Christianity no longer a majority religion in UK

Its not been overtaken by other religions. No religion is the biggest beneficiary.

Coming from a chapel culture I find that a bit sad. Im not a regular myself anymore but when I do go I note that the congregation is old and grey.

I think I can save the churches some money and tell them where they are losing young people.

1. Be proper chapels. Fuck off the tambourines and guitars and sing proper hymns that we all know the words.
2. Use your position to promote social justice.The kids are fighting to save the planet. Get down with them.
3. Represent all mankind and not reactionary bigots who put the most in the collection plate.

Churches are generally conservative and conservatism is not christian. Jesus is a socialist.
What you have just described is the Left becoming the new religion.

If Jesus were to bow his knee to Marx and the Climate Cult, then maybe he would be accepted again by loons like yourself.

I'm sure the churches will all capitulate soon enough so you can use their buildings for your cult groups.
What you have just described is the Left becoming the new religion.

If Jesus were to bow his knee to Marx and the Climate Cult, then maybe he would be accepted again by loons like yourself.

I'm sure the churches will all capitulate soon enough so you can use their buildings for your cult groups.
I am more attracted to liberation theology.. The church has always been a political force in the world and it needs to speak out on social issues.

A good example is saving the planet. Poverty and hunger, tacism, inequality are all issues that need addressing. A further example would be putins barbarity in Ukraine. Why hasnt the russian Church come out to condemn this ?

It sits meekly to one side and looks the other way.

Established religion sits on vbillions of pounds that they have collected from the poor. All this while people are starving or homeless.

Changes are needed because organised religion gets less and less relevant.

By “reactionary bigots”, or course, you mean people who hold to the moral standards that God has given us; and who eschew the immoral sexual misconduct that you and your kind embrace. You want churches to tell people that it is perfectly find and proper to engage in such depraved behavior. You want churches to tell people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear.

  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
  2. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
  3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Any church that follows your advice is a church that has turned away from the God that it professes to represent.

You Are one who will not endure sound doctrine, and seek a church that validates your lusts.
Thanks for the cultist view bob. but your very own church cult is moving with the times. They are now supporting Gay folk Why doont you ?
Are they wrong ?

Its not been overtaken by other religions. No religion is the biggest beneficiary.

Coming from a chapel culture I find that a bit sad. Im not a regular myself anymore but when I do go I note that the congregation is old and grey.

I think I can save the churches some money and tell them where they are losing young people.

1. Be proper chapels. Fuck off the tambourines and guitars and sing proper hymns that we all know the words.
2. Use your position to promote social justice.The kids are fighting to save the planet. Get down with them.
3. Represent all mankind and not reactionary bigots who put the most in the collection plate.

Churches are generally conservative and conservatism is not christian. Jesus is a socialist.
Islam is taking over the UK. Wake up, it may already be too late, hello sharia law
hmmm, who is the mayor of London? what religion does he practice? how many muslim MPs do you have now? do you know? do you care?
Why do you hate the democratic process ? You whine that muslims do not assimilate and then whine when they do.
What do they have to do to make you happy ?
Why do you hate the democratic process ? You whine that muslims do not assimilate and then whine when they do.
What do they have to do to make you happy ?
stop trying to kill all non muslims, reject the part of the koran that calls for the killing of non muslims, condemn the murderous acts of muslims that were done in the name of islam. stop murdering their daughters, stop stoning their women. Stop trying to take over the world.
stop trying to kill all non muslims, reject the part of the koran that calls for the killing of non muslims, condemn the murderous acts of muslims that were done in the name of islam. stop murdering their daughters, stop stoning their women. Stop trying to take over the world.
Oh please, give it a rest. Christians kill far more people than muslims.

Its not been overtaken by other religions. No religion is the biggest beneficiary.

Coming from a chapel culture I find that a bit sad. Im not a regular myself anymore but when I do go I note that the congregation is old and grey.

I think I can save the churches some money and tell them where they are losing young people.

1. Be proper chapels. Fuck off the tambourines and guitars and sing proper hymns that we all know the words.
2. Use your position to promote social justice.The kids are fighting to save the planet. Get down with them.
3. Represent all mankind and not reactionary bigots who put the most in the collection plate.

Churches are generally conservative and conservatism is not christian. Jesus is a socialist.
Jesus was definitely not a socialist, as he laid responsibility on individuals.
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what other religion calls for the murder of non believers? which other religion throws gays off roof tops?
Except that they dont actually do that.You harp on the actions of a few nutters.. That works two ways. The US nuked whole cities.
Except that they dont actually do that.You harp on the actions of a few nutters.. That works two ways. The US nuked whole cities.
the Koran instructs them to kill non believers (non muslims)

the atomic bombs saved millions of lives Japanese and American. The US was staging for a ground invasion of Japan when the bombs ended the war. your knowledge of history is minimal at best.

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