Christians are not to take in blood.

WikiAnswers - Do christians believe in blood transfusions

Christian response
Yes of course Christians believe in blood transfusions, and accept them with gratitude and love for the sacrifice and dedication of those who give their blood willingly. The Jehovah's Witness response below is based on a couple of verses in scripture, one from the Old Testament (which was superceded by Christ's teaching) and the other from the New Testament quote was written by Paul to a church in the Mediterranean area that had specific problems - especially with Jewish converts to Christianity who still obeyed the Old Testament ruling on eating blood (note - eating - NOT having a blood transfusion - nowhere does it ban this!!). Therefore, the advice from Paul was that the new Christians should temporarily not eat blood products in the presence of these new Christians lest it offend them until they were completely accepted into the new Christian family, and nowhere in Paul's letter was there any hint that it should be a rule for blood transfusions for all Christians for all time.

Therefore to all Christians worldwide the acceptance of blood is no problem at all, and, in fact, is a wonderful gift made possible by the generosity of others and the skills of the surgeon, whether or not it is deemed a problem by the group that call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses who follow a discredited and heretical Arian theology which denies the divinity of Christ. Christians throughout the world believe in the sanctity of life and the preservation of life as a God-given gift to us. To refuse a blood transfusion that would save a life is so cold hearted and as alien as taking that God-given life themselves. This is in stark contrast to the Jehovah's Witness family who recently, near where I live, cold-bloodedly watched their little girl die for want of a blood transfusion just because of one verse, written in a letter 2000 years ago, and taken tragically out of context.

Regarding organ and tissue donations (which you can't do with also giving the blood that is in the organs and tissues, so IMO the concepts of organ/tissue donation and blood donation/transfusion are interchangeable)

Catholics view tissue and organ donation as an act of charity and love. Transplants are morally and ethically acceptable to the Vatican. According to Father Leroy Wickowski, Director of the Office of Health Affairs of the Archdiocese of Chicago, "We encourage donation as an act of charity. It is something good that can result from tragedy and a way for families to find comfort by helping others." In 2000, Pope John Paul II stated, "There is a need to instill in people's hearts, especially in the hearts of the young generation, a genuine and deep appreciation of the need for brotherly love, a love that can find expression in the decision to become an organ donor."

Christian Church (Disciiples of Christ)
The Christian Church encourages tissue and organ donation, stating that we were created for God's glory and for sharing God's love. A 1985 resolution, adopted by the General Assembly, encourages "...members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to enroll as organ donors and prayerfully support those who have received an organ transplant."

Christian Science
The Church of Christ Science does not have a specific position regarding organ donation. According to the First Church of Christ Science in Boston, Christian Scientists normally rely on spiritual instead of medical means of healing. They are free, however, to choose whatever form of medical treatment they desire - including transplant. The question of tissue and organ donation is an individual decision.

The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in 1982 that recognizes the life-giving benefits of organ, blood and tissue donation. All Episcopalians are encouraged to become organ, blood and tissue donors " part of their ministry to others in the name of Christ, who gave his life that we may have life in its fullness."

In 1984, the Lutheran Church of America passed a resolution stating that donation contributes to the well being of humanity and can be " expression of sacrificial love for a neighbor in need." They call on members to consider donating organs and to make any necessary family and legal arrangements, including the use of a signed donor card.

Pentecostals believe that the decision to donate should be left up to the individual.

Presbyterians encourage and support donation. They respect a person's right to make decisions regarding his or her own body.

Seventh-Day Adventist
Donation and transplantation are strongly encouraged by Seventh-Day Adventists. They have many transplant hospitals, including Loma Linda in California. Loma Linda specializes in pediatric heart transplantation.

Though Baptists generally believe that tissue and organ donation and transplantation are ultimately matters of personal conscience, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, adopted a resolution in 1988 encouraging physicians to request organ donation in appropriate circumstances and to "...encourage volunteerism regarding organ donations in the spirit of stewardship, compassion for the needs of others and alleviating suffering." Other Baptist groups have supported tissue and organ donation as an act of charity and leave the decision to donate up to the individual.

Assembly of God
The Church has no official policy regarding tissue and organ donation. The decision to donate is left up to the individual. Donation is highly supported by the denomination.

United Methodist
The United Methodist Church issued a policy statement regarding tissue and organ donation. In it, they state that: "The United Methodist Church recognizes the life-giving benefits of tissue and organ donation, and thereby encourages all Christians to become tissue and organ donors by signing and carrying cards or driver's licenses, attesting to their commitment of such organs upon their death, to those in need, as a part of their ministry to others in the name of Christ, who gave his life that we might have life in its fullness." A 1992 resolution states, "Donation is to be encouraged, assuming appropriate safeguards against hastening death and determination of death by reliable criteria." The resolution further states, "Pastoral care persons should be willing to explore these options as a normal part of conversation with patients and their families."

Facts | Religious Views

I'd be very wary of this bible "leader" that yer following RGS.

Not I, I have read the passage, it is plain as day. One is not to take in blood. Transfusions are taking in blood. God considers blood to be part of the Soul and in fact he commands that man's blood be returned to him.

I provided the passage. Anyone that partakes of blood is cut off from God. The churches that ignore this commandment are not Christians.
Already provided the passage where God told Noah he and man could eat the flesh but to pour out the blood.
Then you better start slaughtering your own animals and draining the blood, because 99% of American meat comes with blood.

I think the Muslims have a procedure for this, actually...

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Acts 15: 29 can just as easily be interpreted as to avoid meat and blood sacrificed to idols based upon how one interprets the punctuation.

Your literal interpretation would also mean that one couldn't eat a chicken or turkey that had it's neck wrung.

And yet not a single word about US killing them, only that they deserve Death, as in eternal death, to be forsaken at Judgement day. Go figure.

Worthy of death seems to be justification for them to be killed. Though you think all Homosexuals are damned to hell then?
Pretty good article on should Christians join the military.

Can Christians Serve in the Armed Forces?

You seemed to not be getting the bigger picture of what I was saying earlier. RGS seems to think if you do not believe in every single thing that the bible states, you are not a real Christian. I disagreed. There are verses both in the O.T and the N.T that I'm sure most people would disagree with today.

The prima facie case against Christians’ performing this function is unquestionable. The message of the New Testament, the early church and the example of Jesus himself all point to nonresistance to evil as the model of Christian life.

RGS tried to say that Jesus was not promoting a non-violence message. So if anyone is the liar or least ignorant, it is RGS.

MORE outright lies. I said Jesus did not forbid war nor did he forbid man serving to protect their fellow man. In fact, find for us any commandments for Nations not to ever make war, for man to never serve in the military or as police.
And yet not a single word about US killing them, only that they deserve Death, as in eternal death, to be forsaken at Judgement day. Go figure.

Worthy of death seems to be justification for them to be killed. Though you think all Homosexuals are damned to hell then?

No, I believe every practicing Homosexual that does not repent and stop is condemned to eternal death. There is no Hell.
MORE outright lies. I said Jesus did not forbid war nor did he forbid man serving to protect their fellow man. In fact, find for us any commandments for Nations not to ever make war, for man to never serve in the military or as police.


If Jesus said violence is not allowed, then why the hell would he allow war? Do you understand how screwy your logic is in that one?

Did you not read what I posted earlier?
There is no Hell.
Then where do people who get blood transfusions go when they die?

I've come to realize that RGS is not quite a Christian, he's a Jehovah Witness.

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

Nor do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Hell. Unfortunately for them, this lack of belief does not erase Hell’s existence. They believe that after death, unless they are found to be worthy of eternal life, they will simply remain in the grave, inactive, unconscious and entirely dead.
There is no Hell.
Then where do people who get blood transfusions go when they die?

I've come to realize that RGS is not quite a Christian, he's a Jehovah Witness.

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

Nor do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Hell. Unfortunately for them, this lack of belief does not erase Hell’s existence. They believe that after death, unless they are found to be worthy of eternal life, they will simply remain in the grave, inactive, unconscious and entirely dead.


If he is, he is. Who am I to judge what big-sky daddy someone else believes in.
There is no Hell.
Then where do people who get blood transfusions go when they die?

I've come to realize that RGS is not quite a Christian, he's a Jehovah Witness.

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

Nor do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Hell. Unfortunately for them, this lack of belief does not erase Hell’s existence. They believe that after death, unless they are found to be worthy of eternal life, they will simply remain in the grave, inactive, unconscious and entirely dead.

Ahh another set of passages you simply refuse to believe. Must be nice to pick and chose what to believe and what not to when on that narrow confined road that leads to everlasting life.

If he is, he is. Who am I to judge what big-sky daddy someone else believes in.

Of course it doesn't matter what he believes in. However, it does make me understand why he believes the certain things that he does.
Ahh another set of passages you simply refuse to believe. Must be nice to pick and chose what to believe and what not to when on that narrow confined road that leads to everlasting life.
I imagine that Jehova's Witness heaven to be a simple suburban neighborhood where people actually like being bothered every five minutes by roaming missionaries.
God told Noah that we could partake of flesh as long as we did not partake of blood. Jesus did not say otherwise. All he did is ensure the commandment not to partake of blood still stood. That would be in the passages I provided for background.

Beef still holds blood ever try and press it? So does chicken and pork. All flesh holds traces of blood.

Not if you cook it properly.

Cooking does NOT remove the blood from the flesh. Cooking coagulates the blood so that it is no longer liquid.

The blood is ALL still there just not in liquid blood form.

So are you saying that cooked blood is alright? Blood sausage for example?
I should of realized this sooner.

Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, which they consider a violation of God's law based on their interpretation of Acts 15:28, 29 and other scriptures.[256][257][258] Since 1961 the acceptance of a blood transfusion has been grounds for expulsion from the religion.[259][260] Watch Tower Society literature directs Witnesses to refuse blood transfusions, even in "a life-or-death situation".[261][262][263][264] Jehovah's Witnesses accept non-blood alternatives,[265] and other medical procedures, in lieu of blood transfusions.

Acts 15: 28, 29

Acts 21: 25

This command is not to take blood into oneself for any reason, by any means. That would include transfusions.

Fortunately there are alternate means to blood for surgery and life threatening events.

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