Charlie Kirk discusses the MLK myth

Charlie Kirk is a known racist. No one cares what he thinks but other racists. White racists have long dissed King. Kirks claims are nothing new. There are no myths about King except for the ones Charlie Kirk created.
Kirk quotes King

Modern woke black activists are against King. They believe past discrimination is only defeated by returned present and future discrimination. They promote a racist ideology

Charlie Kirk is a known racist. No one cares what he thinks but other racists. White racists have long dissed King. Kirks claims are nothing new. There are no myths about King except for the ones Charlie Kirk created.

A racist is one who recognizes the problems blacks cause with their high rates of crime and welfare dependency.
No, it is not. All Blacks don't do.. (whatever) any more than all Whites do (whatever)

People need to as MLK said.. be "assessed" by their character, unique to each person.. not a group thing
Enough do it for them to have that reputation.

Your problem is that you have not lived around enough blacks. The south is where they are most dense.
It was going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide the truth forever. The American public has been hoodwinked long enough.

---Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," Kirk posted on X on Monday morning. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born."---

---"Ask yourself, why is exposing the flaws of MLK's life and character — something he said we should judge others by — so controversial? Has America become more colorblind, and merit based the more we have worshipped King?"---

Charlie Kirk lied.
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Kirk quotes King

Modern woke black activists are against King. They believe past discrimination is only defeated by returned present and future discrimination. They promote a racist ideology
BS. You don't know anything about King. Your whole veiw of him is created by one sentence taken out of context by whitess who practice racism. Past discrimination is why whites have what they do now. So what you're really saying is that certain whites want to continue benefitting from past racism by continuing the same racism.
All the information we need is in the FBI files.
I wouldn't trust the stuff J. Edgar Hoover created about King. We all know he wasn't perfect, but you racists want to try cancelling him because your slaveholding heroes are getting found out.
No, it is not. All Blacks don't do.. (whatever) any more than all Whites do (whatever)

People need to as MLK said.. be "assessed" by their character, unique to each person.. not a group thing
How about you go do more reading about King because King said that he dreamed about a place where his CHILDREN would not be judged by their skin color and thats because blacks were the ones judged by skin color, not whites. And damage created by laws made to benefit one group at the expense of another group cannot be fixed by looking at people as individuals.
It was going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide the truth forever. The American public has been hoodwinked long enough.

---Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," Kirk posted on X on Monday morning. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born."---

---"Ask yourself, why is exposing the flaws of MLK's life and character — something he said we should judge others by — so controversial? Has America become more colorblind, and merit based the more we have worshipped King?"---

Imagine that. Whites hating a black man for speaking in the 60's. I bet you think Kirk is some type of intellectual.
Nobody is a racist simply because you say they are. You just WANT him to be perceived as a racist because, in your puny brain, it gives you someone to blame your inadequacies on. Let's face facts: Black culture has failed. You should have assimilated. In fact, you still can. We just have to get all the racist scum like you out of the way first.
You're a coward. You arent going to get anyone out of the way.
He lived in his own time. And there are many black people with the integrity and courage to not acquiesce to the race hustlers. I would like to think MLK would be one of them.
The only blacks of that generation who recognized the bad turn the movement eventually took and who subsequently departed that scene have all been denigrated as Uncle Tom’s.
The only blacks of that generation who recognized the bad turn the movement eventually took and who subsequently departed that scene have all been denigrated as Uncle Tom’s.
I can't imagine MLK was much bothered by being called names any more than Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, William Raspberry and many many others who contributed so much positive energy to society and were MLK's contemporaries or maybe just a wee bit younger.
I can't imagine MLK was much bothered by being called names any more than Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, William Raspberry and many many others who contributed so much positive energy to society and were MLK's contemporaries or maybe just a wee bit younger.

Dr. King would still be fighting the same fight today that he was in 67, the men you named above go along to get along. It's funny because the same black men you call race hustlers today called Dr. King the same thing before they murdered him.

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