Cheated on......

Have You Ever Been Cheated On?

  • Yes. Once.

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Yes. More than Once

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Maybe. I have suspected

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • I believe in free love

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters
Not on my husband, but on others? Yes indeedy!
Not all of them, but a few - but I broke up with them right away, I can't carry on with 2 peeps at once... I'm not built that way
Yes oh yes...and I will never forgive or forget. Evokes nothing but hate inside me

I was about 8 years old and I was playing Monopoly with my older brother and he was the banker and well do I have to go on?...... that bastard.
USU cheats all the time. That's how they win. You're in denial if you didn't know that.
USU learned it from Utah and BYU.

The Aggies hurt that Utah fullback, must have been many years ago, when they got him early in the first quarter. Yanked on his nuts for dissing the Aggies to the press before hand. He was out for the entire game.
USU learned it from Utah and BYU.

The Aggies hurt that Utah fullback, must have been many years ago, when they got him early in the first quarter. Yanked on his nuts for dissing the Aggies to the press before hand. He was out for the entire game.
Utah has broke off relations with byu. Coach 80k at Utah thinks byu is dirty. LOL
BYU is dirty, fact.

So is USU.

They all learned it from watching John Stockton play when they were young.
A partner can make one want to cheat, sure.

Life is full of holes through which we can misstep.

My ex-wife pushed me away. I paid all the bills - even though she worked. I put her through Nursing school. I paid the rent, insurances on both vehicles , paid for groceries , and made both vehicle payments - on a small Paramedic salary. I paid all the bills and then some.

Then she started lying to me. She then started frustrating me intentionally. So I told her that if things did not get straight we were done. Things did not get straight , so I asked her one morning when we woke up what she wanted. I filed for divorce a few days after that .

She saved face in front of her parents - to her family and acquaintances.... It all looked like my fault; when it was her.

Shadow 355
.... do you think you can do/say/act a certain way to cause your partner to cheat (or make it more likely)?

Women can be a pain in the rear end that us for sure. My ex done a 180 degree turn after we got married. She wanted a divorce I believe, but did not want to come out and say it. So she played mind games - lied to me and frustrated me into filing. She came out smelling like a rose to her family and friends.

Shadow 355
Twice for me.

The 1st time, I acted like a lunatic, stalker etc. Eventually got over it and moved out (only to jump in bed with a married man….) – then had a kid out of wedlock. Not my most shining moment!
2nd time the guy confessed to it. I think he did it mostly to hurt me, cause he never did it again.
That’s all that I KNOW about anyway……

You. WHYyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I can't believe a guy would cheat on you.

( exhale ) you?


Shadow 355
People need to be more up-front about what they want out of relationships. Instead, couples play around with romantic notions, and then become surprised when they are not on the same page.
.... do you think you can do/say/act a certain way to cause your partner to cheat (or make it more likely)?

Women can be a pain in the rear end that us for sure. My ex done a 180 degree turn after we got married. She wanted a divorce I believe, but did not want to come out and say it. So she played mind games - lied to me and frustrated me into filing. She came out smelling like a rose to her family and friends.

Shadow 355

that kind of manipulation is not limited to women, fyi!
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.... do you think you can do/say/act a certain way to cause your partner to cheat (or make it more likely)?

Women can be a pain in the rear end that us for sure. My ex done a 180 degree turn after we got married. She wanted a divorce I believe, but did not want to come out and say it. So she played mind games - lied to me and frustrated me into filing. She came out smelling like a rose to her family and friends.

Shadow 355

that kind of manipulation is no limited to women, fyi!
Men manipulate, I think, just as much as women.
.... do you think you can do/say/act a certain way to cause your partner to cheat (or make it more likely)?

Women can be a pain in the rear end that us for sure. My ex done a 180 degree turn after we got married. She wanted a divorce I believe, but did not want to come out and say it. So she played mind games - lied to me and frustrated me into filing. She came out smelling like a rose to her family and friends.

Shadow 355

that kind of manipulation is no limited to women, fyi!
Men manipulate, I think, just as much as women.

I've had relationships, were I have been the manipulator and the manipulated.
If you find there is no manipulation going on, you may have a winner!

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