China surpasses US military in Technology and Capability

If China wants to take out a carrier, they have the capability
Carriers have always been vulnerable to advanced weapons systems

However, if they were to initiate attacks, we could retaliate by wiping out their entire fleet.

If China attacks us, they will not do it militarily
They will launch a cyber attack

You are correct. We have allowed too much decay in the ship fleets and warplane stock. However we are still the bad boy on the block. If China sank even one escort ship they would pay for it 100 fold so fast and hard they wouldn't have time to heat their dog meat dinner before they had to start swimming. Trump would close down all trade Immediately...effectively constipating their outgoing sea ports.

The article's author is also a bit misinformed. The US Navy does have rail guns. But more to the point they also have littoral craft equipped with satellite guided weaponry that is virtually immune to interception. Within an hour after our loss I have no doubt that a dozen Chinese vessels would be going under.

Much of our fleet and airframes are quite old. But every military on earth has the same problem

Difference is that our equipment is well maintained and upgraded with the latest technology.
Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.
Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.

The US did not invent economics.
Chinese rail gun only shoot Fortune Cookie. Message inside say "BANG".
Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.

The US did not invent economics.
No, the US tax code made it desirable to invest overseas at the expense of the US worker, and I might add, encourage the technology transfer that has the OP in hysterics. and justifiably so.

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How the Tax Code Subsidizes Foreign Investment and How to Fix It
Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.

The US did not invent economics.
No, the US tax code made it desirable to invest overseas at the expense of the US worker, and I might add, encourage the technology transfer that has the OP in hysterics. and justifiably so.

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How the Tax Code Subsidizes Foreign Investment and How to Fix It

Cheaper labor would have been cheaper labor regardless.
Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.

The US did not invent economics.
No, the US tax code made it desirable to invest overseas at the expense of the US worker, and I might add, encourage the technology transfer that has the OP in hysterics. and justifiably so.

Shipping Jobs Overseas: How the Tax Code Subsidizes Foreign Investment and How to Fix It

Cheaper labor would have been cheaper labor regardless.
True, but would Honduras, for example, have required the transfer of technology that China demanded? Would Honduras have required US companies have 49% interest partners? W ould Honduras have used the state apparatus to conduct corporate espionage against these companies? Would these corporations have bowed down to nearly every demand the Honduran government made? Would Honduras have turned copyright infringement into a state enterprise and if they had would the corporations have just sat idly by?

Corporate greed got the better of CEOs. They made their money in the short-term. The Chinese are very smart. They think the long game and now it is paying off.

Let is see if the Chinese transfer its high technology to us or another country. We will have a long wait.
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Perhaps China would not be the threat they are today if the GOP had not made it advantageous for big corporations to relocate their operations overseas to China and big corporations had been so greedy that they bowed down to all the demands to the Chinese government. The US is as responsible for the rise of China as the Chinese themselves. We created this Chinese monster.

This is true
If the US hadn't fucked the wage market with minimum wage and "wage equality" and blah blah blah then businesses would have stayed in the US and cut out the middle man of shipping.
If the US hadn't fucked the wage market with minimum wage and "wage equality" and blah blah blah then businesses would have stayed in the US and cut out the middle man of shipping.
If American workers were willing to work for $2 an hour, jobs would not go to China
If the US hadn't fucked the wage market with minimum wage and "wage equality" and blah blah blah then businesses would have stayed in the US and cut out the middle man of shipping.
If American workers were willing to work for $2 an hour, jobs would not go to China

True story.

You're an idiot if you don't frankly. That's the trick to fucking with the min wage, you gotta keep it less than the cost of shipping the goods back into America. Unfortunately politicians are dumb shits and ignored that reality and balance. They let the OWS and $15/h idiots run their policy and made a damned mess. Oh and unions, they were the first dipshits.
If the US hadn't fucked the wage market with minimum wage and "wage equality" and blah blah blah then businesses would have stayed in the US and cut out the middle man of shipping.
no hiring ethic from the Age of Iron in Right to Work States? abolish their tax breaks.

Give me a fucking break with your racist identity politics, Age of Iron... lol

You're not even worth talking to with that kind of bullshit.
If China wants to take out a carrier, they have the capability
Carriers have always been vulnerable to advanced weapons systems

However, if they were to initiate attacks, we could retaliate by wiping out their entire fleet.

If China attacks us, they will not do it militarily
They will launch a cyber attack

You are correct. We have allowed too much decay in the ship fleets and warplane stock. However we are still the bad boy on the block. If China sank even one escort ship they would pay for it 100 fold so fast and hard they wouldn't have time to heat their dog meat dinner before they had to start swimming. Trump would close down all trade Immediately...effectively constipating their outgoing sea ports.

The article's author is also a bit misinformed. The US Navy does have rail guns. But more to the point they also have littoral craft equipped with satellite guided weaponry that is virtually immune to interception. Within an hour after our loss I have no doubt that a dozen Chinese vessels would be going under.

Much of our fleet and airframes are quite old. But every military on earth has the same problem

Difference is that our equipment is well maintained and upgraded with the latest technology.

I realize that it's heinously expensive and I understand the viewpoint of those who bemoan the enormity of the military budget. However the cost of being number one may be worth the price. There isn't anybody out there who wants to take on the US military conventionally not even China.

Why don`t we buy our war toys from China? We spend a whole lot more than they do on this crap but yet we`re afraid of them.
We execute people here too you know.

Not sure what you're saying?
Are you suggesting that China has equality to the USA when it comes to human rights and due process?

I will give you that due process has deteriorated significantly over the last few decades and the US is indeed moving towards a more oppressive government.
When strategic thinking clings to the past, very expensive and fatal mistakes are made. The U.S. is wasting time and resources on outmoded concepts.
I have and I do by the hundreds. Your hysteria is off the mark.

You're claiming to have considerable knowledge of Chinese culture and government.
Mostly defending Communism and against the US.
Can you expound on this please? How do we know you're not simply a Communist yourself for example?
If the US hadn't fucked the wage market with minimum wage and "wage equality" and blah blah blah then businesses would have stayed in the US and cut out the middle man of shipping.
If American workers were willing to work for $2 an hour, jobs would not go to China

True story.

You're an idiot if you don't frankly. That's the trick to fucking with the min wage, you gotta keep it less than the cost of shipping the goods back into America. Unfortunately politicians are dumb shits and ignored that reality and balance. They let the OWS and $15/h idiots run their policy and made a damned mess. Oh and unions, they were the first dipshits.
American workers have suffered since the demise of unions to fight for their rights

American corporations are making record profits. Top executives make the most in the world. Yet the workers have been left behind and get an increasingly smaller piece of the pie

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