based on their beliefs about right and wrong what source should they use?

Playboy Magazine?

Mao’s little red book?

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