Chris Wray: Master of the overly Specific Denial Method

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Many Democrats are good at this, but Wray is among the best. The method is this: When you are caught in misconduct, malfeasance or lawbreaking, and you want to deny it, but without incurring further consequences for lying, you figure out a way to phrase the denial, so that it covers conduct that you actually did not do, but which does not absolve you of the accusation levied.

Here, Wray takes advantage of the unfortunate double meaning of the word "agent." In the FBI, salaried law enforcement officers are called "FBI Agents" and the civilians that they use as informants or operators are called "confidential human sources." In the CIA and in Military Intelligence, which is what I'm familiar with, an "agent" is an informant or operator paid on an ad hoc basis, but never trusted with any knowledge not absolutely required for the job.

So, Wray tells the congressman under oath that "I'm not sure there were 'undercover agents,' uh . . . " Here he play acts being perplexed by the question. When pressed about how he could not know that, and asked about both "agents" and "assetts," he looks down guiltily and offers a word salad meaning roughly "I ain't tellin'."

He has also done this by saying rather huffily, "If you are suggesting that the violence that happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources or FBI agents, the answer is ‘no, it was not’ and to suggest otherwise is a disservice to our hardworking, dedicated law enforcement professionals,”

Yeah, no one is suggesting the Jan 6 riots were planned at FBI headquarters. There were plenty of warnings days in advance that their would be protests and that the protests might get out of hand. Obviously, the FBI had non-sworn assetts in the capitol, or Wray would just say, "heck no!" when asked about them. Question is what were they supposed to do and what did they actually do? Were they supposed to prevent or slow down the riot? If so how, and why was it ineffective? Were they wearing Trump t-shirts, carrying weapons, filming it, or what? Why were civilians placed in such danger? Was there a plan if one of their assets were to be gunned down by Capitol Police?

Until the FBI comes clean on those questions, don't ask me to pull my forelock and blame Trump for "inciting an insurrection."

Bill Clinton introduced us to this Democratic method of truth hiding when he said "there is no improper relationship," meaning apparently, that Monica was not slobbering his knob at that very moment, not that he had never shown her his Willie and had her service him. It did not fool anybody, but few Democrats cared anyway.
Another example of REPUBLICANS trying to deflect responsibility for the Jan 6 Insurrection

Many Democrats are good at this, but Wray is among the best. The method is this: When you are caught in misconduct, malfeasance or lawbreaking, and you want to deny it, but without incurring further consequences for lying, you figure out a way to phrase the denial, so that it covers conduct that you actually did not do, but which does not absolve you of the accusation levied.

Here, Wray takes advantage of the unfortunate double meaning of the word "agent." In the FBI, salaried law enforcement officers are called "FBI Agents" and the civilians that they use as informants or operators are called "confidential human sources." In the CIA and in Military Intelligence, which is what I'm familiar with, an "agent" is an informant or operator paid on an ad hoc basis, but never trusted with any knowledge not absolutely required for the job.

So, Wray tells the congressman under oath that "I'm not sure there were 'undercover agents,' uh . . . " Here he play acts being perplexed by the question. When pressed about how he could not know that, and asked about both "agents" and "assetts," he looks down guiltily and offers a word salad meaning roughly "I ain't tellin'."

He has also done this by saying rather huffily, "If you are suggesting that the violence that happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources or FBI agents, the answer is ‘no, it was not’ and to suggest otherwise is a disservice to our hardworking, dedicated law enforcement professionals,”

Yeah, no one is suggesting the Jan 6 riots were planned at FBI headquarters. There were plenty of warnings days in advance that their would be protests and that the protests might get out of hand. Obviously, the FBI had non-sworn assetts in the capitol, or Wray would just say, "heck no!" when asked about them. Question is what were they supposed to do and what did they actually do? Were they supposed to prevent or slow down the riot? If so how, and why was it ineffective? Were they wearing Trump t-shirts, carrying weapons, filming it, or what? Why were civilians placed in such danger? Was there a plan if one of their assets were to be gunned down by Capitol Police?

Until the FBI comes clean on those questions, don't ask me to pull my forelock and blame Trump for "inciting an insurrection."

Bill Clinton introduced us to this Democratic method of truth hiding when he said "there is no improper relationship," meaning apparently, that Monica was not slobbering his knob at that very moment, not that he had never shown her his Willie and had her service him. It did not fool anybody, but few Democrats cared anyway.

The only difference between Wray and Comey is that he's likeable.
The only difference between Wray and Comey is that he's likeable.
Really? You find Wray likeable? Agree to disagree.

To me Wray seems like Steve Martin's loser older brother, who tries to convince the family that he is actually the more successful one by serving up word salad at every gathering, and trying to explain how he was not "fired" from his most recent job, it was a mutual parting of the ways.

He's got Steve Martin's rubber faced acting ability, but when Steve does it, Steve knows he's being funny. Steve once said that his stand-up schtick was to act like a bad comedian, and be funny at the same time. It almost seems like Wray is trying to act like a bad liar, with the downcast eyes, the long pauses, that answering of questions not asked, but just coming off as a liar.
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Which shows that Rebubs are even better at it since Wray is a lifelong Repub, was selected by a Repub POTUS and confirmed by a Repub Senate.
He has clearly been turned. He oversaw covering up for the maxed out Democrat donors in charge of Crossfire Hurricane and now, he's now the head of the Joe Biden Damage Control Organization, formerly known as the FBI.
He has clearly been turned. He oversaw covering up for the maxed out Democrat donors in charge of Crossfire Hurricane and now, he's now the head of the Joe Biden Damage Control Organization, formerly known as the FBI.

Not possible, Trump only hires the best and the brightest. Wray was handpicked by Trump himself.
Not possible, Trump only hires the best and the brightest. Wray was handpicked by Trump himself.

After Comey, you would think Trump would be very careful to select an FBI Director who met his needs.

He didn’t imagine Wray would actually follow the laws
Which shows that Rebubs are even better at it since Wray is a lifelong Repub, was selected by a Repub POTUS and confirmed by a Repub Senate.
Which shows that Dems / Marxists dont understand that Wray is little more than a bagman for the Biden politburo. He makes an impressive salary and gets lots of TV time on televised hearings before congress. He learned from Fauci how to be a con-man.

Wray is a used car salesman in a plaid suit making excuses for the incompetence and failures of the Biden lackeys in the FBI.
Which shows that Dems / Marxists dont understand that Wray is little more than a bagman for the Biden politburo.

And yet he was hand picked by Trump himself and confirmed by a GOP Senate.

Trump must be in on it all then.
You're mistaking me for your own strawman of a Trump supporter. Trump makes plenty of mistakes, and Wray was easily among is worse.
Seems that way with every Trump selection from Vice President on down

Maybe THEY are not the problem
After Comey, you would think Trump would be very careful to select an FBI Director who met his needs.

He didn’t imagine Wray would actually follow the laws
When did Wray follow the law?

Did he follow the law by still burying the Hunter Biden laptop?

This is the Biden bagman who, while everyone else was watching Antifa thugs and their BLM pals burn cities, riot and loot, told us that Antifa is ''more of an idea than an actual organization''.
When did Wray follow the law?

Did he follow the law by still burying the Hunter Biden laptop?

This is the Biden bagman who, while everyone else was watching Antifa thugs and their BLM pals burn cities, riot and loot, told us that Antifa is ''more of an idea than an actual organization''.
The laptop was a personal item of a private citizen.
Of little concern to the FBI

They have better things to do with their time
The laptop was a personal item of a private citizen.
Of little concern to the FBI

They have better things to do with their time
I understand you're joking but don't abandon your day job to be a comedy host for the Biden briefings. The Biden politburo and its media bureau, for some strange reason, spent years denying the existence of the laptop. Strange because there were volumes of emails and text messages indicating that Hunter Biden was pimping after his then-Vice President father to make deals with Ukrainian, Chinese, and other foreign businesses.

Now would be a good time to pimp your best conspiracy theory that the Hunter Biden laptop is "Russian Disinformation".

Yes, ladies and gents. Leftwinger will be performing here all week. Be sure to tip your waitresses.

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