Chuckie Schumer(D) to block Trumps SCOTUS pick....

The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Turnabout is fair play
yeah nothing like when they go low you go high eh? Funny you all talk a talk, but fking never walk the walk. You all crack me up.

ACA? Can't go back to the way it was, 'cause the health insurance cartels are making too much money.

SCOTUS? At least seven GOP senators, maybe more, will join the Dems in blocking any potential anti-Roe nominee.
And Hillary will get 320 Electoral votes, yada yada yada
Your denial of reality is only . . . denial.

Trump is not a con.
Trump hasn't even named a nominee yet you know 7 Rep Senators will vote no.

You lefties keep finding new ways to ridicule yourselves.
they have no morals.
ACA? Can't go back to the way it was, 'cause the health insurance cartels are making too much money.

SCOTUS? At least seven GOP senators, maybe more, will join the Dems in blocking any potential anti-Roe nominee.
And Hillary will get 320 Electoral votes, yada yada yada
Your denial of reality is only . . . denial.

Trump is not a con.
Trump hasn't even named a nominee yet you know 7 Rep Senators will vote no.

You lefties keep finding new ways to ridicule yourselves.

A lie by omission, or an inability to read and comprehend? ^^^

Jake did not name a nominee, he wrote 7 Republican senators would "block any potential anti-Roe nominee".
who are they?
After 2 consecutive historic, record-setting rejections / elections, the Democrats demonstrate to the world what they have to offer:



Schumer is the new Reid wanna-be dill-hole who just declared the Democrats would be willing to work with Trump ONLY if he moved in their direction and abandoned the GOP.

Losers still trying to get their way despite Americans in 2 elections making it clear they don't want the Libtard way.
we'll merely note those up for election in 2018 who don't go along and call them out every time. It's time to play the game of letting the world know who isn't working for the mandate. Let's see how many of these senators go along the way of self destruction. Ready?
The Democrats are gonna oppose everything. All of his picks will face vile Democrat hate. So get ready for the Dog & Pony Shows. It's what rabid Communists/Progressives do.

But it'll all get settled. He's prepared for the attempted lynchings of all his picks. It's not like he doesn't know what's coming. He'll fight, and he'll win. Bet on it.
agreed. This will prevent Trump from getting much done....which is exactly what they want to accomplish.
wait until he calls those up for re-election in 2018 out for not following along to the mandate. In 2018, the senate will get drained of Dems.
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
The Democrats are gonna oppose everything. All of his picks will face vile Democrat hate. So get ready for the Dog & Pony Shows. It's what rabid Communists/Progressives do.

But it'll all get settled. He's prepared for the attempted lynchings of all his picks. It's not like he doesn't know what's coming. He'll fight, and he'll win. Bet on it.
agreed. This will prevent Trump from getting much done....which is exactly what they want to accomplish.

They're gonna bitterly attack all of his picks. Democrats are classless. They may think it's gonna help them, but it's gonna actually hurt them in the long run. I think Trump will win even easier next time around. Most Americans really do hate bitter sore losers. They'll likely make the Democrats pay in 2020.
and the dems will lose more seats in 2018. wow, they don't get yet at all.
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
they shoot themselves in the foot and instead of putting down the weapon, they reload and aim at their feet again. it's amazing the stupid that is a libturd.
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
they shoot themselves in the foot and instead of putting down the weapon, they reload and aim at their feet again. it's amazing the stupid that is a libturd.
A species that fails to learn from its mistakes becomes extinct.
And Hillary will get 320 Electoral votes, yada yada yada
Your denial of reality is only . . . denial.

Trump is not a con.
Trump hasn't even named a nominee yet you know 7 Rep Senators will vote no.

You lefties keep finding new ways to ridicule yourselves.

A lie by omission, or an inability to read and comprehend? ^^^

Jake did not name a nominee, he wrote 7 Republican senators would "block any potential anti-Roe nominee".
weatherflake is more stupid than jake is the point. McConnell does not have a lock step GOP majority on Roe.
You are a trollboy. Trump will select a nominee, and if his selection is consistent with the caliber of his cabinet, that person will be nominated while you leftards roll on the floor in spastic contortions.
You continue to mouth fart. You seem to think that Trump will nominate an Alito or Scalia. :lol:
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
I agree with respect to the Democrats but how are the Republicans any better? What great things have they accomplished when they were in power?
Fiscal Responsibility -- NOPE
Reducing the size and scope of government --- NOPE
Ending our pointless exercises in Nation Building --- NOPE
Expanding Free and Fair Markets -- NOPE

What great conservative principles have the Republicans managed to advance during there last tour in the halls of power? Seems to me that they did nothing but expand government programs like crazy (Medicare Part "D", No Child Left Behind), engaged in a bail out orgy (Bear Stearns, Fannie & Fredie, TARP, Capital Injections to the major banks), Ran up record budget deficits, Started an idiotic and unnecessary War-Nation Building exercise in Iraq, Narrowed the Scope of individual liberty with things like the Patriot Act and all the Bush Era warrantless wire tapping bullshit..... what the fuck kind of conservatism is that nonsense?

Both parties are dominated by short-shortsightedness and insular thinking, they stagger from election to election all the while kicking the can down the road and hoping that they won't be the ones in power when the shit hits the fan. It takes political courage to do what is right for the LONG TERM and neither party has demonstrated that they have any, they just create problems so they can "fix" them with bigger problems and on and on the hamster wheel goes.
When compromise has been dismissed as a weakness, the zero sum game will flourish. Ryan and McConnell, as well as the P-e, are on a highway and will reject anyone who suggests an even minor detour; time will tell if they can lead or follow.

Day one suggests the power of the caucuses have the ability to block the road and/or change the direction - Trump has already walked back on some of his promises, and Members of The Congress, self serving as too many of them are, have taken notice.

PS It should be noted that message boards such as this one, and all of social media, can and has impacted policies and Pols, thus, those of us who reject much of the Conservative and ultra conservative agenda must be vigilante, and continue to voice our objections when we feel the powers that be are leading us to the edge of a cliff.
you were so successful you lost all three houses and some governorship. wow nice going. you're moving right along. Please keep up your mastery.

I live in California, we have a Democratic Governor, Lt. Governor, both US Senators and a Democratic Legislature and are doing fine. For every dollar we send to The District, we receive only 78 cents in return. Can you guess which states receive more than the dollar they send to The District?

The only thing I lost was my faith in the American voter. Too many are easily led by demagogues and charlatans, and yet continue to vote for them rather than question their false pathos and failure to follow through on their promises.
like i lost faith in the american voter for the previous two other presidential elections. So, that isn't anything new.

California is in a world of hurt and to say otherwise is merely a lie. but go for it, it ain't my state. My state is fumbling all over itself Illinois, from a democrat mayor in Chicago where the voters in one county can fk the rest of the state. Wow huh? Michael Madigan is the democrat Senate Majority with the real power and the governor can't do shit with him in office. Stalemate after stalemate and the worst state in the union. It is the most fked up state I've ever seen and lived in. wow. And we're lucky enough to have the highest crime and killings. ecstatic to say the least. all democrat controlled. but they love the poor and middle class. Let's just stay with that one lie for awhile.
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
I agree with respect to the Democrats but how are the Republicans any better? What great things have they accomplished when they were in power?
Fiscal Responsibility -- NOPE
Reducing the size and scope of government --- NOPE
Ending our pointless exercises in Nation Building --- NOPE
Expanding Free and Fair Markets -- NOPE

What great conservative principles have the Republicans managed to advance during there last tour in the halls of power? Seems to me that they did nothing but expand government programs like crazy (Medicare Part "D", No Child Left Behind), engaged in a bail out orgy (Bear Stearns, Fannie & Fredie, TARP, Capital Injections to the major banks), Ran up record budget deficits, Started an idiotic and unnecessary War-Nation Building exercise in Iraq, Narrowed the Scope of individual liberty with things like the Patriot Act and all the Bush Era warrantless wire tapping bullshit..... what the fuck kind of conservatism is that nonsense?

Both parties are dominated by short-shortsightedness and insular thinking, they stagger from election to election all the while kicking the can down the road and hoping that they won't be the ones in power when the shit hits the fan. It takes political courage to do what is right for the LONG TERM and neither party has demonstrated that they have any, they just create problems so they can "fix" them with bigger problems and on and on the hamster wheel goes.
now you know why Trump won. Congrats for learning that.
The left lack the ability to look forward at consequences of their actions.

Uh-Huh, so does the "right" ......

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I am not aware of any conservative saying the ends justify the means or pass a bill to find out what's in it.

I'm not claiming that any conservative said that but did you sleep through the Bush Regime or sumptin' ? Republican overreach was rampant and thus begat the President Nimrod Era and the Democrat take over of Congress.

Heck it was Bill Frist that started the whole "nuclear option" merry-go-round by threatening the Democrats with it back in 2004.

Harry Reid being the douche bag that he is just one-upped them on Presidential Nominees, now I fully expect the Republicans to one up the Democrats one up and expand the "Reid Rule" to include SCOTUS nominees and possibly even farther.
Every Democrat policy ends in failure for one reason - they lack the ability to look forward at the ramifications of their actions. And when it hits the fan they have the same response every time - what we need are more laws then.
I agree with respect to the Democrats but how are the Republicans any better? What great things have they accomplished when they were in power?
Fiscal Responsibility -- NOPE
Reducing the size and scope of government --- NOPE
Ending our pointless exercises in Nation Building --- NOPE
Expanding Free and Fair Markets -- NOPE

What great conservative principles have the Republicans managed to advance during there last tour in the halls of power? Seems to me that they did nothing but expand government programs like crazy (Medicare Part "D", No Child Left Behind), engaged in a bail out orgy (Bear Stearns, Fannie & Fredie, TARP, Capital Injections to the major banks), Ran up record budget deficits, Started an idiotic and unnecessary War-Nation Building exercise in Iraq, Narrowed the Scope of individual liberty with things like the Patriot Act and all the Bush Era warrantless wire tapping bullshit..... what the fuck kind of conservatism is that nonsense?

Both parties are dominated by short-shortsightedness and insular thinking, they stagger from election to election all the while kicking the can down the road and hoping that they won't be the ones in power when the shit hits the fan. It takes political courage to do what is right for the LONG TERM and neither party has demonstrated that they have any, they just create problems so they can "fix" them with bigger problems and on and on the hamster wheel goes.
There are 2 parties. The Stupid party and the Dangerous party.
Your denial of reality is only . . . denial.

Trump is not a con.
Trump hasn't even named a nominee yet you know 7 Rep Senators will vote no.

You lefties keep finding new ways to ridicule yourselves.

A lie by omission, or an inability to read and comprehend? ^^^

Jake did not name a nominee, he wrote 7 Republican senators would "block any potential anti-Roe nominee".
weatherflake is more stupid than jake is the point. McConnell does not have a lock step GOP majority on Roe.
You are a trollboy. Trump will select a nominee, and if his selection is consistent with the caliber of his cabinet, that person will be nominated while you leftards roll on the floor in spastic contortions.
You continue to mouth fart. You seem to think that Trump will nominate an Alito or Scalia. :lol:
Says the dufus who says 7 Republicans are voting no on an unnamed nominee
Trump hasn't even named a nominee yet you know 7 Rep Senators will vote no.

You lefties keep finding new ways to ridicule yourselves.

A lie by omission, or an inability to read and comprehend? ^^^

Jake did not name a nominee, he wrote 7 Republican senators would "block any potential anti-Roe nominee".
weatherflake is more stupid than jake is the point. McConnell does not have a lock step GOP majority on Roe.
You are a trollboy. Trump will select a nominee, and if his selection is consistent with the caliber of his cabinet, that person will be nominated while you leftards roll on the floor in spastic contortions.
You continue to mouth fart. You seem to think that Trump will nominate an Alito or Scalia. :lol:
Says the dufus who says 7 Republicans are voting no on an unnamed nominee
Says the guy who is dumber than jake. I said there are at least seven GOP senators who will not vote for an anti-Roe nominee.

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