Charles Manson Follower Approved for Parole

And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
its not about sex have me mixed up with the dark side...
You can say that again. It's about the destruction of your own soul, Harry. Get out of it.
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
its not about sex have me mixed up with the dark side...
It is dark at night..
of your soul it seems
Keep her worthless ass in prison. Her victims are still deceased.

And, didn't they all receive death sentences originally that were changed to life instead when CA outlawed executions, or something like that?
In California the drugs used to execute murderers has been determined to be cruel.
In California, they also promote giving you drugs if you want to kill yourself.
Since there is no really nice way to execute someone...
Sure the people she helped execute would agree.
really?.....all those years those cops i had coffee with every morning were satanists and warlocks? Spock would say....."fascinating".....
And witches...
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

read the card.....
well i call females witches,males warlocks....we never had a female cop there...
That's something I just can't believe in..
its true an actual name is in the is my card....

It must be tiring doing the midnight orgies...
its not about sex have me mixed up with the dark side...
You can say that again. It's about the destruction of your own soul, Harry. Get out of it.
what?.....i have had an actual Angel, Uriel help me out on a few tougher cases....he said the guy upstairs sent him to give me a hand....
You know, if a person has a change in outlook and the way they do things while in jail, and it can be proven by the files that say she's a model prisoner, as well as helpful in getting the other inmates to learn, can't we accept that they've been trying to redeem themselves and give her a chance?

Hey Harry D. What's Uriel's take on this case?
If you look hard enough you can find the autopsy photos in both Manson family crime scenes. I'm not squeamish about this sort of thing being a combat Vet, but they are HORRIFIC. Sharon Tate in particular laying there with a rope around her neck, face slashed, baby in her belly stabbed repeatedly. Another man at the Tate home stabbed dozens of times in the head. The LoBianca scene where this bitch was, equally sadistic over-kill...the man had "war" carved into his stomach. Van Houten held a pillow over the woman's head while others stabbed her over and over again. She claims she was told to "do something" so she stabbed the woman herself, claiming "she was already dead"? Who says the LoBianca woman was dead....Van Houten? She and the rest should have been executed the day after they were found guilty. Why she's been warehoused all these years is a mystery to me.

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