Christie vetoes ‘trivial’ gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents

Christie owed those people nothing, he stated why he vetoed the bill, if they don't like it, can you say "tough shit"?

I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

Why does the Governor of New Jersey, have to meet with citizens of Connecticut before he signs or vetoes a bill that would have no effect on the citizens of Connecticut.

I have empathy but there is no need or reason to meet with them. If the victims of the storm Sandy wanted to meet with him about this bill, I'd see no need other than to talk with the people of his own state.

According to your thinking, we should care only about the people in our own state. Forget the rest of the country. How Christian.
I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

Why does the Governor of New Jersey, have to meet with citizens of Connecticut before he signs or vetoes a bill that would have no effect on the citizens of Connecticut.

I have empathy but there is no need or reason to meet with them. If the victims of the storm Sandy wanted to meet with him about this bill, I'd see no need other than to talk with the people of his own state.

According to your thinking, we should care only about the people in our own state. Forget the rest of the country. How Christian.
Oh, then you supported all the out-of-state money that came into California to support Proposition 8. After all, those out-of-state donors cared about Californians.
I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

Why does the Governor of New Jersey, have to meet with citizens of Connecticut before he signs or vetoes a bill that would have no effect on the citizens of Connecticut.

I have empathy but there is no need or reason to meet with them. If the victims of the storm Sandy wanted to meet with him about this bill, I'd see no need other than to talk with the people of his own state.

According to your thinking, we should care only about the people in our own state. Forget the rest of the country. How Christian.
Oh, then you supported all the out-of-state money that came into California to support Proposition 8. After all, those out-of-state donors cared about Californians.

You had a problem with New Jersey being mentioned but then you think it's fine to throw CA into it. :lol: You're so simple!!!
I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

Christie owed those people nothing, he stated why he vetoed the bill, if they don't like it, can you say "tough shit"?

I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

Actually you are the one who lacks common sense, to think that one more law would effect criminal behavior is childish. You can't prevent all crime, limiting the abilities of the law abiding to protect themselves just makes it easier for criminals to create more victims.
According to your thinking, we should care only about the people in our own state. Forget the rest of the country. How Christian.
Oh, then you supported all the out-of-state money that came into California to support Proposition 8. After all, those out-of-state donors cared about Californians.

You had a problem with New Jersey being mentioned...
You must have me confused with someone else...the voices in your head, perhaps...?
...but then you think it's fine to throw CA into it. :lol: You're so simple!!!
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like it when her hypocrisy is pointed out. :lol:
Chris has always been a loose cannon. He simply can not keep his mouth shut. The guy has never had a serious shot at the White House because it would have been just a matter of time before he had to eat his shoe.
Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Isn't that what "politics" ought to be, a discussion of what public policy should be.

Sandy Hook happened because a seriously disturbed man was able to get a hold of guns and kill 27 people. Including his mother and 20 children.

And how many laws did he break in the process? Do you really believe more laws would have stopped him? There are serial killers with much higher body counts than this punk and for some reason you folks don't demand rights be taken away from every citizen on their account.
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I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!


I agree with him on this one.

But I love it when demagogues are hoisted by their own petards.

Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Isn't that what "politics" ought to be, a discussion of what public policy should be.

Sandy Hook happened because a seriously disturbed man was able to get a hold of guns and kill 27 people. Including his mother and 20 children.

And how many laws did he break in the process? Do you really believe more laws would have stopped him? There are serial killers with much higher body counts than this punk and for some reason you folks don't demand rights be taken away from every citizen on their account.

Yes, I think if you had laws that allowed you to take guns from mentally disturbed people, if you had laws that held gun sellers responsible for the damage that guns cause, if you had strict licensing and insurance requirements, we could have stopped him.

I think if we banned private gun ownership, which every other industrialized country has done, that would work, too.
I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

What we are seeing is Christie trying to tack right on the social issues, because the Establishment has stopped looking at him and are now looking at Jeb Bush.
Im laughing......anybody who buys the "official report" of the Sandy Hook incident is a total dumbass.

As to JoeB's Disney idea's on gun grabbing, Harvard University completed a study a little over a year ago that decimates the solutions coming from the gun control mental cases!!!

The summary >>>>

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Yep ahhhhhhhhhhh ( takes a toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion!!!)

Heres the whole paper that was published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy ( April '13) >>>


Spambot FTMFW!!!!

Hey Joe......aint it something that it never fails when you are on one of these threads promoting gun grabbing with your volumes of conjecture bs I come in here and blow your shit up with that Harvard link which pwns ALL of your drivel??!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
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New Jersey Governor...Sandy Hook is in Connecticut...don't get the point here.

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