CDZ Christian Hate Groups


REMEMBER that The USA is the Only Country On the Face of the planet who Allows ( OTHER / NON Whites or *( LETS SAY ) - OTHER mixed RACES to - FAIRLY - Participate in the Elections or Have a Black, King or Queen . // President.

Due to the FACT - We know that the White race here is the majority, and Has the most People *( PER COUNT / Per - individual - Race. - of All the RACES in the USA.

But Lets - REMEMBER - That There are No White Kings in Africa. - In Africa, there has never, Ever, Ever - been a white King or King, For the last 7000 years of Known World History. Is this Racist ? . __ __ __ __ __ _ And - There are No Black or Indian Presidents or , Kings - in Italy. ' Never has been. !

Is this Racist ? ? There has never Been a Black, Arabian, Indian or Filipino OR Chinese or JAPANESE Pope . ! ___ And - No Jewish Kings or Presidents in Germany or - Ireland or - England. India has no WHITE Prime Ministers. !
You Must understand that It is normal, natural and comfortable - for a RACE or Group of similar type peoples, to seek to be governed and to trust those who are the same as them. - I do AGREE THAT -.- RACE - ISM as a natural way of living - is very normal. Africans Will Never EVER Allow a WHITE- to become King or Queen. There is a reason. it is normal. -
If The Minorities in the USA and WORLDWIDE would only PLAN to support themselves, before mass PRODUCING THEMSELVES - Pumping out Children with no Fathers, No money - AND no intentions of raising and supporting and paying for them . Things would be better for Them.

But CATHOLISLAMIC religion - banns and OUTLAWS all Birth Control and Family planning. Others who are not participating in the CORRECT PROPER religion - They / You - are expected to Pay and Pave the Way for them. its Gods Will. God Expects the Non Catholislamic people who will not Convert - and Serve the CATHOLISLAMIC god - to be used to Propagate His people through the Earth - To Make the Earth a Better, Holy Place. So Money, Taxes, Charity, Funds and Tithes and Donations and Government Handouts are an Eternal Event, to Keep these Children Fed and new Converts Ever being born, And that is OK. Catholics and Muslims Love their Own People and they want to be the Champs- the Top and the Saviors and Leaders of the world.

it's ok
But REMEMBER- that this CATHOLISLAMIC - one Way Street - does not Run or work where they have no Military Power. They Remain Poor and Always complaining and needy victims. Until they Obtain Complete power
OK. So.. We Know that - Blacks will never be comfortable in Africa. - WITH a WHITE LEADER / President, King or Queen. They Would kill Him or Rebel against Him. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.------ That's OK. ! / it is Normal.
Why should anyone eXpect the White Majority or Group - to Change, Being Normal/. ? ?
WHEN HITLER and The Germans had problems with the Jews living in Germany . THE MORE - ' Humane Solution would have been to remain calm, continue to respect their Lives and simply work to re-locate these jEWS. Allowing them - safety and opportunity to re- Locate -'. instead of Slaughtering, Torturing and Killing them. and Hurting them.
- people Are most comfortable being around, TRUSTING, Living and BREEDING, Being married to - their Own kind. / BY LARGE.
it is OK . I am that Way. I sometimes don't really honestly Feel Comfortable around Black people. But I don't wish them any harm and I do respect them and value them and Love them. It is NORMAL.. A natural survival instinct. It keeps the Countries, borders, Civilizations, Cultures and RACES Healthy and Humanity Surviving. People should Feel fine with this. Just say, I am OK the way I am and why should I Change who I am and How I feel, especially when the rest of the planet does not follow this way ? The Blacks in Africa have never had a White King. - Why the heck would they be offended - HERE in the USA - because WHITEs do not want to be Governed by NON WHITES.... ?

Mexico, ITALY, CUBA, ALL CATHOLISLAMIC COUNTRIES - have NEVER, NEVER - never ALLOWED a Black President, MEXICANS and Catholics do not Allow Whites WHO Come from WHITE - Protestant AMERICA - to run for President
Whites are not all that interested in Black culture. OR Indian CULTURE OR Arab Culture. Sure it is nice to Study, Create a Museum, Write a Book, make a movie. But we are not interested in these people to the point that we want to change our NAMES, CHANGE OUR Lives, Change our LOCATION, CHANGE our Clothing, Change our Medical PROCEDURES, Change Our Language and THINKING to these other - NON WHITE - RACES. Who are Very, Very different from us.
Don't You Agree ? ' THE FACTS AGREE. ?

Someone Like Mohammed Would never say --- Hey Everybody, here is a German man or an African Man and This will be Your LEADER, after me. The Muslims and Arabs would Fall apart and go into destruction.
I just think that People Get LOST and CONFUSED into thinking that everyone should be accepting and mixing together with everyone. ( HERE IN THE USA.

But THIS Type of behavior is found NOWHERE in the Planet. No place is like the USA. So --- expecting Muslims or Catholics or Blacks or whites to SUDDENLY stop being racists. is not something that is going to happen in the way that You think it will.
it shows *( I believe ) a complete ignorance and mindset, to accuse others of something that is normal and natural. Being Racist - TO A POINT - is a normal way of all people of the earth. While Catholics and Muslims and their Top - PRETENDING - Supporters the Degenerate DEMOCRAT party, animalistic, Immoral Friends are accusing Republicans and others here in the USA of being Racist. Just to MAKE up False Accusations and Pretend to Support CATHOLISLAMIC Society and minority Races. They are Pretending to Help You.

Democrats and the Liberal media - all Use The Possible Enemies and their DIFFERENCES and the Conflicts and normal basic Problems - that CATHOLISLAMIC Society and minority Races have with - the White, Protestant, Christian, Republican American People, to hurt them and Rouse up people into obtaining their Funds and Votes. Maybe they should open their Eyes and Take a look at themselves and at Everyone on the earth. They would see their foolishness. that the Protestant , Christian, Republican American People are not Racist or bad. They Just wish to be governed and keep being successful. ! . Everyone Wants to Survive. RIGHT, ? This is normal. Many - People in Africa , for thousands of years have been a proud, wonderful, beautiful people. they don't want to mix whites in their Tribes or have white Kings and Judges. .

America and Israel are the only places on the earth where anyone { any citizen } can become president or enter the highest level of politics and the Liberal Media takes advantage of this fact and attempts to cause problems in order to maintain econoimic control for certain elements that are finantually in bed with the Liberal Media. Remember that, no other country on earth allows minorities to move to the higher levels of the political and business sphere.
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If Fox media and presidential candidate Donald Trump among others insist we add to an act of terrorism and hate, a religious qualifier, then is it not fair that we call out Christian hate organizations.
Well, I think it's done quite regularly, after every Jihadist atrocity, as a way to reflect from that atrocity.

By the way, Sam Harris would agree, wholeheartedly.

Certainly Westboro Baptist Church would be the first place to point for modern day Christian hate. They distort the Bible as others distort other holy books, although I don't know if they actually get violent.
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Currently "hate" means "disagree with" or "won't endorse personally".

So true. It's a dishonest and underhanded tactic, and although it gets tiring correcting those who do that, I will keep correcting them, as well as pointing out their hypocrisy. Some of the people who throw around those words like weapons are actually extremely hateful and bigoted toward people who simply have a different worldview.
Currently "hate" means "disagree with" or "won't endorse personally".
So true. It's a dishonest and underhanded tactic, and although it gets tiring correcting those who do that, I will keep correcting them, as well as pointing out their hypocrisy. Some of the people who throw around those words like weapons are actually extremely hateful and bigoted toward people who simply have a different worldview.
Yep. You can always tell when someone doesn't want to have a normal, honest conversation.
If Fox media and presidential candidate Donald Trump among others insist we add to an act of terrorism and hate, a religious qualifier, then is it not fair that we call out Christian hate organizations.
Well, I think it's done quite regularly, after every Jihadist atrocity, as a way to reflect from that atrocity.

By the way, Sam Harris would agree, wholeheartedly.

Certainly Westboro Baptist Church would be the first place to point for modern day Christian hate. They distort the Bible as others distort other holy books, although I don't know if they actually get violent.

Westboro isn't a real Christian church, it's false flag propaganda operation run by an atheist lawyer who despises Christians. 60 Minutes did an expose on these weirdos decades ago, and yet tards still think they're real and keep citing them as evul Xians. lol the only 'members' are the scumbag's family.

REMEMBER that The USA is the Only Country On the Face of the planet who Allows ( OTHER / NON Whites or *( LETS SAY ) - OTHER mixed RACES to - FAIRLY - Participate in the Elections or Have a Black, King or Queen . // President.

Due to the FACT - We know that the White race here is the majority, and Has the most People *( PER COUNT / Per - individual - Race. - of All the RACES in the USA.

But Lets - REMEMBER - That There are No White Kings in Africa. - In Africa, there has never, Ever, Ever - been a white King or King, For the last 7000 years of Known World History. Is this Racist ? . __ __ __ __ __ _ And - There are No Black or Indian Presidents or , Kings - in Italy. ' Never has been. !

Is this Racist ? ? There has never Been a Black, Arabian, Indian or Filipino OR Chinese or JAPANESE Pope . ! ___ And - No Jewish Kings or Presidents in Germany or - Ireland or - England. India has no WHITE Prime Ministers. !
You Must understand that It is normal, natural and comfortable - for a RACE or Group of similar type peoples, to seek to be governed and to trust those who are the same as them. - I do AGREE THAT -.- RACE - ISM as a natural way of living - is very normal. Africans Will Never EVER Allow a WHITE- to become King or Queen. There is a reason. it is normal. -
If The Minorities in the USA and WORLDWIDE would only PLAN to support themselves, before mass PRODUCING THEMSELVES - Pumping out Children with no Fathers, No money - AND no intentions of raising and supporting and paying for them . Things would be better for Them.

But CATHOLISLAMIC religion - banns and OUTLAWS all Birth Control and Family planning. Others who are not participating in the CORRECT PROPER religion - They / You - are expected to Pay and Pave the Way for them. its Gods Will. God Expects the Non Catholislamic people who will not Convert - and Serve the CATHOLISLAMIC god - to be used to Propagate His people through the Earth - To Make the Earth a Better, Holy Place. So Money, Taxes, Charity, Funds and Tithes and Donations and Government Handouts are an Eternal Event, to Keep these Children Fed and new Converts Ever being born, And that is OK. Catholics and Muslims Love their Own People and they want to be the Champs- the Top and the Saviors and Leaders of the world.

it's ok
But REMEMBER- that this CATHOLISLAMIC - one Way Street - does not Run or work where they have no Military Power. They Remain Poor and Always complaining and needy victims. Until they Obtain Complete power
OK. So.. We Know that - Blacks will never be comfortable in Africa. - WITH a WHITE LEADER / President, King or Queen. They Would kill Him or Rebel against Him. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.------ That's OK. ! / it is Normal.
Why should anyone eXpect the White Majority or Group - to Change, Being Normal/. ? ?
WHEN HITLER and The Germans had problems with the Jews living in Germany . THE MORE - ' Humane Solution would have been to remain calm, continue to respect their Lives and simply work to re-locate these jEWS. Allowing them - safety and opportunity to re- Locate -'. instead of Slaughtering, Torturing and Killing them. and Hurting them.
- people Are most comfortable being around, TRUSTING, Living and BREEDING, Being married to - their Own kind. / BY LARGE.
it is OK . I am that Way. I sometimes don't really honestly Feel Comfortable around Black people. But I don't wish them any harm and I do respect them and value them and Love them. It is NORMAL.. A natural survival instinct. It keeps the Countries, borders, Civilizations, Cultures and RACES Healthy and Humanity Surviving. People should Feel fine with this. Just say, I am OK the way I am and why should I Change who I am and How I feel, especially when the rest of the planet does not follow this way ? The Blacks in Africa have never had a White King. - Why the heck would they be offended - HERE in the USA - because WHITEs do not want to be Governed by NON WHITES.... ?

Mexico, ITALY, CUBA, ALL CATHOLISLAMIC COUNTRIES - have NEVER, NEVER - never ALLOWED a Black President, MEXICANS and Catholics do not Allow Whites WHO Come from WHITE - Protestant AMERICA - to run for President
Whites are not all that interested in Black culture. OR Indian CULTURE OR Arab Culture. Sure it is nice to Study, Create a Museum, Write a Book, make a movie. But we are not interested in these people to the point that we want to change our NAMES, CHANGE OUR Lives, Change our LOCATION, CHANGE our Clothing, Change our Medical PROCEDURES, Change Our Language and THINKING to these other - NON WHITE - RACES. Who are Very, Very different from us.
Don't You Agree ? ' THE FACTS AGREE. ?

Someone Like Mohammed Would never say --- Hey Everybody, here is a German man or an African Man and This will be Your LEADER, after me. The Muslims and Arabs would Fall apart and go into destruction.
I just think that People Get LOST and CONFUSED into thinking that everyone should be accepting and mixing together with everyone. ( HERE IN THE USA.

But THIS Type of behavior is found NOWHERE in the Planet. No place is like the USA. So --- expecting Muslims or Catholics or Blacks or whites to SUDDENLY stop being racists. is not something that is going to happen in the way that You think it will.
it shows *( I believe ) a complete ignorance and mindset, to accuse others of something that is normal and natural. Being Racist - TO A POINT - is a normal way of all people of the earth. While Catholics and Muslims and their Top - PRETENDING - Supporters the Degenerate DEMOCRAT party, animalistic, Immoral Friends are accusing Republicans and others here in the USA of being Racist. Just to MAKE up False Accusations and Pretend to Support CATHOLISLAMIC Society and minority Races. They are Pretending to Help You.

Democrats and the Liberal media - all Use The Possible Enemies and their DIFFERENCES and the Conflicts and normal basic Problems - that CATHOLISLAMIC Society and minority Races have with - the White, Protestant, Christian, Republican American People, to hurt them and Rouse up people into obtaining their Funds and Votes. Maybe they should open their Eyes and Take a look at themselves and at Everyone on the earth. They would see their foolishness. that the Protestant , Christian, Republican American People are not Racist or bad. They Just wish to be governed and keep being successful. ! . Everyone Wants to Survive. RIGHT, ? This is normal. Many - People in Africa , for thousands of years have been a proud, wonderful, beautiful people. they don't want to mix whites in their Tribes or have white Kings and Judges. .

America and Israel are the only places on the earth where anyone { any citizen } can become president or enter the highest level of politics and the Liberal Media takes advantage of this fact and attempts to cause problems in order to maintain econoimic control for certain elements that are finantually in bed with the Liberal Media. Remember that, no other country on earth allows minorities to move to the higher levels of the political and business sphere.

That's a lot of ground to cover in a single post, too much, but yes, the short answer is that the U.S. and the West have more 'racial problems' because as Christian influenced cultures we're abnormal in our handling of racial issues; the rest of the world, merely just kills their 'problems' via genocides and slavery. That's why you hardly see any blacks in the ME, even after centuries of African slave imports, for instance. After a big slave revolt in the 12 th Century or so, they simply just killed all the black slaves and started anew, preferring male slaves from Rus or the Balkans, black females from Africa, and what males they imported from Africa were subjected to full frontal castration, and of course maybe 10% survived that, and in any case both female and male blacks were killed when their usefulness ended, whether from old age, injury, or simple economic reasons. Same among many African tribes themselves; most tribes considered themselves 'separate races' from their neighbors. Same over most of the rest of the world. That's why you see little 'racial strife', except where European colonialism forced different peoples together artificially, the current Buddhist campaign to rid Burma of Muslims being a typical example.

If the U.S. was indeed as racist as the rest of the planet, we wouldn't have any 'racial problems' at all, becasue most 'minorities' would have been dead a hundred years ago.
Yes, I realize that too.

For example, the Quran also REFUSES to address the topic of rape whatsoever and makes no DEMANDs of punishment or acknowledgment of rape. The concept and idea of rape simply does not eXist in the Quran

Tabari IX:25: "By Allah, I did not come to fight for nothing. I wanted a victory over Ta'if - so that I might obtain a slave girl from among them and make her pregnant." (See also Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq, p.590.)

In some cultures or religions, slavery and rape is just a way of life - there is no punishment for rape or slavery in the Quran.
However many, many Muslims today who exist who are good people who respect others.
'''dangerous Christian hate groups''''' ...''regimes based on racial superiority''' ???!! hahahahahahhaahah--again !!
white supremacists have murdered a whopping 77 people--since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR --over 8 per DAY
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
commit sexual assault at over TWICE the rate of whites
and you bring up the ''dangerous'' Christians???!!!!????

I'm not even counting the violent crime stats
Koshergrl, ??? if anything they are the extreme opposite of open and free societies.

The link below was in another thread, but it is relevant here too.

Here’s how right-wing Christians share the blame for the massacre in Orlando


...from actual witness acounts, the muslim terrorist who attacked the Pulse Nightclub did not know it was a gay nightclub....he went there the night of the attack, noticed all the men, and asked where all the women were....he left to get his guns and came back....

So no......there was no Christian hate involved in the attack...

From Vox...a left wing, nut job, website....

New evidence shows the Pulse nightclub shooting wasn’t about anti-LGBTQ hate

It’s been nearly two years since the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people — widely believed to be an act of aggression against the club’s LGBTQ clientele and “undeniably a homophobic hate crime.” There’s now conclusive evidence that the shooter wasn’t intending to target LGBTQ people at all.

In fact, he allegedly had no idea Pulse was a gay club, and simply Googled “Orlando nightclubs” after finding that security at his original target, a major shopping and entertainment complex, was too high, as reported by

This evidence dramatically changes the mass shooting’s narrative; politicians and individuals across the political spectrum had positioned it as an anti-LGBTQ hate crime. Instead, the new evidence suggests, the Pulse nightclub shooting was intended as revenge for US anti-terror policies abroad.

The evidence emerged during the trial of the shooter’s wife, Noor Salman, whom the federal government charged with aiding and abetting and obstruction of justice. Federal prosecutors argued that Salman had helped her husband plan and orchestrate the attack. She was acquitted by a jury last Friday, a rare occurrence when most defendants accused of terror charges accept plea deals and the average conviction rate in such cases is above 90 percent.
And "hate" has been diluted down, as has many other words, to mean little.

Currently "hate" means "disagree with" or "won't endorse personally".

It has been expanded to include opposing that which is chosen freely and causes harm rather than hating something that is immutable and doesn't.

Whoever thinks that opposition to an ideology is hate should have their head examined, ESPECIALLY when the ideology, itself is full of hatred. .
Yes, I realize that too.

For example, the Quran also REFUSES to address the topic of rape whatsoever and makes no DEMANDs of punishment or acknowledgment of rape. The concept and idea of rape simply does not eXist in the Quran

Tabari IX:25: "By Allah, I did not come to fight for nothing. I wanted a victory over Ta'if - so that I might obtain a slave girl from among them and make her pregnant." (See also Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq, p.590.)

In some cultures or religions, slavery and rape is just a way of life - there is no punishment for rape or slavery in the Quran.
However many, many Muslims today who exist who are good people who respect others.

…..and if you examine the Hadiths, you will se that Mohammed actually ENCOURAGED rape -- at least towards non Muslims.

the rape epidemic Europe is suffering is just Islam working as it has always worked. .
The bible only has true meaning when seen through the context of your faith - something that is massively personal and different for everyone.

Context this:

"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him." Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57
The same way you would put this into context:

Anyone who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the LORD your God is to be put to death. You must purge the evil from Israel.
deuteronomy 17:12

With understanding of the faith and how it fits into it as a whole. I am sure that you can understand this verse and where it fits. I am equally sure that you have almost no understanding of Islam and where those statements fit.

I warned you about using the OT. Try again.
Irrelevant. You choose to apply your faith to the scriptures that you follow but suddenly decide that Islam can be taken out of context and interpreted with an utter lack of understanding of their faith.

You do not get to have it both ways - if someone (as MANY here on these threads have done) looks at the Bible in the same manner that you look at the Koran then you end up with all manner of atrocities supported by misunderstanding the nature of the Bible itself.

If you were an honest person, which you most obviously are not, you would compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges.

Sine the Q'ran is the direct edict of the murderer, thief and rapist called Mohammad, any actual comparison that is honest should be made to the words attributed directly to Jesus.

The thief, rapist and murderer ordered his warriors to kill men, rape the women and steal from those they invaded. Jesus ordered none of those things.
It's hilarious how much effort goes into xian bashing propaganda that isn't even close to factual, and yet those wonderful pagan practices are totally ignored; I guess putting alleged xian 'atrocities' in the proper contexts with the major alternatives over those centuries would be too embarrassing and make the assorted deviants look like complete idiots.

For instance, guess which 'religious' types really invented and practiced witch burning, the term 'faggots', and dumped homosexual fetishists in bogs?
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And "hate" has been diluted down, as has many other words, to mean little.

Currently "hate" means "disagree with" or "won't endorse personally".

It has been expanded to include opposing that which is chosen freely and causes harm rather than hating something that is immutable and doesn't.

Whoever thinks that opposition to an ideology is hate should have their head examined, ESPECIALLY when the ideology, itself is full of hatred. .
I do look at this stuff as an affliction, a distortion of both perceptions and thought processes.

The problem here, at least this my guess, is that this isn't game-playing. These people REALLY DO believe this.

Humans can talk themselves into some pretty amazing things, and we see that manifest in our politics, right now, today.
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I do look at this stuff as an affliction, a distortion of both perceptions and thought processes.

The problem here, at least this my guess, is that this isn't game-playing. These people REALLY DO believe this.

Humans can talk themselves into some pretty amazing things, and we see that manifest in our politics, right now, today.

I see it also as the LACK of a thought process. These silly attitudes reflect the acceptance of dogma without any questioning and exist as little more than a conditioned response. Rather than asking themselves "what is hate and when is it or isn't justified?", people merely accept the interpretations of others as a part of the socialization process into their tribe. They don't form opinions from the top down, but from the bottom up, as they do not decide on values first and then extrapolate opinions but on the opinions first with the according need to form layers of sophistry around them in order not to offend the members of their tribe.

The entire nature of bigotry and hatred should follow some sort of logical process, yet it doesn't for these dolts. Question # 1 should be "is this an innate trait or an acquired?" and question # 2 should be "does this cause harm?". If a trait is innate and causes no harm, then yes, expressions of hatred against it are illogical and problematic. If a trait is acquired, but also harmless, then opposition to it may or may not rise to the level of hatred depending on how it is expressed. If a trait is acquired, however, and DOES cause harm, then calling the opposition to it "hate" is not only idiotic, but an actual expression of hate in and of itself.

Much of the left has become little more than virtue signaling tolerance junkies. It doesn't matter WHAT they tolerate, merely that they extend tolerance and receive props from their fellow sheeple for doing so. Good grief, we have some really twisted individuals defending the rape of children in this forum so desperate they are to feed their addiction. They are incapable of actual thought, but merely salivating like Pavlov's pooch to the dinner bell. They have been trained to see only identity and not behavior, and to defend the identity no matter the behavior in question. In the case of people acting on an ideology by engaging in repulsive behavior, these dolts defend it anyway, as they never asked themselves the two questions I posed above. As you and I have seen thousands of times, here, they then proceed to call the rejection of the hatefulness an act of hatred, and so lend themselves to the true hatred in question.
I do look at this stuff as an affliction, a distortion of both perceptions and thought processes.

The problem here, at least this my guess, is that this isn't game-playing. These people REALLY DO believe this.

Humans can talk themselves into some pretty amazing things, and we see that manifest in our politics, right now, today.

I see it also as the LACK of a thought process. These silly attitudes reflect the acceptance of dogma without any questioning and exist as little more than a conditioned response. Rather than asking themselves "what is hate and when is it or isn't justified?", people merely accept the interpretations of others as a part of the socialization process into their tribe. They don't form opinions from the top down, but from the bottom up, as they do not decide on values first and then extrapolate opinions but on the opinions first with the according need to form layers of sophistry around them in order not to offend the members of their tribe.

The entire nature of bigotry and hatred should follow some sort of logical process, yet it doesn't for these dolts. Question # 1 should be "is this an innate trait or an acquired?" and question # 2 should be "does this cause harm?". If a trait is innate and causes no harm, then yes, expressions of hatred against it are illogical and problematic. If a trait is acquired, but also harmless, then opposition to it may or may not rise to the level of hatred depending on how it is expressed. If a trait is acquired, however, and DOES cause harm, then calling the opposition to it "hate" is not only idiotic, but an actual expression of hate in and of itself.

Much of the left has become little more than virtue signaling tolerance junkies. It doesn't matter WHAT they tolerate, merely that they extend tolerance and receive props from their fellow sheeple for doing so. Good grief, we have some really twisted individuals defending the rape of children in this forum so desperate they are to feed their addiction. They are incapable of actual thought, but merely salivating like Pavlov's pooch to the dinner bell. They have been trained to see only identity and not behavior, and to defend the identity no matter the behavior in question. In the case of people acting on an ideology by engaging in repulsive behavior, these dolts defend it anyway, as they never asked themselves the two questions I posed above. As you and I have seen thousands of times, here, they then proceed to call the rejection of the hatefulness an act of hatred, and so lend themselves to the true hatred in question.
Agreed, and when I see this kind of behavior - which is regularly - I often find myself distracted away from the issue itself and attracted toward the motivations behind the behavior.

Your Pavlov's Dogs analogy is appropriate, in my opinion. One of the many symptoms of this affliction is a natural, canned, rehearsed and (most interestingly) predictable response to regular stimuli. The problem is that this type of intellectual myopia, at some point, seeps into the subconscious and becomes organic distortions of perceptions and thought processes. In other words, it becomes as much reality to the afflicted as does the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

THAT'S why they can be so passionate and seem so sincere, regardless of how absurd their behaviors can be- they're being perfectly honest, within the confines of their affliction.

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