States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is for anyone who believes Democrat COVID propaganda.

The National Institue of Health (NIH) is lowering the State Covid 19 standards to inflate the Covid 19 number of cases.
If 1 person tests positive for Covid 19, then they say 15 additional people in the computer model are said to have Covid 19. Thus, possibles, as of the middle of May 2020, are now Covid cases. This is going on across all the States.
In addition the States will say people are Covid 19 even if they were not tested.... If one of these 15 people die, then they say it is because of Covid 19 and not the real reason (heart attack, car accident, etc...). This is why we are seeing a spike in Covid 19 cases.
The NIH lawyers do this by adding the operative word "probable" to actual cases. Thus, for every 1 new actual positive case, then you get an additonal 15 "probable" cases for a grand total of 16 people. A probable case in a Covid 19 case is declared "positive" Covid 19 case. They are playing word games folks.
I'd say we are seeing the result of all these so called protesters who gathered all over the country in large groups, very close to one another, and then they went home and spread their disease.
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I can see why that article was banned.
Keep the bilge coming, folks. You might just kill a few thousand more people.
I can see why that article was banned.
Keep the bilge coming, folks. You might just kill a few thousand more people.
"Banned" in this case is the actual name of the website. Try applying pressure to the left mouse button once in your life.

If you click it, it will take you directly to the video.

Damn, some of you are downright intellectually lazy.
The Trump Administration is in control of the CDC and the NIH...Are you saying Trump is being undermined by his own people?

You actually believe Trump controls the far leftist Marxist agency?

This is fucking comedy GOLD, these people go down the path of a retard all the way. Damn... can't make it up. President Trump is the God Emperor, not the God silly.
I can see why that article was banned.
Keep the bilge coming, folks. You might just kill a few thousand more people.
I'd say we are seeing the result of all these so called protesters who gathered all over the country in large groups, very close to one another, and then they went home and spread their disease.
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Illegal Trump Russian Collusion
Mail-In Voter Fraud
COVID-19 Fearmongering

.... I love it when Democrats get exposed for scams, scandals, and crimes....


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