China suggests Italy may be the birthplace of COVID-19 pandemic


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I will never just dismiss something out of hand, this would certainly be a convenient outcome if it were true. It would also beg the question, "what about the Wet Markets that this was purportedly to have come from? Does Italy have bat soup on the menu"?

China is using a new study about the early, hidden spread of coronavirus in Italy to cast doubt on the firmly held assumption that the Asian nation was the birthplace of the pandemic, according to reports.

Officials in Beijing are pushing a new study that suggests the contagion may have been spreading in the European nation as early as September — three months before it was confirmed to be spreading in the long-assumed epicenter in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the Times of London noted.

The Asian nation has also previously questioned Spain about the origins of the pandemic, as well as the US military, claiming it brought the virus to Wuhan in October last year during the Military World Games, the report said.

Chinese state media have now been strongly pushing the idea that the new study by the National Cancer Institute proves that the contagion likely started in Italy, not China, according to the UK paper.
China has a lot in common with Democrats and OJ. They're all lying bitches.

I think this entire Biden episode is not about the USA at all.....

it's about the rise of China

We know that Biden loves China, and that China is aggressively expanding.
I think we are witnessing a turning point at which China is about to realize it's ultimate goal of world domination.

Democrats will certainly hand over as much of the USA to China as they can (as always)
I think this entire Biden episode is not about the USA at all.....

it's about the rise of China

We know that Biden loves China, and that China is aggressively expanding.
I think we are witnessing a turning point at which China is about to realize it's ultimate goal of world domination.

Democrats will certainly hand over as much of the USA to China as they can (as always)
I don't doubt it. Many of the Chinese have that same "faux" conservatism ("Faux News", Rupert Murdoch, anyone? Same old mainstream media?) as American and European Christian labor unions (CDU, CSU, as EU itself) with the same allowance for abortion and heavy persecution of political dissidents and targeted individuals.

"Labor" possibly related to Latin labium ("lip") --- like servants giving lip service or "eyeservice as menpleasers." etc.

"Lip Christians" they are called...
Thank you shockedcanadian for trying to keep an open mind on this matter. I know you are one of the hardest anti-CCP commenters on this board, so it is even more to your credit that you are trying to be fair..

There have indeed been other earlier reports that indicate that the COVID-19 virus likely was circulating among humans in Italy and elsewhere long before the outbreak in Wuhan was recognized, quickly spread, and its DNA sequence isolated and revealed to the world.

Given the tricky nature of this virus, and the still uneven nature of Chinese society and medical facilities, in my opinion the virus was almost certainly circulating unrecognized in rural areas of China for a very long time before the winter outbreak in the teaming central Yangtze city of Wuhan. In crowded Chinese cities like Wuhan several generations usually live together in small apartments in towering apartment buildings, and the huge wholesale markets are precisely where middlemen from rural areas bring their produce.

Official Chinese news has not generally lied about what is known of the virus origins — as has our President and rightwing propagandists in the U.S.A. It is certainly true that some on the Chinese internet have voiced anti-Western conspiracy theories. Various Chinese official press outlets and even diplomats have on occasion mentioned, but never insisted on the truth of, unproven counter-conspiracy charges, as in the case of the hundreds of U.S. soldier athletes who were living and competing in Wuhan for weeks in October 2019 in the first ever “Military Olympics” held there. The “counter-conspiracy conspiracy”official comments were largely in response to outrageous and very dangerous charges in the West that the virus was intentionally released or spread by the CCP.

Here is a recent South Chinese Morning Post article, as well as an earlier Global Times one, discussing various Western reports of possible early presence and spread of COVID in Italy and elsewhere:

Research suggesting Covid-19 was in Italy in 2019 hit by backlash

Virus found in sewage in Italy strong evidence of earlier existence of novel coronavirus: Zhong Nanshan - Global Times
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Thank you shockedcanadian for trying to keep an open mind on this matter. I know you are one of the hardest anti-CCP commenters on this board, so it is even more to your credit that you are trying to be fair..

There have indeed been other earlier reports that indicate that the COVID-19 virus likely was circulating among humans in Italy and elsewhere long before the outbreak in Wuhan was recognized, quickly spread, and its DNA sequence isolated and revealed to the world.

Given the tricky nature of this virus, and the still uneven nature of Chinese society and medical facilities, in my opinion the virus was almost certainly circulating unrecognized in rural areas of China for a very long time before the winter outbreak in the teaming central Yangtze city of Wuhan. In crowded Chinese cities like Wuhan several generations usually live together in small apartments in towering apartment buildings, and the huge wholesale markets are precisely where middlemen from rural areas bring their produce.

Official Chinese news has not generally lied about what is known of the virus origins — as has our President and rightwing propagandists in the U.S.A. It is certainly true that some on the Chinese internet have voiced anti-Western conspiracy theories. Various Chinese official press outlets and even diplomats have on occasion mentioned, but never insisted on the truth of, unproven counter-conspiracy charges, as in the case of the hundreds of U.S. soldier athletes who were living and competing in Wuhan for weeks in October 2019 in the first ever “Military Olympics” held there. The “counter-conspiracy conspiracy”official comments were largely in response to outrageous and very dangerous charges in the West that the virus was intentionally released or spread by the CCP.

Here is a recent South Chinese Morning Post article, as well as an earlier Global Times one, discussing various Western reports of possible early presence and spread of COVID in Italy and elsewhere:

Research suggesting Covid-19 was in Italy in 2019 hit by backlash

Virus found in sewage in Italy strong evidence of earlier existence of novel coronavirus: Zhong Nanshan - Global Times

The problem with the theory that it had been circulating so far back, is that it would have spread just as quickly.

The theory of it starting in Italy also doesn't pass the sniff test of the reaction of the Communists, who had the top doctors who blew the whistle "disappear". Italy, would not have hid it from the world, they would have alerted everyone and also wanted assistance.

China is proud and run by arrogance in too many places, they would have tried to contain it internally. Then, in my estimation, they allowed it to spread to the world recognizing that they couldn't handle it and they needed the world to suffer, a) to protect their economy b) in hopes foreign nations would be forced to find a vaccine, a la USA, yet again. c) maybe as a convenient bonus, to impact the U.S election.

There are other theories, I will stick to this one until I believe otherwise. If China was so convinced it began in Italy, why did they block W.H.O inspectors from going to Wuhan?
If China was so convinced it began in Italy ...
The Chinese scientists and officials in your own article and in every article I have read do NOT say they are convinced it started in Italy. In your own article, for instance, they say “This once again shows that tracing the virus’s source is a complex scientific question that should be left to scientists.”
People. It's always China. It's ALWAYS China. Very few epidemic diseases have come from anywhere else. Apparently they overcrowd there and live in unsanitary ways. Both 6th century and 14th century Bubonic Plagues came from China, and probably the 1918 influenza.

Once in a while something comes from Africa -- Ebola and Yellow Fever -- and one disease actually came from pre-Columbus Americas (syphillis), but mostly --- count on it being from China.

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