China looks to ramp up nuclear power construction


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
China looks to ramp up nuclear power construction
There are calls to start construction on as many as 500 new nuclear reactors domestically in China by 2050, and even more abroad, China could single-handedly more than double the number of reactors worldwide. China will need to build as many as 10-12 reactors a year, roughly double France’s record pace in the 1980s.

Experts believe China has the production capacity to meet the demanding schedule, it is currently projected to approve no more than six to eight new reactors this year, potentially ramping up to 10 or more annually by the beginning of the next decade

President Xi had a speech which suggests, the government’s interest in nuclear energy goes beyond economic concerns. Beijing claims the industry is also key to reducing the ubiquitous haze from the country’s many coal-fired power plants.

Curbing smog is a top priority for China’s leadership, which is nervous that failure to solve the problem may lead to social unrest.

Concern over the issue seems to have added some pressure to speed up construction.

Go China, Go. Nuclear is a awesome choice over shitty coal and natural gas! This and renewables = a winner.
lol, now they are talking the words of a Communist country as if they are honorable.

my gawd mat. your mind is warped in one direction in life. I would hope you're not that gullible. but then again seeing your thread posted.

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Staph, you are so silly. The Chinese are human beings just like you and I. They have aspirations for a better future for their descendents, just as you and I. They have nearly 1.5 billion people to take care of, a history of bloody revolutions, and are desperately trying to stay ahead of the curve of expectations and reality.

So, the Chinese are investing in all the sources of energy they can, trying to bring the standard of living up for the average Chinese, before that person decides violence is a rational choice to try to achieve something better.

Factor in the results of increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere, and you have a voliatile mixture for all of us. As the picture of Earthrise from the moon showed us, it is one small planet, and no man is an island unto himself. The bell tolls for us all.

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