Chris Coons Won!!!

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LOL, one win and they have to type in bold red letters how the Tea Party failed.

I guess when you got nothing else but a couple of safe wins to rail about...:lol:
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As far as I'm concerned once O'Donnel won the republican primary, the message was sent: R's better get their collective heads out of their asses.

I don't think her loss in DE changes this....

Nor can the D Senator ignore the trend.
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

Now if the idiot in Nevada (Angle) and the idiot in Alaska (Miller) would fall, then I'd be all set.

Wonder what is going to happen to the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil's political capital NOW?

Remember y'all...........the Twitter Quitter is getting older, and her looks are starting to fade.

that mean you gonna take her poster down? :eusa_shhh:

Take her poster down? What the fuck kind of idiot is so enamored with teabagging whores that they'd actually have a poster of Palin in their house?

Farrah Fawcett she ain't.
The Tea Party never had the DE Senate seat. Mike Castle is no different than Chris Coons.

Unless of course the GOP ends up 1 short of a majority...

I am sure the GOP does not agree with me. But I rather not win the Senate this time. Than see Fiscally irresponsible, Big Government Republicans win. The house and senate Filibuster is plenty to block any Further Deficit spending, and New Government programs. Plus this way Obama will not be able to blame the next 2 years on a Republican Controlled Congress. :)
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

Now if the idiot in Nevada (Angle) and the idiot in Alaska (Miller) would fall, then I'd be all set.

Wonder what is going to happen to the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil's political capital NOW?

Remember y'all...........the Twitter Quitter is getting older, and her looks are starting to fade.

that mean you gonna take her poster down? :eusa_shhh:

Can I have it. You all forget that Sarah lost too. This is not her end by any means. A Conservative lost in a Blue State where even Progressive Republicans turned their back on her. The Choice was for Conservatives was to make a real stand, or sell out and end up with Representation in name only, RINO. It was a god fight, so was the Alamo.
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

They knew all along she was a certified dumb dumb...they just didn't care. They called her one of THEM. Do the math.
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

They knew all along she was a certified dumb dumb...they just didn't care. They called her one of THEM. Do the math.

Apparently with the TP group, you just have to say you're pro-life (which I am too), and you're in. This woman is 41, acts like a giggly teenager, and has no experience in government--actually has no work experience since 2004, and has a lot of financial baqgage haunting her. Palin couldn't have actually looked at this woman's background when she went out on a limb to recommend her. O'Donnell kept running for a House position and barely got any votes, and there is evidence that she used campaign funds for her living expenses (since she wasn't working).

I thought the people in Delaware were nuts to go along with this, but at least they changed their minds after we have had to listen to her on TV on a daily basis.
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

They knew all along she was a certified dumb dumb...they just didn't care. They called her one of THEM. Do the math.

They said the same about Palin. She has been mopping the floor with you all since.
Her political career is history.
I actually feel bad for the Tea Party as I respect their motives and beliefs.
She is a major league dumbass and they found out too late.

They knew all along she was a certified dumb dumb...they just didn't care. They called her one of THEM. Do the math.

Apparently with the TP group, you just have to say you're pro-life (which I am too), and you're in. This woman is 41, acts like a giggly teenager, and has no experience in government--actually has no work experience since 2004, and has a lot of financial baqgage haunting her. Palin couldn't have actually looked at this woman's background when she went out on a limb to recommend her. O'Donnell kept running for a House position and barely got any votes, and there is evidence that she used campaign funds for her living expenses (since she wasn't working).

I thought the people in Delaware were nuts to go along with this, but at least they changed their minds after we have had to listen to her on TV on a daily basis.

Either She will go away or she won't. If she does, that proves you were right. If she grows in popularity , voice, capability, that will prove you wrong. Only time will answer this charge.
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