Chinese President Urges Navy to Prepare for War

It's sad to see some of the short-sighted idiots here who would succumb to the Siren song of isolationism with all its false promises of security and prosperity. You'd be dashed upon the rocks of reality if your betters didn't actually make the right decisions for you.

Who here thinks the US and the rest of the world would be just as free, secure, and prosperous if vital shipping lanes in SEA and the Middle East were closed off or held at ransom? If not the US, but an ambitious totalitarian regime with a long memory and deep grudges, held sway over all real and potential trade into and out of East Asia? If South America and Africa became essentially vassal states of that same regime?

Who here thinks it's wise to chuckle at a cute little baby tiger while it sits outside your door chomping on raw meat and growing longer and sharper teeth and claws everyday?

Who is STILL too fucking stupid to learn from history that ignoring tomorrow's problem today abso-fucking-lutely guarantees tomorrow's problem will be 100 times worse?

And here's the big question: How many of you who despise America - lefty fools in America, and bitter representatives of relatively insignificant nations - think your lives would be better off if you replaced what you consider the 'big-bad' US with a 'big-bad' China? I am personally very fond of the Chinese people and culture, but that is a very easy question.

Again, the only reason why China is a threat to anyone right now is because the people you suck up to made them one. they are the ones who stripped America's industrial might in the quest for the quick buck. So now China is going to surpass us in manufacturing, and you're ringing your hands in that they are using some of that money to build warships that are about 30 years behind ours technologically.

In short, if there's a tiger out there, it's because Taiwan and big multi-national corporations fed it.

Fact is, military power is a coin of lesser value, mostly because fighting a war is a bankrupting excercise.

If the Middle East got cut off, maybe we'd actually do what we SHOULD have done 40 years ago- find alternatives to gasoline. You know, the first time they pulled this shit after the Yom Kippur War.

So, yes, defense of America- absolutely.

Defense of wealthy companies. Fuck them.
Exactly. Because we can. Now.

Please...cut me a break

China gets a couple of third rate ships and now you have them challenging the greatest Navy in history.

How about we have them build ONE carrier of the quality of our ELEVEN super carriers and we can talk

It is justy another fear tactic the idiots on the right fall into. china could probably pose a threat to the smaller countries in their area. They may have a large military in numbers, but they have a few problems with that. First is the same problem russia had in looking towards an overseas invasion. How the fuck do you get your army there in a fast, efficient way. China would have to stage in Canada or south/central america, and good luck doing that without the US finding out. The second problem is China needs it's military police at home. Poor and hungry people tend to revolt if you let up the oppression. Then there is the food issue. How do you supply your army overseas while starving your people to revolt at home? The US is more than capable of burning large portions of their crops. Starving armies and people offer up a whole huge wartime problem for china.

This is before you even put them up against the navy, ground forces, and a well armed civilian populace who would oppose chinese occupation. The worst we have to fear from china is the same thing we had to fear from russia, and that is nuclear, or for the republicans nukular, war.

The leaders and aristocracy of china live well due to their exploitation of their workforce and the money they make through markets like europe and the US. The first thing that goes away if they attack the US is their biggest economic market. Not a great plan for the people who enjoy wealth and power based on the US market.

Of course this won't stop the new Red Dawn starring china as the new enemy from scaring all the dumbasses.

You need to find an adult to explain what is actually being discussed here.
Again, the only reason why China is a threat to anyone right now is because the people you suck up to made them one.

It's amusing how you try to match your childish ignorance to your far-left political agenda. Not realistic, but amusing.
I hope they are not preparing for war against the US

It wouldn't be pretty

There won't be any conventional war with China, land air or water. As soon as one side got an advantage the other would go nuclear.

Both sides know that.
Again, the only reason why China is a threat to anyone right now is because the people you suck up to made them one.

It's amusing how you try to match your childish ignorance to your far-left political agenda. Not realistic, but amusing.

China is only a threat because a lot of people who didn't want to pay an American or a Japanese or a Taiwanese a fair wage opened a factory there.

Now you're whining because they are using that power you gave them to push you around.

I don't give a fuck. If Taiwan and Japan get overrun, they have no one to blame but themselves.
They may have a large military in numbers, but they have a few problems with that. First is the same problem russia had in looking towards an overseas invasion. How the fuck do you get your army there in a fast, efficient way. China would have to stage in Canada or south/central america, and good luck doing that without the US finding out. The second problem is China needs it's military police at home. Poor and hungry people tend to revolt if you let up the oppression. Then there is the food issue. How do you supply your army overseas while starving your people to revolt at home? The US is more than capable of burning large portions of their crops. Starving armies and people offer up a whole huge wartime problem for china.

The topic was NOT China invading the United States.
It's sad to see some of the short-sighted idiots here who would succumb to the Siren song of isolationism with all its false promises of security and prosperity. You'd be dashed upon the rocks of reality if your betters didn't actually make the right decisions for you.

Who here thinks the US and the rest of the world would be just as free, secure, and prosperous if vital shipping lanes in SEA and the Middle East were closed off or held at ransom? If not the US, but an ambitious totalitarian regime with a long memory and deep grudges, held sway over all real and potential trade into and out of East Asia? If South America and Africa became essentially vassal states of that same regime?

Why would china do such a thing? Blustering is one thing, but pissing off the world that yiou do business with when you people are mostly poor is a bad idea. Crippling sanctions over such a thing would be disasterous for china.

You clearly do not understand the discussion or the role of naval power in global politics, and you do not understand China (or the US for that matter).
Who is being isolationist and xenophobic now?

Those who would pretend that our national security and our national interests are served by closing our eyes, hiding behind the couch, and ignoring future problems because they think gutting the military will balance the budget are isolationists and fools.

Nobody mentioned xenophobia until you did.
I love how on one hand you people say the environment that business exists in is irrelevant, but then you completely destroy that entire argument by saying how the US provides a military and securit those businesses need, and that is exactly what obama said and knows. Of course, mittens thinks we don't need any of that shit because americans do it all on their own. Even you cannot buy your own bullshit.

Now you are off in your own little world. You are welcome to stay there by yourself for as long as you like.
Again, the only reason why China is a threat to anyone right now is because the people you suck up to made them one. .

The dusty old men in Beijing just love fools like you. Again, your far, far, far left extreme nonsense would be a danger if you and other peons like you weren't so utterly irrelevent.
Again, the only reason why China is a threat to anyone right now is because the people you suck up to made them one.

It's amusing how you try to match your childish ignorance to your far-left political agenda. Not realistic, but amusing.

China is only a threat because a lot of people who didn't want to pay an American or a Japanese or a Taiwanese a fair wage opened a factory there.

Now you're whining because they are using that power you gave them to push you around.

I don't give a fuck. If Taiwan and Japan get overrun, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Go wash out your Che t-shirt, you short-sighted idiot. You are starting to stink. It is so obvious why all your life you have been a follower, a grunt, a peon, and why you'll never be anything more. Even your stupid-ass lefty bumper-sticker slogans are out of date.
Yeah... like most Americans have a choice.

Of course you have a choice.
All it takes is a few minutes to see if there are American made alternatives.

I got into this argument here with someone else who went on and on about "you can't find anything made in America"...bullshit.

In my house...

Washer and Dryer...American made
Dishwasher...made in America
Oven....made in America

And all of them were competitively priced with others. It just takes a few minutes to search on the web to look for something you are in the market for.
Even the computer I am typing this on was assembled in America.

You know, you are right.... but it should be easier for everyone to know what products are American made. I've actually thought of the idea of a Department Store that only carries American Products... that way people will know that if they walk through those doors, they will be supporting American Companies that use American Workers.

I'd love to see a consortium of private businesses start a new manufacturing company that was all American, all American made products. They could start with clothes, it really doesn't matter. If it was marketed properly and the porducts were high quality, I think many Americans would look to buy that company's products, even if they had to pay more. Maybe it wouldn't go over well, but I think if it was promoted properly it would. Just as Walmart started out small, a manufacturing company like that could eventually become one of the biggest companies in the world.

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