Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in
A day ago, the Trump cultists were crowing either about Trump's impending triumph, or claiming that Biden wouldn't show.

Now, they're howling that the mods were biased.

I kind of pity them. They actually believed their own idiot propaganda, and reality has smacked them hard.

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." He's asking for a brownshirt terrorist group to be ready to commit violence on his behalf. Just reason #2,309 why he's unfit for office.
A day ago, the Trump cultists were crowing either about Trump's impending triumph, or claiming that Biden wouldn't show.

Now, they're howling that the mods were biased.

I kind of pity them. They actually believed their own idiot propaganda, and reality has smacked them hard.

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." He's asking for a brownshirt terrorist group to be ready to commit violence on his behalf. Just reason #2,309 why he's unfit for office.

Another arrogant, condescending leftist looking down her nose
It was a missed moment by Trump. Again.
He should have said... "condemn white supremacist... I have before? - sure I condemn white supremacy Now - ask Joe to condemn antifa."
But instead. Trump once again blew it. All he could think about was Biden refusing to condemn antifa, so instead of giving a straight answer first... he went on to attack Joe.
Of course it was, it's akin to "when was the last time you beat your wife"?

I have little interest in hearing from Wallace again. I've put him in the weasel category.

Wallace intends to enjoy his millions while China eats the Middle Classes lunch. What a D bag.
It was a missed moment by Trump. Again.
He should have said... "condemn white supremacist... I have before? - sure I condemn white supremacy Now - ask Joe to condemn antifa."
But instead. Trump once again blew it. All he could think about was Biden refusing to condemn antifa, so instead of giving a straight answer first... he went on to attack Joe.

He should have went further, "I'm not going to play this Gotcha Game with you. I've denounced this multiple times and my position still stands, I despise racism. Furthermore, I'm not the guy who praised former KKK leader Robert Byrd, that's my opponent. Now, since he likes the radicals, what's his take on ANTIFA and the anti-American hate they are spreading"?
The way the media has been giving the 24 hours a day 7 days a week white supremacists agenda, you would figure there is tens of billions of dollars of property destroyed and many people injure or killed. Wait a minute....BLM....Antifa....I get it. If the Progs win, Maybe the white supremacist groups get some support if needed. The wild card is what law enforcement is going to do.
So why didn't Wallace ask Joe Biden if he would condemn BLM and antifa violence, rioting, looting, assaulting, and arson?

Did I miss that part or something?
The format is easy. Your mic is turned off until you're authorized to speak. Plastic shields can even be employed.
The major problem that still exists is that everyone lies 99% of the time.
Then the MSM spin-meisters say their guy told the truth, and the other guy lied his ass off.
So who won the debate depends which network you watch.
It was a missed moment by Trump. Again.
He should have said... "condemn white supremacist... I have before? - sure I condemn white supremacy Now - ask Joe to condemn antifa."
But instead. Trump once again blew it. All he could think about was Biden refusing to condemn antifa, so instead of giving a straight answer first... he went on to attack Joe.

No, wrong answer. The implication is Biden denied supporting violence, but Trump denied being a racist. Democrats win that every time.

OK, I'm incompetent, but you're a RACIST!

Even Dementia Joe recognized that trap. Watch the video in the OP if you haven't. He has a total woody about Trump denying he's a racist
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Wallace is a joke, and he proved it last night.
What makes the Proud Boys a group of white supremacists?

Describing themselves as "Western chauvinists" --- that is, the PC term for "white supremacist" -- kind of seals the deal there.

I have never heard of that before. Do you have evidence of that?

As does their spouting of white supremacist rhetoric.

Can you give examples of this rhetoric?

Are you just trolling by playing dumb here?

Are you just dumb and not playing?

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by."

What makes the Proud Boys a group of white supremacists?

According to their official website, they're not "white supremacists." They just refuse to be victims of white racial guilt...


"Core Values Of The Proud Boys"

Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

"Though these are our central tenets, all that is required to become a Proud Boy is that a man declare he is “a Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world.” We do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference. We are not an “ism”, “ist”, or “phobic” that fits the Left’s narrative. We truly believe that the West Is The Best and welcome those who believe in the same tenets as us."
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace is a Leftist POS.

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