The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents!
The chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

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If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents, the chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

Great post, thanks. The type of reset the world needs is a reset to about the Bronze Age. We need to get rid of all electronic devices; computers, cell phones, the internet, television and even electricity itself. In effect the inventions of big tech have become godlike in their ability to track, influence and control billions of people all at once. Hell, Google has essentially become God for the way people "pray" to it by typing even simple questions into its search engine box.

If mankind is to survive and thrive as a species then we must do away with all modern tech; it's the only way to be sure . . .
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents, the chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

Great post, thanks. The type of reset the world needs is a reset to about the Bronze Age. We need to get rid of all electronic devices; computers, cell phones, the internet, television and even electricity itself. In effect the inventions of big tech have become godlike in their ability to track, influence and control billions of people all at once. Hell, Google has essentially become God for the way people "pray" to it by typing even simple questions into its search engine box.

If mankind is to survive and thrive as a species then we must do away with all modern tech; it's the only way to be sure . . .
I think that is what happens when Jesus returns. He destroys all forms of Human Government, cleanses The Earth of all pollution, and restores it to The Garden of Eden, and people can live to 1,000 years old and still look like young men and women. A lion will lay down with a lamb, and many other wonderful things in The Millennial Kingdom, and then it gets better because we get a New Earth and New Heavens which will be Eternal.
The Title should have read Biometric ID Cards, and I should have went on to explain that they are developing Biometric implants.
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents, the chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

Great post, thanks. The type of reset the world needs is a reset to about the Bronze Age. We need to get rid of all electronic devices; computers, cell phones, the internet, television and even electricity itself. In effect the inventions of big tech have become godlike in their ability to track, influence and control billions of people all at once. Hell, Google has essentially become God for the way people "pray" to it by typing even simple questions into its search engine box.

If mankind is to survive and thrive as a species then we must do away with all modern tech; it's the only way to be sure . . .
I think that is what happens when Jesus returns. He destroys all forms of Human Government, cleanses The Earth of all pollution, and restores it to The Garden of Eden, and people can live to 1,000 years old and still look like young men and women. A lion will lay down with a lamb, and many other wonderful things in The Millennial Kingdom, and then it gets better because we get a New Earth and New Heavens which will be Eternal.

Jesus is not going to come back. The book of Revelation is of a man who wrote a delusional book. Jesus whoever he was is dead, long in the grave, rotted , when you die your going to rot in your grave. There is no life after death, this is all there is.

There is no New Earth, we have to take care of the earth we have.

I hate to be so rash, but this is all there is.
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents!
The chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

How about the one they obviously implanted in joe seems to make his mind go on the fritz most days....they need to give him the upgrade in case he steals the election.
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents, the chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

Great post, thanks. The type of reset the world needs is a reset to about the Bronze Age. We need to get rid of all electronic devices; computers, cell phones, the internet, television and even electricity itself. In effect the inventions of big tech have become godlike in their ability to track, influence and control billions of people all at once. Hell, Google has essentially become God for the way people "pray" to it by typing even simple questions into its search engine box.

If mankind is to survive and thrive as a species then we must do away with all modern tech; it's the only way to be sure . . .
I think that is what happens when Jesus returns. He destroys all forms of Human Government, cleanses The Earth of all pollution, and restores it to The Garden of Eden, and people can live to 1,000 years old and still look like young men and women. A lion will lay down with a lamb, and many other wonderful things in The Millennial Kingdom, and then it gets better because we get a New Earth and New Heavens which will be Eternal.

Jesus is not going to come back. The book of Revelation is of a man who wrote a delusional book. Jesus whoever he was is dead, long in the grave, rotted , when you die your going to rot in your grave. There is no life after death, this is all there is.

There is no New Earth, we have to take care of the earth we have.

I hate to be so rash, but this is all there is.

You better hope you are right....cause the way you and the other left wingers are conducting yourselves will not go well when he returns....
If you think this is all a hoax as The Left keeps saying it is, then you are blind and ignorant and you are allowing yourself to be deceived. Right now, tests are going on everywhere. It is no longer talk about Patents, the chips are already being tested, and soon you will be forced to have one to prove you are vaccinated.

China is the major driver in The Great Reset. They want all barriers removed from the ability of Communism to spread across The Globe and The UN and many Nations are in Lock Step with them. Only patriots in certain countries are currently holding this attack on Human Freedoms off for the time being.

The Great Reset is the same as The New Normal, The New World Order. And if you think it isn't real, ask yourself why you have been under a Chinese style form or Martial Law in 2020 under the guise of a so called Pandemic that has a 99% recovery rate?

Fraud, Deception in The Age of Deception. Deception by the way is the name of the horse the first horseman of the apocalypse rides upon, and just like in The Book of Revelation, The Great Reset mirrors many spooky policies talked about there.

No Privacy
No Private Property
100% Managed Digital Economy that requires a Digital ID (implanted)
Complete control over who is allowed to buy or sell, and if you don't comply you starve.
Depopulation, Restriction of Movement, No Religious Freedom, No Freedom of Speech, No Right to Bear Arms, No Freedom of Choice, and No America.

And of course, when someone like Trudeau tries to explain these things, he lets it slip that there will be a singular global leader that will run it all, AKA Anti Christ.

Great post, thanks. The type of reset the world needs is a reset to about the Bronze Age. We need to get rid of all electronic devices; computers, cell phones, the internet, television and even electricity itself. In effect the inventions of big tech have become godlike in their ability to track, influence and control billions of people all at once. Hell, Google has essentially become God for the way people "pray" to it by typing even simple questions into its search engine box.

If mankind is to survive and thrive as a species then we must do away with all modern tech; it's the only way to be sure . . .
I think that is what happens when Jesus returns. He destroys all forms of Human Government, cleanses The Earth of all pollution, and restores it to The Garden of Eden, and people can live to 1,000 years old and still look like young men and women. A lion will lay down with a lamb, and many other wonderful things in The Millennial Kingdom, and then it gets better because we get a New Earth and New Heavens which will be Eternal.

Jesus is not going to come back. The book of Revelation is of a man who wrote a delusional book. Jesus whoever he was is dead, long in the grave, rotted , when you die your going to rot in your grave. There is no life after death, this is all there is.

There is no New Earth, we have to take care of the earth we have.

I hate to be so rash, but this is all there is.

You better hope you are right....cause the way you and the other left wingers are conducting yourselves will not go well when he returns....

He won't return and I'm confident.
Chinese biometric card implants are a seamless fit with their Social Status Rating system. Throw in Artificial Intelligence, and voila!, they'll have the perfect Totalitarian tracking system.
Dimm's are salivating over the prospect of eventually implementing it here. Especially since American Big Tech is in place and eager to go!

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