Cheney protects the public health....

You realize that cdc director Gerberding is just a political hack...
Julie Gerberding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wouldn't trust anything she says.

Per wiki:
CDC restructuring
Soon after her arrival at the CDC, Gerberding began an overhaul of the agency's organizational structure. Since the restructuring began, many of the CDC's senior scientists and leaders have either left or have announced plans to leave.[1]

Gerberding's leadership of the CDC has been the subject of an inquiry by the United States Senate Finance Committee. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the committee, has announced that the committee is trying to determine whether the upheaval at the agency has jeopardized its scientific mission. Among several lines of inquiry, the committee is investigating the circumstances surrounding the receipt of premium bonuses by members of an inner circle of officials at the CDC, at the expense of scientists and others who perform much of the agency's scientific work. Administrators inside Gerberding's office have benefited the most. William Gimson III, the agency's chief operating officer, received bonuses totaling $147,863 between 2002 and mid-2006.

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