Chauvin and Systemic Racism


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

I agree.

There is no evidence of racial motivation, there is a lot of evidence of increasing mental breakdown well before this incident.

One more reason the defense should have gone with diminished mental capacity.
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

Prosecution did a good job of limiting the charges to what they knew they could prove. Maybe he didn't have a social media posting history or US Message board posting history, showing racist remarks. Does not mean it was or wasn't, but by sticking to the easily proved, it was a slam dunk. Over charging and under delivering will sometimes piss a jury off and mess up the whole outcome.
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

Prosecution did a good job of limiting the charges to what they knew they could prove. Maybe he didn't have a social media posting history or US Message board posting history, showing racist remarks. Does not mean it was or wasn't, but by sticking to the easily proved, it was a slam dunk. Over charging and under delivering will sometimes piss a jury off and mess up the whole outcome.
Is it possible he was a bad cop but not a racist?
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

Prosecution did a good job of limiting the charges to what they knew they could prove. Maybe he didn't have a social media posting history or US Message board posting history, showing racist remarks. Does not mean it was or wasn't, but by sticking to the easily proved, it was a slam dunk. Over charging and under delivering will sometimes piss a jury off and mess up the whole outcome.
Is it possible he was a bad cop but not a racist?
Definitely a bad cop. I think he had 19 write ups in 20 years. Some of the complaints racial, but no action taken. Systemic racism is what the Attorney General is going to look into. If the atmosphere was there, he could have thought it ok or at least acceptable enough to get a way with it. He got away with all the prior complaints.
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

George Floyd was just another Michael Avenatti.
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.

No disagreement there.

In my opinion, this should be about police incompetence and accountability.
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.

No disagreement there.

In my opinion, this should be about police incompetence and accountability.

To be honest I don’t think this is a wide spread problem. I find it hard to believe it is. This cop that committed this murder did so in front of an audience filming him. Hard to imagine a more brazen act than that: I personally think this is a rare instance, rather than representative of a wide spread problem.
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.

No disagreement there.

In my opinion, this should be about police incompetence and accountability.

To be honest I don’t think this is a wide spread problem. I find it hard to believe it is. This cop that committed this murder did so in front of an audience filming him. Hard to imagine a more brazen act than that: I personally think this is a rare instance, rather than representative of a wide spread problem.

That’s interesting. I looked at Chauvin’s terrible act the way you did.

But look at how many people here were defending Chauvin. So eager to lick his boots despite what we all saw.

In my opinion, police officers have been politicized (like everything else). I can’t think of any other profession that has so many people ready to attack them or ready to defend them regardless of what they do.

I believe most police officers are good. But there isn’t enough accountability and they won’t police themselves. Look at what happened with Chauvin. He murdered someone in broad daylight IN FRONT OF 3 OTHER OFFICERS WHO DID NOTHING. How does that happen?
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

It's just that Demonicrats would sell their souls for power & money, and they're doing just that.
If the murder of George Floyd was an example of systemic racism as most of the News Entertainment Media says then why wasn’t Derek Chauvin charged with a hate crime or violation of civil rights?

Is it possible that Chauvin was just a bad cop?

I think they already violated double jeopardy by convicting him of three crimes already.

But since Chauvin was actually a trainer, then it is really the whole police force that is biased and overly violent, so you can't just blame Chauvin. The police force has gotten increasingly bad and violent in the last 20 years.
Don't know why? I am assuming it is military influence?
But Chauvin is far too common.
The fault has to be more systemic.
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.

No disagreement there.

In my opinion, this should be about police incompetence and accountability.

To be honest I don’t think this is a wide spread problem. I find it hard to believe it is. This cop that committed this murder did so in front of an audience filming him. Hard to imagine a more brazen act than that: I personally think this is a rare instance, rather than representative of a wide spread problem.

That’s interesting. I looked at Chauvin’s terrible act the way you did.

But look at how many people here were defending Chauvin. So eager to lick his boots despite what we all saw.

In my opinion, police officers have been politicized (like everything else). I can’t think of any other profession that has so many people ready to attack them or ready to defend them regardless of what they do.

That’s quite true. There were people on the cop’s side even though they didn’t follow the trial. At the same there are people who thought he was guilty without being privy to the details of the trial. I didn’t watch any of the trial, but recently saw the video of the cop’s knee of Floyd’s neck when Floyd was unconscious. Hard to find an excuse for that kind of behavior. Still statically speaking this doesn’t seem like a common occurrence. If you listened to some people you would think these instances happen all the time. I believe most cop’s are better than Chauvin
It’s impossible to determine if race was a factor in that incident.

Agreed. So Biden and Kamala Harris should stop making into a racial issue. I didn’t watch the trial, but I saw the video and thought there was excessive force. I’m not surprised they convicted the cop.

No disagreement there.

In my opinion, this should be about police incompetence and accountability.

To be honest I don’t think this is a wide spread problem. I find it hard to believe it is. This cop that committed this murder did so in front of an audience filming him. Hard to imagine a more brazen act than that: I personally think this is a rare instance, rather than representative of a wide spread problem.

No, believe me, at least a third of all cops are just as bad as Chauvin, if not worse.
Even the DC cop that shot Ashlie Babbitt could easily have missed and shot one of the 2 cops standing next to her.
Ohio police just shot Ma'Khia Bryant 4 times after she attacked someone with a knife, but not only did they not have to shoot 4 times, but the victim was right behind the assailant, and a miss would likely have killed the victim instead.
So there is REALLY something terribly wrong with police.
They no longer seem to want to use clubs, get close, or fire warning shots like they always used to.
Modern police seem to not know anything at all about how to be police?

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