If you have a question about his record as a State Senator, representing the South Side of Chicago, what bills he voted for or against, I'd be happy to discuss that with you. His time as a State Senator has nothing to do with crime in Chicago. And his time as a United States Senator... well, let's see here, last time I checked, there were other cities in Illinois and wait.. wait...
BREAKING NEWS! There are 10 million more people in Illinois than there are in Chicago. Obama is a Senator of Illinois, NOT Chicago. And as a State Senator, you can only vote on bills for Illinois.
By definition, John McCain, Senator of Arizona is responsible for the 12% of the population of Phoenix Arizona living below the poverty line, the 8% of all homes in Arizona that are being hit by the housing crisis, the thousands of murders that have happened in Arizona and don't forget the abysmal record of the Phoenix Cardinals.