Chris coumo 'Comes Out Of The Closet' To Attack God, America's Faith


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Godless Chris Cuomo Uses CNN
Soapbox to Tell Americans They

Don’t Need God

This explains a lot...

Libtard mayors / governors fining / jailing Christians for exercising their Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Religeon while supporting, facilitating, and marching maskless shouder-to-shoulder with violent domestic terrorists.....

Hey, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR GOD! Come after me, shitheads!

Why would I come after you? I have no intention of coming after you. Why would I waste my time?

Muslim might, because they are commanded to kill and fight the infidels. But that's not in my Bible, so why would I do that?

No I might vote out a politician that attacks my faith. Sure. In fact I've done that. I've voted against people who attacked my faith.

But come after you? I'll vote against you if you are in office, and say something stupid like Cuomo... but I'm not coming after you. I got better things to spend my time on.
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?
Well yes, of course. Phony Christians are phony Christians, and they give religion a bad name.

Did you think you "had" me there? Not everyone is a hypocritical winger. True story.
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.
You don't have the authority or knowledge to define who a Christian is.
Too bad. You don't have the authority or knowledge to understand what decency is, but I don't jump in and whine about it.
View attachment 357782

Godless Chris Cuomo Uses CNN
Soapbox to Tell Americans They

Don’t Need God

This explains a lot...

Libtard mayors / governors fining / jailing Christians for exercising their Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Religeon while supporting, facilitating, and marching maskless shouder-to-shoulder with violent domestic terrorists.....

Prissy Chrissy had to lay low for the next step in the sex change
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?
Well yes, of course. Phony Christians are phony Christians, and they give religion a bad name.

Did you think you "had" me there? Not everyone is a hypocritical winger. True story.

I have no idea, I was asking an honest question. So I'm a Christian, and I have never though of Trump as a moral leader.

I know lots of people that are..... not sure how to put it. It's not that they are hypocritical, but that they believe on a very 'surface' level. Like G-d is real, and I believe in Jesus, and now it's time to watch football.

I don't know where Trump is on this. He certainly has not been a Christian in the past. And I am not goofy enough to assume because he went for a photo op, that he had a conversion experience.

But I'm also not arrogant enough to think I know his heart, and that he can't possibly have had a conversion experience.

I know people that repented on their death beds in their 90s.

So I don't know..... beats me man.

What I do know is that at this point, Trump is the only pro-christian politician on the ticket. The Democrats hate Christians, even the ones in their own party.

Therefore my support is with Trump, regardless of where he is spiritually.
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?
Well yes, of course. Phony Christians are phony Christians, and they give religion a bad name.

Did you think you "had" me there? Not everyone is a hypocritical winger. True story.

I have no idea, I was asking an honest question. So I'm a Christian, and I have never though of Trump as a moral leader.

I know lots of people that are..... not sure how to put it. It's not that they are hypocritical, but that they believe on a very 'surface' level. Like G-d is real, and I believe in Jesus, and now it's time to watch football.

I don't know where Trump is on this. He certainly has not been a Christian in the past. And I am not goofy enough to assume because he went for a photo op, that he had a conversion experience.

But I'm also not arrogant enough to think I know his heart, and that he can't possibly have had a conversion experience.

I know people that repented on their death beds in their 90s.

So I don't know..... beats me man.

What I do know is that at this point, Trump is the only pro-christian politician on the ticket. The Democrats hate Christians, even the ones in their own party.

Therefore my support is with Trump, regardless of where he is spiritually.

Most of the democrats are Christians. I'm sure God is going to come down and put a mask on people or tell them to stay home.

Its within you,
1 Corinthians 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?

The photo of Clinton was taken July 9, 2000, by Manny Ceneta and distributed by Getty Images.

The caption says it shows Clinton waving his Bible “following a church service at Foundry United Methodist Church.”
Clinton worshipped there “most Sundays when he’s in town,” according to a 1998 Washington Post article
So it’s not the same church.

And the post’s underlying implication about the similarity of the two situations is just as off base.

Clinton was pictured carrying his Bible after attending a church service at his church.
Not the same as a photo op.
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?

Links would be in order.

It's amazing how much the left-wing supporters don't know, or choose not to remember....


Held that big ol Bible up for the cameras. Made sure everyone could see it clearly. Good ol Christian boy, banging Monica, and Puala, Kathleen, and flat out raped Juanita.

Just a good ol Christian boy he was hold'en up that there Bible.

And Hillary.... She made sure when she went to that Black Baptist Convention, that everyone knew she was a Methodist, but she was married to Southern Baptist.

Yes sir! She was a good little Methodist, married to a Southern Baptists, that slut-shamed all the girls her wonderful Southern Baptists hubby banged.

I assume I don't have to actually post Warren's brilliant DNA test that proved she was 1/32 to 1/102 Native American?

Which she then deleted like we wouldn't notice after all these years of her claiming it.

Any questions?
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?
Well yes, of course. Phony Christians are phony Christians, and they give religion a bad name.

Did you think you "had" me there? Not everyone is a hypocritical winger. True story.

I have no idea, I was asking an honest question. So I'm a Christian, and I have never though of Trump as a moral leader.

I know lots of people that are..... not sure how to put it. It's not that they are hypocritical, but that they believe on a very 'surface' level. Like G-d is real, and I believe in Jesus, and now it's time to watch football.

I don't know where Trump is on this. He certainly has not been a Christian in the past. And I am not goofy enough to assume because he went for a photo op, that he had a conversion experience.

But I'm also not arrogant enough to think I know his heart, and that he can't possibly have had a conversion experience.

I know people that repented on their death beds in their 90s.

So I don't know..... beats me man.

What I do know is that at this point, Trump is the only pro-christian politician on the ticket. The Democrats hate Christians, even the ones in their own party.

Therefore my support is with Trump, regardless of where he is spiritually.

Most of the democrats are Christians. I'm sure God is going to come down and put a mask on people or tell them to stay home.

Its within you,
1 Corinthians 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

No they are not.

You are not a Christian, because you say you are a Christian. You are Christian, when you act like a Christian. Democrats support everything that goes against Christianity.

Now they might be Democrats out of ignorance. But I have hard time buying that most of the Democrats that claim to be Christian, are all ignorant of the clear anti-Christian views that Democrats display on a routine basis.

How can you be a Democrats, and absolutely scream and yell, because Trump had a Bible?

Impossible. No matter what you think of Trump in another areas, you can't be "against" having a Bible.

And the same would be true in a dozens of areas, like intentionally running business owners out of business, because they have Christians views. Democrats are in favor of that. They have made that clear.

Even attacking Samaritan's Purse, because they are Christian, when they opened a field hospital for Covid Patients in NYC.

That was all Democrats.

How can you be "Christian" and support people who are clearly, unambiguously, are anti-Christian?

Well honestly, you can't. Those are mutually exclusive positions. So either you are not a Democrat, or you are not a Christian. Given your actions show you are not Christian, and that you are Democrat.... I'd say the "being christian" part is false.

They are not Christians based on their actions.
Seeing Trumpsters pretend to be Christians always gives me the heebee jeebees.

Really. Did it give you the heebee jeebees when Hillary pretended to be a Baptist at a black church? Did it bother you when Bill Clinton walked around with a big Bible for the cameras? Did it bother you when Warren pretended to be a native American?

Does it only give you the heebee jeebees when non-Democrats pretend to be something they are not?

Links would be in order.

It's amazing how much the left-wing supporters don't know, or choose not to remember....

View attachment 358568

Held that big ol Bible up for the cameras. Made sure everyone could see it clearly. Good ol Christian boy, banging Monica, and Puala, Kathleen, and flat out raped Juanita.

Just a good ol Christian boy he was hold'en up that there Bible.

And Hillary.... She made sure when she went to that Black Baptist Convention, that everyone knew she was a Methodist, but she was married to Southern Baptist.

Yes sir! She was a good little Methodist, married to a Southern Baptists, that slut-shamed all the girls her wonderful Southern Baptists hubby banged.

I assume I don't have to actually post Warren's brilliant DNA test that proved she was 1/32 to 1/102 Native American?

Which she then deleted like we wouldn't notice after all these years of her claiming it.

Any questions?

Tramp still owes a million to her charity of choice, she had a dna test. Most people tell their children about what nationality they are, and we believe them.

Hillary didn't pretend she was a baptist.

Post #15 refers to the Bill Clinton smear you made.
Tramp still owes a million to her charity of choice, she had a dna test. Most people tell their children about what nationality they are, and we believe them.
She failed the test

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