....Check Your Listings Tonight ---- HBO Documentary on January 6th


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021

Well, there were references to this documentary in recent threads.
It is now available on HBO tonight.

Let's all see how this very newsworthy event is reported in this documentary.

Will be interested to read the views on this from members here.

Well, there were references to this documentary in recent threads.
It is now available on HBO tonight.

Let's all see how this very newsworthy event is reported in this documentary.

Will be interested to read the views on this from members here.
Insurrectionists ! Lol. Sure.

Well, there were references to this documentary in recent threads.
It is now available on HBO tonight.

Let's all see how this very newsworthy event is reported in this documentary.

Will be interested to read the views on this from members here.
Don't forget yer hand lube bro....................just sayin..................go for the max
LMAO is this a work of fiction??
More fiction from HBO.

Golly, posters Legend and Lenny, I don't think it is fiction, at least the reviews don't indicate that.

How 'bout this----- watch it and then report back to the forum as to the nature of this documentary. Your analysis on here is as good as anyone's, so why not contribute in a thoughtful manner after you've actually viewed it?


Insurrectionists ! Lol. Sure.
Don't forget yer hand lube bro

Golly, posters 'Whodat' and 'Hang'......maybe after you actually watch the documentary you can offer the forum your considered views on its accuracy and credibility.
Why not?
Perhaps, your perspectives could have degree of informative insight?
Will look forward to your analysis.
Golly, posters Legend and Lenny, I don't think it is fiction, at least the reviews don't indicate that.

How 'bout this----- watch it and then report back to the forum as to the nature of this documentary. Your analysis on here is as good as anyone's, so why not contribute in a thoughtful manner after you've actually viewed it?


Golly, posters 'Whodat' and 'Hang'......maybe after you actually watch the documentary you can offer the forum your considered views on its accuracy and credibility.
Why not?
Perhaps, your perspectives could have degree of informative insight?
Will look forward to your analysis.
How many were charged with insurrection? So how are there insurrectionists?
Give me your insight!
"Give me your insight!"

Glad you asked, poster 'Whodat'.

Personally, I think it looked like an 'insurrection', but......I ain't a lawyer. I ain't a DOJ prosecutor. I'll trust their judgment on what can be proved in a court of law. If they feel hey have a better chance of a conviction....and a 20yr prison sentence for assaulting a Federal uniformed officer vs. a more difficult to prove 'insurrection' with its 10yr prison sentence.

So, for me, poster Whodat.....I'm quite OK with a spanking of 20yrs in some prison here in the States.
And you?
Golly, posters Legend and Lenny, I don't think it is fiction, at least the reviews don't indicate that.

How 'bout this----- watch it and then report back to the forum as to the nature of this documentary. Your analysis on here is as good as anyone's, so why not contribute in a thoughtful manner after you've actually viewed it?

Golly, posters 'Whodat' and 'Hang'......maybe after you actually watch the documentary you can offer the forum your considered views on its accuracy and credibility.
Why not?
Perhaps, your perspectives could have degree of informative insight?
Will look forward to your analysis.
What you ask is fair. I've never wasted a penny on HBO in my life so I have an obstacle in my way. Not signing up tonight

If you planned an event that had many people coming, but were warned for weeks trouble was coming. What would you do if you were warned trouble was coming and you knew security was not enough...What would you do?????........What Would You Do??????
"Excellent documentary."

I thought it was gripping. A 'no-bathroom-break' kind of program.

A couple take-aways for me:

1. Clearly and definitively puts the lie to the jackassery of saying: 'it was like a tourist visit'; 'they just took selfies'; the cops let 'em in'; or it was a lovefest, "zero threat" with folks hugging and kissing the police'.
Unadulterated jackassery.

2. It was even more violent than I had thought, and I've seen that doorway struggle several times, tho not the tunnel entry violence. The one cop made what must be a relevant observation: "It was like a medieval battle".....and it lasted hours. No wonder they were exhausted.

3. And then, from the mouths of the police we get their actual description of picking up a gun that fell out of perpetrators jacket when they struggled. Another officer wrestling a 6" knife from a perp. And I saw clearly the one perp with a claw-hammer upraised as the mob rushed up the scaffolding stairs.

4. I would wish that it would play over and over again on all the networks. Show America that many of these rioters....'insurrectionists'.....were violent deluded knuckleheads and they really did intend to stop the peaceful transfer of power, and really did want to force America to accept another term in office for Trump

5. And then, Adam Kinzinger (I think it was him, could be wrong)....but one of the talking heads described the fear of Don Trump using this attack on the Capitol and the disruption of the vote certification as an excuse to claim marshal law and stay in office.

6. Lastly, all Americans should see it. And I most surely hope that the amateur online sleuths, like Sedition Hunters, saw faces and actions there where they can they go to work and ID these perps...leading to an arrest. Sedition Hunters
Glad you asked, poster 'Whodat'.

Personally, I think it looked like an 'insurrection', but......I ain't a lawyer. I ain't a DOJ prosecutor. I'll trust their judgment on what can be proved in a court of law. If they feel hey have a better chance of a conviction....and a 20yr prison sentence for assaulting a Federal uniformed officer vs. a more difficult to prove 'insurrection' with its 10yr prison sentence.

So, for me, poster Whodat.....I'm quite OK with a spanking of 20yrs in some prison here in the States.
And you?
How do you feel about the antifa and blm " insurrection " ?
I thought it was gripping. A 'no-bathroom-break' kind of program.

A couple take-aways for me:

1. Clearly and definitively puts the lie to the jackassery of saying: 'it was like a tourist visit'; 'they just took selfies'; the cops let 'em in'; or it was a lovefest, "zero threat" with folks hugging and kissing the police'.
Unadulterated jackassery.

2. It was even more violent than I had thought, and I've seen that doorway struggle several times, tho not the tunnel entry violence. The one cop made what must be a relevant observation: "It was like a medieval battle".....and it lasted hours. No wonder they were exhausted.

3. And then, from the mouths of the police we get their actual description of picking up a gun that fell out of perpetrators jacket when they struggled. Another officer wrestling a 6" knife from a perp. And I saw clearly the one perp with a claw-hammer upraised as the mob rushed up the scaffolding stairs.

4. I would wish that it would play over and over again on all the networks. Show America that many of these rioters....'insurrectionists'.....were violent deluded knuckleheads and they really did intend to stop the peaceful transfer of power, and really did want to force America to accept another term in office for Trump

5. And then, Adam Kinzinger (I think it was him, could be wrong)....but one of the talking heads described the fear of Don Trump using this attack on the Capitol and the disruption of the vote certification as an excuse to claim marshal law and stay in office.

6. Lastly, all Americans should see it. And I most surely hope that the amateur online sleuths, like Sedition Hunters, saw faces and actions there where they can they go to work and ID these perps...leading to an arrest. Sedition Hunters
Talk about a fucking drama queen . Queen.
wow. This looks like the slickest made propaganda in a long time.

It almost makes you wonder why they are making folks pay such a high rate for it.

I guess the entertainment factor for this partisan political illusion pays well.


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