China imposes sanctions on 28 Trump-era officials including Pompeo

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.


BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it wanted to cooperate with President Joe Biden’s new U.S. administration, while announcing sanctions against “lying and cheating” outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and 27 other top officials under Donald Trump.

The move was a sign of China’s anger, especially at an accusation Pompeo made on his final full day in office that China had committed genocide against its Uighur Muslims, an assessment that Biden’s choice to succeed Pompeo, Anthony Blinken, said he shared....

The other outgoing and former Trump officials sanctioned included trade chief Peter Navarro, National Security Advisers Robert O’Brien and John Bolton, Health Secretary Alex Azar, U.N. ambassador Kelly Craft and former top Trump aide Steve Bannon....

The 28 ex-officials and immediate family members would be banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong or Macao, and companies and institutions associated with them restricted from doing business with China....

China imposes sanctions on 28 Trump-era officials including Pompeo


See my comment below outlining a more appropriate view of the situation in Xinjiang. If the Biden Administration wants a decent relationship with China, it can negotiate harder and more effectively, but it must respect China’s own national security “red llnes” — and stop using inflammatory language as with this charge of “genocide.”
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Awoman, brother!
Lets just ignore what they are doing to millions of people. Lets ignore the human rights abuses, murder, education camps, and forced sterilization. Lets ignore the fact that the birth rate for chinese uyghurs have dropped 60% in a couple years.
GREAT idea!
"inflammatory language" my ass. GFY
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.


BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it wanted to cooperate with President Joe Biden’s new U.S. administration, while announcing sanctions against “lying and cheating” outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and 27 other top officials under Donald Trump.

The move was a sign of China’s anger, especially at an accusation Pompeo made on his final full day in office that China had committed genocide against its Uighur Muslims, an assessment that Biden’s choice to succeed Pompeo, Anthony Blinken, said he shared....

The other outgoing and former Trump officials sanctioned included trade chief Peter Navarro, National Security Advisers Robert O’Brien and John Bolton, Health Secretary Alex Azar, U.N. ambassador Kelly Craft and former top Trump aide Steve Bannon....

The 28 ex-officials and immediate family members would be banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong or Macao, and companies and institutions associated with them restricted from doing business with China....

China imposes sanctions on 28 Trump-era officials including Pompeo


See my comment outlining a more appropriate view of the situation in Xinjiang. If the Biden Administration wants a decent relationship with China, it can negotiate harder and more effectively, but it must respect China’s own national security “red llnes” — and stop using inflammatory language as with this charge of “genocide.”

Peking Review; 1966!!!

Tom, do you work for CCP?
Do you, AMart , work as an assassin and Stalinist — as your cartoon would indicate?

I am a third and fourth generation American, and I don’t work for any party or any government. After decades working with heavy machinery on a blue collar job in the U.S., I’ve retired on Social Security and a small pension. Like my own moniker, Thomas Paine, I style myself a people’s patriot and propagandist fighting for the ideals of liberty everywhere.
Tom, do you work for CCP?
Do you, AMart , work as an assassin and Stalinist — as your cartoon would indicate?

I am a third and fourth generation American, and I don’t work for any party or any government. After decades working with heavy machinery on a blue collar job in the U.S., I’ve retired on Social Security and a small pension. Like my own moniker, Thomas Paine, I style myself a people’s patriot and propagandist fighting for the ideals of liberty everywhere.
Fighting for liberty everywhere yet want to ignore what the chinese are doing lol. Ok bro :dunno:
Tom, do you work for CCP?
Do you, AMart , work as an assassin and Stalinist — as your cartoon would indicate?

I am a third and fourth generation American, and I don’t work for any party or any government. After decades working with heavy machinery on a blue collar job in the U.S., I’ve retired on Social Security and a small pension. Like my own moniker, Thomas Paine, I style myself a people’s patriot and propagandist fighting for the ideals of liberty everywhere.
Only brainwashed people think that Trump losing an election means the election was ... stolen.

Only fools call everybody they don’t like politically a ... communist (or fascist).

Only brainwashed fools call every kind of serious oppression that occurs in another country ... genocide.
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your comments here, but am I take this as you standing up for an oppressive regime that tortures and murders its own people?
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.


BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it wanted to cooperate with President Joe Biden’s new U.S. administration, while announcing sanctions against “lying and cheating” outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and 27 other top officials under Donald Trump.

The move was a sign of China’s anger, especially at an accusation Pompeo made on his final full day in office that China had committed genocide against its Uighur Muslims, an assessment that Biden’s choice to succeed Pompeo, Anthony Blinken, said he shared....

The other outgoing and former Trump officials sanctioned included trade chief Peter Navarro, National Security Advisers Robert O’Brien and John Bolton, Health Secretary Alex Azar, U.N. ambassador Kelly Craft and former top Trump aide Steve Bannon....

The 28 ex-officials and immediate family members would be banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong or Macao, and companies and institutions associated with them restricted from doing business with China....

China imposes sanctions on 28 Trump-era officials including Pompeo


See my comment below outlining a more appropriate view of the situation in Xinjiang. If the Biden Administration wants a decent relationship with China, it can negotiate harder and more effectively, but it must respect China’s own national security “red llnes” — and stop using inflammatory language as with this charge of “genocide.”
Once Chairman Biden was installed his bosses wasted time in getting their payback.
Only brainwashed people think that Trump losing an election means the election was ... stolen.

Only fools call everybody they don’t like politically a ... communist (or fascist).

Only brainwashed fools call every kind of serious oppression that occurs in another country ... genocide.
So, are there words you would prefer people use to describe the way you use subterfuge in your dedication to supporting Chinese communist interests up to and including their mass murder of certain ethnicities?
Tom, do you work for CCP?
Do you, AMart , work as an assassin and Stalinist — as your cartoon would indicate?

I am a third and fourth generation American, and I don’t work for any party or any government. After decades working with heavy machinery on a blue collar job in the U.S., I’ve retired on Social Security and a small pension. Like my own moniker, Thomas Paine, I style myself a people’s patriot and propagandist fighting for the ideals of liberty everywhere.
Ah, you are just like Tom Payne fighting for liberty. Got it.

Now, I have read his thoughts on the tyranny of the majority, but seem to recall that he was rather against it. Could you do me a solid and reference those passages pertinent to the suggestion that liberty is achieved through genocide?

thanks in advance.
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your comments here, but am I take this as you standing up for an oppressive regime that tortures and murders its own people?
I assume you mean the regime in China. It seems you see the Xinjiang Uighurs as essentially Chinese people. They are Chinese citizens of course. But as Muslims who have different traditions and their own language, many of them do see themselves as very distinct from Han Chinese “people.” That has created serious unresolved problems in the past, including even a few very bloody Uighur riots against Han civilians. The Chinese are not about to let these internal issues resolve itself into ethnic civil war as occurred in Afghanistan (with our help) or in Syria or Iraq. They believe they have the raw power to do better. The CCP thinks, perhaps correctly / perhaps mistakenly, it can eventually integrate Uighurs into an ever more prosperous modern China, as they have the Hui Muslim people: Hui people - Wikipedia

You are mistaken if you think I “support” the “CCP regime” or its policies. But words have meaning. And language charging Chinese “genocide” is provocatively wrong and inappropriate here.
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Only brainwashed people think that Trump losing an election means the election was ... stolen.

Only fools call everybody they don’t like politically a ... communist (or fascist).

Only brainwashed fools call every kind of serious oppression that occurs in another country ... genocide.
Seems that back in 2016 only brainwashed people thought Russia colluded with President Trump
Only fools were whiney and bitching that they didnt get Hitlery in the office.
Only brainwashed fools will follow a bunch of Socialists who will lead this country to ruin...

When you want to reeducate me, please come knocking at my door, Tom Paine,. do you have the guts to face me or will you hide like a chicken shit prog, throwing insults my way, while behind the full force of the Socialist government? Fuck you dick for brains.
This week Mike Pompeo came up with a new disruptive international version of Trump’s “Stop the STEAL!” It was “Stop the GENOCIDE in Xinjiang!”

Biden’s administration at present is endorsing this new dangerous and demagogic slogan, which will only exacerbate the new China-U.S. Cold War. The U.S. is continuing to extend political/economic sanctions to Chinese leaders and companies, as they have done to Russian banks and individuals earlier. Two can play at these games.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your comments here, but am I take this as you standing up for an oppressive regime that tortures and murders its own people?
I assume you mean the regime in China. It seems you see the Xinjiang Uighurs as essentially Chinese people. They are Chinese citizens of course. But as Muslims who have different traditions and their own language, many of them do see themselves as very distinct from Han Chinese “people.” That has created serious unresolved problems in the past, including even a few very bloody Uighur riots against Han civilians. The Chinese are not about to let these internal issues resolve itself into ethnic civil war as occurred in Afghanistan (with our help) or in Syria or Iraq. They believe they have the raw power to do better. The CCP thinks, perhaps correctly / perhaps mistakenly, it can eventually integrate Uighurs into an ever more prosperous modern China, as they have the Hui Muslim people: Hui people - Wikipedia

You are mistaken if you think I “support” the “CCP regime” or its policies. But words have meaning. And language charging Chinese “genocide” is provocatively wrong and inappropriate here.
Okay it isnt genocide, it is CCP keeping people as slaves...Do you like slavery Tom?

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